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// Copyright (C) 2023 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Managed Collective Content Pallet
//! The pallet provides the functionality to store different types of content. This would typically
//! be used by an on-chain collective, such as the Polkadot Alliance or Ambassador Program.
//! The pallet stores content as an [OpaqueCid], which should correspond to some off-chain hosting
//! service, such as IPFS, and contain any type of data. Each type of content has its own origin
//! from which it can be managed. The origins are configurable in the runtime. Storing content does
//! not require a deposit, as it is expected to be managed by a trusted collective.
//! Content types:
//! - Collective [charter](pallet::Charter): A single document (`OpaqueCid`) managed by
//! [CharterOrigin](pallet::Config::CharterOrigin).
//! - Collective [announcements](pallet::Announcements): A list of announcements managed by
//! [AnnouncementOrigin](pallet::Config::AnnouncementOrigin).
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
mod mock;
mod tests;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
mod benchmarking;
pub mod weights;
pub use pallet::*;
pub use weights::WeightInfo;
use frame_support::{traits::schedule::DispatchTime, BoundedVec};
use sp_core::ConstU32;
/// IPFS compatible CID.
// Worst case 2 bytes base and codec, 2 bytes hash type and size, 64 bytes hash digest.
pub type OpaqueCid = BoundedVec<u8, ConstU32<68>>;
pub mod pallet {
use super::*;
use frame_support::{ensure, pallet_prelude::*};
use frame_system::pallet_prelude::*;
use sp_runtime::{traits::BadOrigin, Saturating};
/// The in-code storage version.
const STORAGE_VERSION: StorageVersion = StorageVersion::new(0);
pub struct Pallet<T, I = ()>(PhantomData<(T, I)>);
/// The module configuration trait.
pub trait Config<I: 'static = ()>: frame_system::Config {
/// The overarching event type.
type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self, I>>
+ IsType<<Self as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeEvent>;
/// Default lifetime for an announcement before it expires.
type AnnouncementLifetime: Get<BlockNumberFor<Self>>;
/// The origin to control the collective announcements.
type AnnouncementOrigin: EnsureOrigin<Self::RuntimeOrigin>;
/// Maximum number of announcements in the storage.
type MaxAnnouncements: Get<u32>;
/// The origin to control the collective charter.
type CharterOrigin: EnsureOrigin<Self::RuntimeOrigin>;
/// Weight information needed for the pallet.
type WeightInfo: WeightInfo;
pub enum Error<T, I = ()> {
/// The announcement is not found.
/// Number of announcements exceeds `MaxAnnouncementsCount`.
/// Cannot expire in the past.
#[pallet::generate_deposit(pub(super) fn deposit_event)]
pub enum Event<T: Config<I>, I: 'static = ()> {
/// A new charter has been set.
NewCharterSet { cid: OpaqueCid },
/// A new announcement has been made.
AnnouncementAnnounced { cid: OpaqueCid, expire_at: BlockNumberFor<T> },
/// An on-chain announcement has been removed.
AnnouncementRemoved { cid: OpaqueCid },
/// The collective charter.
pub type Charter<T: Config<I>, I: 'static = ()> = StorageValue<_, OpaqueCid, OptionQuery>;
/// The collective announcements.
pub type Announcements<T: Config<I>, I: 'static = ()> =
CountedStorageMap<_, Blake2_128Concat, OpaqueCid, BlockNumberFor<T>, OptionQuery>;
impl<T: Config<I>, I: 'static> Pallet<T, I> {
/// Set the collective charter.
/// Parameters:
/// - `origin`: Must be the [Config::CharterOrigin].
/// - `cid`: [CID](super::OpaqueCid) of the IPFS document of the collective charter.
pub fn set_charter(origin: OriginFor<T>, cid: OpaqueCid) -> DispatchResult {
Charter::<T, I>::put(&cid);
Self::deposit_event(Event::<T, I>::NewCharterSet { cid });
/// Publish an announcement.
/// Parameters:
/// - `origin`: Must be the [Config::AnnouncementOrigin].
/// - `cid`: [CID](super::OpaqueCid) of the IPFS document to announce.
/// - `maybe_expire`: Expiration block of the announcement. If `None`
/// [`Config::AnnouncementLifetime`]
/// used as a default.
pub fn announce(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
cid: OpaqueCid,
maybe_expire: Option<DispatchTime<BlockNumberFor<T>>>,
) -> DispatchResult {
let now = frame_system::Pallet::<T>::block_number();
let expire_at = maybe_expire
.map_or(now.saturating_add(T::AnnouncementLifetime::get()), |e| e.evaluate(now));
ensure!(expire_at > now, Error::<T, I>::InvalidExpiration);
T::MaxAnnouncements::get() > <Announcements<T, I>>::count(),
Error::<T, I>::TooManyAnnouncements
<Announcements<T, I>>::insert(cid.clone(), expire_at);
Self::deposit_event(Event::<T, I>::AnnouncementAnnounced { cid, expire_at });
/// Remove an announcement.
/// Transaction fee refunded for expired announcements.
/// Parameters:
/// - `origin`: Must be the [Config::AnnouncementOrigin] or signed for expired
/// announcements.
/// - `cid`: [CID](super::OpaqueCid) of the IPFS document to remove.
pub fn remove_announcement(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
cid: OpaqueCid,
) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
let maybe_who = match T::AnnouncementOrigin::try_origin(origin) {
Ok(_) => None,
Err(origin) => Some(ensure_signed(origin)?),
let expire_at = <Announcements<T, I>>::get(cid.clone())
.ok_or(Error::<T, I>::MissingAnnouncement)?;
let now = frame_system::Pallet::<T>::block_number();
ensure!(maybe_who.is_none() || now >= expire_at, BadOrigin);
<Announcements<T, I>>::remove(cid.clone());
Self::deposit_event(Event::<T, I>::AnnouncementRemoved { cid });
if now >= expire_at {
return Ok(Pays::No.into())