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// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
// this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
// the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
// of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
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// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
//! # Basic Example Pallet
//! A pallet demonstrating concepts, APIs and structures common to most FRAME runtimes.
//! **This pallet serves as an example and is not meant to be used in production.**
//! > Made with *Substrate*, for *Polkadot*.
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//! ## Pallet API
//! See the [`pallet`] module for more information about the interfaces this pallet exposes,
//! including its configuration trait, dispatchables, storage items, events and errors.
//! ## Overview
//! This pallet provides basic examples of using:
//! - A custom weight calculator able to classify a call's dispatch class (see:
//! [`frame_support::dispatch::DispatchClass`])
//! - Pallet hooks to implement some custom logic that's executed before and after a block is
//! imported (see: [`frame_support::traits::Hooks`])
//! - Inherited weight annotation for pallet calls, used to create less repetition for calls that
//! use the [`Config::WeightInfo`] trait to calculate call weights. This can also be overridden,
//! as demonstrated by [`Call::set_dummy`].
//! - A private function that performs a storage update.
//! - A simple transaction extension implementation (see:
//! [`sp_runtime::traits::TransactionExtension`]) which increases the priority of the
//! [`Call::set_dummy`] if it's present and drops any transaction with an encoded length higher
//! than 200 bytes.
// Ensure we're `no_std` when compiling for Wasm.
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
extern crate alloc;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use codec::{Decode, DecodeWithMemTracking, Encode};
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use frame_support::{
dispatch::{ClassifyDispatch, DispatchClass, DispatchResult, Pays, PaysFee, WeighData},
use frame_system::ensure_signed;
use log::info;
use scale_info::TypeInfo;
use sp_runtime::{
Bounded, DispatchInfoOf, DispatchOriginOf, SaturatedConversion, Saturating,
TransactionExtension, ValidateResult,
transaction_validity::{InvalidTransaction, ValidTransaction},
// Re-export pallet items so that they can be accessed from the crate namespace.
pub use pallet::*;
mod tests;
mod benchmarking;
pub mod weights;
pub use weights::*;
/// A type alias for the balance type from this pallet's point of view.
type BalanceOf<T> = <T as pallet_balances::Config>::Balance;
const MILLICENTS: u32 = 1_000_000_000;
// A custom weight calculator tailored for the dispatch call `set_dummy()`. This actually examines
// the arguments and makes a decision based upon them.
// The `WeightData<T>` trait has access to the arguments of the dispatch that it wants to assign a
// weight to. Nonetheless, the trait itself cannot make any assumptions about what the generic type
// of the arguments (`T`) is. Based on our needs, we could replace `T` with a more concrete type
// while implementing the trait. The `pallet::weight` expects whatever implements `WeighData<T>` to
// replace `T` with a tuple of the dispatch arguments. This is exactly how we will craft the
// implementation below.
// The rules of `WeightForSetDummy` are as follows:
// - The final weight of each dispatch is calculated as the argument of the call multiplied by the
// parameter given to the `WeightForSetDummy`'s constructor.
// - assigns a dispatch class `operational` if the argument of the call is more than 1000.
// More information can be read at:
// -
// Manually configuring weight is an advanced operation and what you really need may well be
// fulfilled by running the benchmarking toolchain. Refer to `` file.
struct WeightForSetDummy<T: pallet_balances::Config>(BalanceOf<T>);
impl<T: pallet_balances::Config> WeighData<(&BalanceOf<T>,)> for WeightForSetDummy<T> {
fn weigh_data(&self, target: (&BalanceOf<T>,)) -> Weight {
let multiplier = self.0;
// *target.0 is the amount passed into the extrinsic
let cents = *target.0 / <BalanceOf<T>>::from(MILLICENTS);
Weight::from_parts((cents * multiplier).saturated_into::<u64>(), 0)
impl<T: pallet_balances::Config> ClassifyDispatch<(&BalanceOf<T>,)> for WeightForSetDummy<T> {
fn classify_dispatch(&self, target: (&BalanceOf<T>,)) -> DispatchClass {
if *target.0 > <BalanceOf<T>>::from(1000u32) {
} else {
impl<T: pallet_balances::Config> PaysFee<(&BalanceOf<T>,)> for WeightForSetDummy<T> {
fn pays_fee(&self, _target: (&BalanceOf<T>,)) -> Pays {
// Definition of the pallet logic, to be aggregated at runtime definition through
// `construct_runtime`.
pub mod pallet {
// Import various types used to declare pallet in scope.
use super::*;
use frame_support::pallet_prelude::*;
use frame_system::pallet_prelude::*;
/// Our pallet's configuration trait. All our types and constants go in here. If the
/// pallet is dependent on specific other pallets, then their configuration traits
/// should be added to our implied traits list.
