// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
//! API implementation for broadcasting transactions.
use crate::{
common::connections::RpcConnections, transaction::api::TransactionBroadcastApiServer,
use codec::Decode;
use futures::{FutureExt, Stream, StreamExt};
use futures_util::stream::AbortHandle;
use jsonrpsee::{
core::{async_trait, RpcResult},
ConnectionId, Extensions,
use parking_lot::RwLock;
use rand::{distributions::Alphanumeric, Rng};
use sc_client_api::BlockchainEvents;
use sc_transaction_pool_api::{
error::IntoPoolError, TransactionFor, TransactionPool, TransactionSource,
use sp_blockchain::HeaderBackend;
use sp_core::Bytes;
use sp_runtime::traits::Block as BlockT;
use std::{collections::HashMap, sync::Arc};
use super::error::ErrorBroadcast;
/// An API for transaction RPC calls.
pub struct TransactionBroadcast<Pool: TransactionPool, Client> {
/// Substrate client.
client: Arc<Client>,
/// Transactions pool.
pool: Arc<Pool>,
/// Executor to spawn subscriptions.
executor: SubscriptionTaskExecutor,
/// The broadcast operation IDs.
broadcast_ids: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<String, BroadcastState<Pool>>>>,
/// Keep track of how many concurrent operations are active for each connection.
rpc_connections: RpcConnections,
/// The state of a broadcast operation.
struct BroadcastState<Pool: TransactionPool> {
/// Handle to abort the running future that broadcasts the transaction.
handle: AbortHandle,
/// Associated tx hash.
tx_hash: <Pool as TransactionPool>::Hash,
impl<Pool: TransactionPool, Client> TransactionBroadcast<Pool, Client> {
/// Creates a new [`TransactionBroadcast`].
pub fn new(
client: Arc<Client>,
pool: Arc<Pool>,
executor: SubscriptionTaskExecutor,
max_transactions_per_connection: usize,
) -> Self {
TransactionBroadcast {
broadcast_ids: Default::default(),
rpc_connections: RpcConnections::new(max_transactions_per_connection),
/// Generate an unique operation ID for the `transaction_broadcast` RPC method.
pub fn generate_unique_id(&self) -> String {
let generate_operation_id = || {
// The length of the operation ID.
const OPERATION_ID_LEN: usize = 16;
let mut id = generate_operation_id();
let broadcast_ids = self.broadcast_ids.read();
while broadcast_ids.contains_key(&id) {
id = generate_operation_id();
/// Currently we treat all RPC transactions as externals.
/// Possibly in the future we could allow opt-in for special treatment
/// of such transactions, so that the block authors can inject
/// some unique transactions via RPC and have them included in the pool.
const TX_SOURCE: TransactionSource = TransactionSource::External;
impl<Pool, Client> TransactionBroadcastApiServer for TransactionBroadcast<Pool, Client>
Pool: TransactionPool + Sync + Send + 'static,
Pool::Error: IntoPoolError,
<Pool::Block as BlockT>::Hash: Unpin,
Client: HeaderBackend<Pool::Block> + BlockchainEvents<Pool::Block> + Send + Sync + 'static,
async fn broadcast(&self, ext: &Extensions, bytes: Bytes) -> RpcResult<Option<String>> {
let pool = self.pool.clone();
let conn_id = ext
.expect("ConnectionId is always set by jsonrpsee; qed");
// The unique ID of this operation.
let id = self.generate_unique_id();
// Ensure that the connection has not reached the maximum number of active operations.
let Some(reserved_connection) = self.rpc_connections.reserve_space(conn_id) else {
return Ok(None)
let Some(reserved_identifier) = reserved_connection.register(id.clone()) else {
// This can only happen if the generated operation ID is not unique.
return Ok(None)
// The JSON-RPC server might check whether the transaction is valid before broadcasting it.
