// This file is part of Cumulus.
// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use clap::Parser;
use codec::{Decode, Encode};
use polkadot_node_primitives::{BlockData, PoV, POV_BOMB_LIMIT};
use polkadot_parachain_primitives::primitives::ValidationParams;
use polkadot_primitives::PersistedValidationData;
use sc_executor::WasmExecutor;
use sp_core::traits::{CallContext, CodeExecutor, RuntimeCode, WrappedRuntimeCode};
use std::{fs, path::PathBuf, time::Instant};
use tracing::level_filters::LevelFilter;
// This is now determined by the chain, call `validation_code_bomb_limit` API.
// max_code_size * 10 = 30MB currently. Update constant if needed.
const VALIDATION_CODE_BOMB_LIMIT: usize = 30 * 1024 * 1024;
/// Tool for validating a `PoV` locally.
struct Cli {
/// The path to the validation code that should be used to validate the `PoV`.
/// The validation code can either be downloaded from the relay chain that the parachain is
/// connected to or by building the runtime manually to obtain the WASM binary.
validation_code: PathBuf,
/// The path to the `PoV` to validate.
/// The `PoV`'s can be obtained by running `polkadot-parachains --collator --chain YOUR_CHAIN
/// --export-pov-to-path PATH_TO_EXPORT` and then choose one of the exported `PoV`'s.
pov: PathBuf,
fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let _ = tracing_subscriber::fmt()
let cli = Cli::parse();
let validation_code = fs::read(&cli.validation_code).map_err(|error| {
tracing::error!(%error, path = %cli.validation_code.display(), "Failed to read validation code");
anyhow::anyhow!("Failed to read validation code")
let validation_code =
sp_maybe_compressed_blob::decompress(&validation_code, VALIDATION_CODE_BOMB_LIMIT)
.map_err(|error| {
tracing::error!(%error, "Failed to decompress validation code");
anyhow::anyhow!("Failed to decompress validation code")
let pov_file = fs::read(&cli.pov).map_err(|error| {
tracing::error!(%error, path = %cli.pov.display(), "Failed to read PoV");
anyhow::anyhow!("Failed to read PoV")
let executor = WasmExecutor::<sp_io::SubstrateHostFunctions>::builder()
let runtime_code = RuntimeCode {
code_fetcher: &WrappedRuntimeCode(validation_code.into()),
heap_pages: None,
// The hash is used for caching, which we need here, but we only use one wasm file. So, the
// actual hash is not that important.
hash: vec![1, 2, 3],
// We are calling `Core_version` to get the wasm file compiled. We don't care about the result.
let _ = executor
&mut sp_io::TestExternalities::default().ext(),
let pov_file_ptr = &mut &pov_file[..];
let pov = PoV::decode(pov_file_ptr).map_err(|error| {
tracing::error!(%error, "Failed to decode `PoV`");
anyhow::anyhow!("Failed to decode `PoV`")
let pvd = PersistedValidationData::decode(pov_file_ptr).map_err(|error| {
tracing::error!(%error, "Failed to `PersistedValidationData`");
anyhow::anyhow!("Failed to decode `PersistedValidationData`")
let pov = sp_maybe_compressed_blob::decompress(&pov.block_data.0, POV_BOMB_LIMIT).map_err(
|error| {
tracing::error!(%error, "Failed to decompress `PoV`");
anyhow::anyhow!("Failed to decompress `PoV`")
let validation_params = ValidationParams {
relay_parent_number: pvd.relay_parent_number,
relay_parent_storage_root: pvd.relay_parent_storage_root,
parent_head: pvd.parent_head,
block_data: BlockData(pov.into()),
tracing::info!("Starting validation");
let start = Instant::now();
let res = executor
&mut sp_io::TestExternalities::default().ext(),
let duration = start.elapsed();
match res {
Ok(_) => tracing::info!("Validation was successful"),
Err(error) => tracing::error!(%error, "Validation failed"),
tracing::info!("Validation took {}ms", duration.as_millis());