/// `frame_system::Config` should always be included.
pub trait Config: pallet_balances::Config + frame_system::Config {
// Setting a constant config parameter from the runtime
type MagicNumber: Get<Self::Balance>;
/// The overarching event type.
type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeEvent>;
/// Type representing the weight of this pallet
type WeightInfo: WeightInfo;
// Simple declaration of the `Pallet` type. It is placeholder we use to implement traits and
// method.
pub struct Pallet<T>(_);
// This pallet implements the [`frame_support::traits::Hooks`] trait to define some logic to
// execute in some context.
impl<T: Config> Hooks<BlockNumberFor<T>> for Pallet<T> {
// `on_initialize` is executed at the beginning of the block before any extrinsic are
// dispatched.
// This function must return the weight consumed by `on_initialize` and `on_finalize`.
fn on_initialize(_n: BlockNumberFor<T>) -> Weight {
// Anything that needs to be done at the start of the block.
// We don't do anything here.
// `on_finalize` is executed at the end of block after all extrinsic are dispatched.
fn on_finalize(_n: BlockNumberFor<T>) {
// Perform necessary data/state clean up here.
// A runtime code run after every block and have access to extended set of APIs.
// For instance you can generate extrinsics for the upcoming produced block.
fn offchain_worker(_n: BlockNumberFor<T>) {
// We don't do anything here.
// but we could dispatch extrinsic (transaction/unsigned/inherent) using
// sp_io::submit_extrinsic.
// To see example on offchain worker, please refer to example-offchain-worker pallet
// accompanied in this repository.
// The call declaration. This states the entry points that we handle. The
// macro takes care of the marshalling of arguments and dispatch.
// Anyone can have these functions execute by signing and submitting
// an extrinsic. Ensure that calls into each of these execute in a time, memory and
// using storage space proportional to any costs paid for by the caller or otherwise the
// difficulty of forcing the call to happen.
// Generally you'll want to split these into three groups:
// - Public calls that are signed by an external account.
// - Root calls that are allowed to be made only by the governance system.
// - Unsigned calls that can be of two kinds:
// * "Inherent extrinsics" that are opinions generally held by the block authors that build
// child blocks.
// * Unsigned Transactions that are of intrinsic recognizable utility to the network, and are
// validated by the runtime.
// Information about where this dispatch initiated from is provided as the first argument
// "origin". As such functions must always look like:
// `fn foo(origin: OriginFor<T>, bar: Bar, baz: Baz) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo { ... }`
// The `DispatchResultWithPostInfo` is required as part of the syntax (and can be found at
// `pallet_prelude::DispatchResultWithPostInfo`).
// There are three entries in the `frame_system::Origin` enum that correspond
// to the above bullets: `::Signed(AccountId)`, `::Root` and `::None`. You should always match
// against them as the first thing you do in your function. There are three convenience calls
// in system that do the matching for you and return a convenient result: `ensure_signed`,
// `ensure_root` and `ensure_none`.
#[pallet::call(weight(<T as Config>::WeightInfo))]
impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
/// This is your public interface. Be extremely careful.
/// This is just a simple example of how to interact with the pallet from the external
/// world.
// This just increases the value of `Dummy` by `increase_by`.
// Since this is a dispatched function there are two extremely important things to
// remember:
// - MUST NOT PANIC: Under no circumstances (save, perhaps, storage getting into an
// irreparably damaged state) must this function panic.
// - NO SIDE-EFFECTS ON ERROR: This function must either complete totally (and return
// `Ok(())` or it must have no side-effects on storage and return `Err('Some reason')`.
// The first is relatively easy to audit for - just ensure all panickers are removed from
// logic that executes in production (which you do anyway, right?!). To ensure the second
// is followed, you should do all tests for validity at the top of your function. This
// is stuff like checking the sender (`origin`) or that state is such that the operation
// makes sense.
// Once you've determined that it's all good, then enact the operation and change storage.
// If you can't be certain that the operation will succeed without substantial computation
// then you have a classic blockchain attack scenario. The normal way of managing this is
// to attach a bond to the operation. As the first major alteration of storage, reserve
// some value from the sender's account (`Balances` Pallet has a `reserve` function for
// exactly this scenario). This amount should be enough to cover any costs of the
// substantial execution in case it turns out that you can't proceed with the operation.
// If it eventually transpires that the operation is fine and, therefore, that the
// expense of the checks should be borne by the network, then you can refund the reserved
// deposit. If, however, the operation turns out to be invalid and the computation is
// wasted, then you can burn it or repatriate elsewhere.