// If it does so and if the transaction is invalid, the server should silently do nothing
// and the JSON-RPC client is not informed of the problem. Invalid transactions should still
// count towards the limit to the number of simultaneously broadcasted transactions.
let Ok(decoded_extrinsic) = TransactionFor::<Pool>::decode(&mut &bytes[..]) else {
return Ok(Some(id));
// Save the tx hash to remove it later.
let tx_hash = pool.hash_of(&decoded_extrinsic);
// The compiler can no longer deduce the type of the stream and complains
// about `one type is more general than the other`.
let mut best_block_import_stream: std::pin::Pin<
Box<dyn Stream<Item = <Pool::Block as BlockT>::Hash> + Send>,
> =
|notification| async move { notification.is_new_best.then_some(notification.hash) },
let broadcast_transaction_fut = async move {
// Flag to determine if the we should broadcast the transaction again.
let mut is_done = false;
while !is_done {
// Wait for the last block to become available.
let Some(best_block_hash) =
last_stream_element(&mut best_block_import_stream).await
else {
let mut stream = match pool
.submit_and_watch(best_block_hash, TX_SOURCE, decoded_extrinsic.clone())
Ok(stream) => stream,
// The transaction was not included to the pool.
Err(e) => {
let Ok(pool_err) = e.into_pool_error() else { return };
if pool_err.is_retriable() {
// Try to resubmit the transaction at a later block for
// recoverable errors.
} else {
while let Some(event) = stream.next().await {
// Check if the transaction could be submitted again
// at a later time.
if event.is_retriable() {
// Stop if this is the final event of the transaction stream
// and the event is not retriable.
if event.is_final() {
is_done = true;
// Convert the future into an abortable future, for easily terminating it from the
// `transaction_stop` method.
let (fut, handle) = futures::future::abortable(broadcast_transaction_fut);
let broadcast_ids = self.broadcast_ids.clone();
let drop_id = id.clone();
let pool = self.pool.clone();
// The future expected by the executor must be `Future<Output = ()>` instead of
// `Future<Output = Result<(), Aborted>>`.
let fut = fut.map(move |result| {
// Connection space is cleaned when this object is dropped.
// Remove the entry from the broadcast IDs map.
let Some(broadcast_state) = broadcast_ids.write().remove(&drop_id) else { return };
// The broadcast was not stopped.
if result.is_ok() {
// Best effort pool removal (tx can already be finalized).
pool.report_invalid(None, [(broadcast_state.tx_hash, None)].into());
// Keep track of this entry and the abortable handle.
let mut broadcast_ids = self.broadcast_ids.write();
broadcast_ids.insert(id.clone(), BroadcastState { handle, tx_hash });
sc_rpc::utils::spawn_subscription_task(&self.executor, fut);
async fn stop_broadcast(
ext: &Extensions,
operation_id: String,
) -> Result<(), ErrorBroadcast> {
let conn_id = ext
.expect("ConnectionId is always set by jsonrpsee; qed");
// The operation ID must correlate to the same connection ID.
if !self.rpc_connections.contains_identifier(conn_id, &operation_id) {
return Err(ErrorBroadcast::InvalidOperationID)
let mut broadcast_ids = self.broadcast_ids.write();
let Some(broadcast_state) = broadcast_ids.remove(&operation_id) else {
return Err(ErrorBroadcast::InvalidOperationID)
/// Returns the last element of the provided stream, or `None` if the stream is closed.
async fn last_stream_element<S>(stream: &mut S) -> Option<S::Item>
S: Stream + Unpin,
let Some(mut element) = stream.next().await else { return None };
// We are effectively polling the stream for the last available item at this time.
// The `now_or_never` returns `None` if the stream is `Pending`.
// If the stream contains `Hash0x1 Hash0x2 Hash0x3 Hash0x4`, we want only `Hash0x4`.
while let Some(next) = stream.next().now_or_never() {
let Some(next) = next else {
// Nothing to do if the stream terminated.
return None
element = next;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use tokio_stream::wrappers::ReceiverStream;
async fn check_last_stream_element() {
let (tx, rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(16);
let mut stream = ReceiverStream::new(rx);
// Check the stream with one element queued.
assert_eq!(last_stream_element(&mut stream).await, Some(1));
// Check the stream with multiple elements.
assert_eq!(last_stream_element(&mut stream).await, Some(3));
// Drop the stream with some elements
assert_eq!(last_stream_element(&mut stream).await, None);