// Security bonds ensure that attackers can't game it by ensuring that anyone interacting
// with the system either progresses it or pays for the trouble of faffing around with
// no progress.
// If you don't respect these rules, it is likely that your chain will be attackable.
// Each transaction must define a `#[pallet::weight(..)]` attribute to convey a set of
// static information about its dispatch. FRAME System and FRAME Executive pallet then use
// this information to properly execute the transaction, whilst keeping the total load of
// the chain in a moderate rate.
// The parenthesized value of the `#[pallet::weight(..)]` attribute can be any type that
// implements a set of traits, namely [`WeighData`], [`ClassifyDispatch`], and
// [`PaysFee`]. The first conveys the weight (a numeric representation of pure
// execution time and difficulty) of the transaction and the second demonstrates the
// [`DispatchClass`] of the call, the third gives whereas extrinsic must pay fees or not.
// A higher weight means a larger transaction (less of which can be placed in a single
// block).
// The weight for this extrinsic we rely on the auto-generated `WeightInfo` from the
// benchmark toolchain.
pub fn accumulate_dummy(origin: OriginFor<T>, increase_by: T::Balance) -> DispatchResult {
// This is a public call, so we ensure that the origin is some signed account.
let _sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
// Read the value of dummy from storage.
// let dummy = Dummy::<T>::get();
// Calculate the new value.
// let new_dummy = dummy.map_or(increase_by, |dummy| dummy + increase_by);
// Put the new value into storage.
// <Dummy<T>>::put(new_dummy);
// Will also work with a reference:
// <Dummy<T>>::put(&new_dummy);
// Here's the new one of read and then modify the value.
<Dummy<T>>::mutate(|dummy| {
// Using `saturating_add` instead of a regular `+` to avoid overflowing
let new_dummy = dummy.map_or(increase_by, |d| d.saturating_add(increase_by));
*dummy = Some(new_dummy);
// Let's deposit an event to let the outside world know this happened.
Self::deposit_event(Event::AccumulateDummy { balance: increase_by });
// All good, no refund.
/// A privileged call; in this case it resets our dummy value to something new.
// Implementation of a privileged call. The `origin` parameter is ROOT because
// it's not (directly) from an extrinsic, but rather the system as a whole has decided
// to execute it. Different runtimes have different reasons for allow privileged
// calls to be executed - we don't need to care why. Because it's privileged, we can
// assume it's a one-off operation and substantial processing/storage/memory can be used
// without worrying about gameability or attack scenarios.
// The weight for this extrinsic we use our own weight object `WeightForSetDummy` to
// determine its weight
pub fn set_dummy(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
#[pallet::compact] new_value: T::Balance,
) -> DispatchResult {
// Print out log or debug message in the console via log::{error, warn, info, debug,
// trace}, accepting format strings similar to `println!`.
info!("New value is now: {:?}", new_value);
// Put the new value into storage.
Self::deposit_event(Event::SetDummy { balance: new_value });
// All good, no refund.
/// Events are a simple means of reporting specific conditions and
/// circumstances that have happened that users, Dapps and/or chain explorers would find
/// interesting and otherwise difficult to detect.
/// This attribute generate the function `deposit_event` to deposit one of this pallet event,
/// it is optional, it is also possible to provide a custom implementation.
#[pallet::generate_deposit(pub(super) fn deposit_event)]
pub enum Event<T: Config> {
// Just a normal `enum`, here's a dummy event to ensure it compiles.
/// Dummy event, just here so there's a generic type that's used.
AccumulateDummy {
balance: BalanceOf<T>,
SetDummy {
balance: BalanceOf<T>,
SetBar {
account: T::AccountId,
balance: BalanceOf<T>,
// pallet::storage attributes allow for type-safe usage of the Substrate storage database,
// so you can keep things around between blocks.
// Any storage must be one of `StorageValue`, `StorageMap` or `StorageDoubleMap`.
// The first generic holds the prefix to use and is generated by the macro.
// The query kind is either `OptionQuery` (the default) or `ValueQuery`.
// - for `type Foo<T> = StorageValue<_, u32, OptionQuery>`:
// - `Foo::put(1); Foo::get()` returns `Some(1)`;
// - `Foo::kill(); Foo::get()` returns `None`.
// - for `type Foo<T> = StorageValue<_, u32, ValueQuery>`:
// - `Foo::put(1); Foo::get()` returns `1`;
// - `Foo::kill(); Foo::get()` returns `0` (u32::default()).
pub(super) type Dummy<T: Config> = StorageValue<_, T::Balance>;
// A map that has enumerable entries.
pub(super) type Bar<T: Config> = StorageMap<_, Blake2_128Concat, T::AccountId, T::Balance>;
// this one uses the query kind: `ValueQuery`, we'll demonstrate the usage of 'mutate' API.
pub(super) type Foo<T: Config> = StorageValue<_, T::Balance, ValueQuery>;
pub type CountedMap<T> = CountedStorageMap<_, Blake2_128Concat, u8, u16>;
// The genesis config type.
pub struct GenesisConfig<T: Config> {
pub dummy: T::Balance,
pub bar: Vec<(T::AccountId, T::Balance)>,
pub foo: T::Balance,
// The build of genesis for the pallet.
impl<T: Config> BuildGenesisConfig for GenesisConfig<T> {
fn build(&self) {
for (a, b) in & {
<Bar<T>>::insert(a, b);
// The main implementation block for the pallet. Functions here fall into three broad
// categories:
// - Public interface. These are functions that are `pub` and generally fall into inspector
// functions that do not write to storage and operation functions that do.
// - Private functions. These are your usual private utilities unavailable to other pallets.
impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
// Add public immutables and private mutables.
fn accumulate_foo(origin: T::RuntimeOrigin, increase_by: T::Balance) -> DispatchResult {
let _sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
let prev = Foo::<T>::get();
// Because Foo has 'default', the type of 'foo' in closure is the raw type instead of an
// Option<> type.
let result = Foo::<T>::mutate(|foo| {
*foo = foo.saturating_add(increase_by);
assert!(prev + increase_by == result);
// Similar to other FRAME pallets, your pallet can also define a transaction extension and perform
// some checks and [pre/post]processing [before/after] the transaction. A transaction extension can
// be any decodable type that implements `TransactionExtension`. See the trait definition for the
// full list of bounds. As a convention, you can follow this approach to create an extension for
// your pallet:
// - If the extension does not carry any data, then use a tuple struct with just a `marker`
// (needed for the compiler to accept `T: Config`) will suffice.
// - Otherwise, create a tuple struct which contains the external data. Of course, for the entire
// struct to be decodable, each individual item also needs to be decodable.
// Note that a transaction extension can also indicate that a particular data must be present in the
// _signing payload_ of a transaction by providing an implementation for the `implicit` method. This
// example will not cover this type of extension. See `CheckSpecVersion` in [FRAME
// System](
// for an example.
// Using the extension, you can add some hooks to the life cycle of each transaction. Note that by
// default, an extension is applied to all `Call` functions (i.e. all transactions). the `Call` enum
// variant is given to each function of `TransactionExtension`. Hence, you can filter based on
// pallet or a particular call if needed.
// Some extra information, such as encoded length, some static dispatch info like weight and the
// sender of the transaction (if signed) are also provided.
// The full list of hooks that can be added to a transaction extension can be found in the
// `TransactionExtension` trait definition.
// The transaction extensions are aggregated in the runtime file of a substrate chain. All
// extensions should be aggregated in a tuple and passed to the `CheckedExtrinsic` and
// `UncheckedExtrinsic` types defined in the runtime. Lookup `pub type TxExtension = (...)` in
// `node/runtime` and `node-template` for an example of this.
/// A simple transaction extension that checks for the `set_dummy` call. In that case, it increases
/// the priority and prints some log.
/// Additionally, it drops any transaction with an encoded length higher than 200 bytes. No
/// particular reason why, just to demonstrate the power of transaction extensions.
#[derive(Encode, Decode, DecodeWithMemTracking, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, TypeInfo)]
pub struct WatchDummy<T: Config + Send + Sync>(PhantomData<T>);
impl<T: Config + Send + Sync> core::fmt::Debug for WatchDummy<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter) -> core::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "WatchDummy")
impl<T: Config + Send + Sync> TransactionExtension<<T as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeCall>
for WatchDummy<T>
<T as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeCall: IsSubType<Call<T>>,
const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "WatchDummy";
type Implicit = ();
type Pre = ();
type Val = ();
fn validate(
origin: DispatchOriginOf<<T as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeCall>,
call: &<T as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeCall,
_info: &DispatchInfoOf<<T as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeCall>,
len: usize,
_self_implicit: Self::Implicit,
_inherited_implication: &impl Encode,
_source: TransactionSource,
) -> ValidateResult<Self::Val, <T as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeCall> {
// if the transaction is too big, just drop it.
if len > 200 {
return Err(InvalidTransaction::ExhaustsResources.into())
// check for `set_dummy`
let validity = match call.is_sub_type() {
Some(Call::set_dummy { .. }) => {
sp_runtime::print("set_dummy was received.");
let valid_tx =
ValidTransaction { priority: Bounded::max_value(), ..Default::default() };
_ => Default::default(),
Ok((validity, (), origin))
impl_tx_ext_default!(<T as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeCall; weight prepare);