mod prepare;
mod runtime;
pub use crate::wasm::runtime::api_doc;
pub use {
crate::wasm::{prepare::tracker, runtime::ReturnErrorCode},
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
pub use crate::wasm::runtime::{BenchEnv, ReturnData, TrapReason};
pub use crate::wasm::{
prepare::{LoadedModule, LoadingMode},
AllowDeprecatedInterface, AllowUnstableInterface, Environment, Runtime, RuntimeCosts,
use crate::{
exec::{ExecResult, Executable, ExportedFunction, Ext},
gas::{GasMeter, Token},
AccountIdOf, BadOrigin, BalanceOf, CodeHash, CodeInfoOf, CodeVec, Config, Error, Event,
HoldReason, Pallet, PristineCode, Schedule, Weight, LOG_TARGET,
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use codec::{Decode, Encode, MaxEncodedLen};
use frame_support::{
traits::{fungible::MutateHold, tokens::Precision::BestEffort},
use sp_core::Get;
use sp_runtime::{DispatchError, RuntimeDebug};
use wasmi::{CompilationMode, InstancePre, Linker, Memory, MemoryType, StackLimits, Store};
const BYTES_PER_PAGE: usize = 64 * 1024;
#[derive(Encode, Decode, scale_info::TypeInfo)]
pub struct WasmBlob<T: Config> {
code: CodeVec<T>,
code_info: CodeInfo<T>,
code_hash: CodeHash<T>,
#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode, scale_info::TypeInfo, MaxEncodedLen)]
pub struct CodeInfo<T: Config> {
owner: AccountIdOf<T>,
deposit: BalanceOf<T>,
refcount: u64,
determinism: Determinism,
code_len: u32,
Clone, Copy, Encode, Decode, scale_info::TypeInfo, MaxEncodedLen, RuntimeDebug, PartialEq, Eq,
pub enum Determinism {
impl ExportedFunction {
fn identifier(&self) -> &str {
match self {
Self::Constructor => "deploy",
Self::Call => "call",
#[cfg_attr(test, derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq))]
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct CodeLoadToken(u32);
impl<T: Config> Token<T> for CodeLoadToken {
fn weight(&self) -> Weight {
impl<T: Config> WasmBlob<T> {
pub fn from_code(
code: Vec<u8>,
schedule: &Schedule<T>,
owner: AccountIdOf<T>,
determinism: Determinism,
) -> Result<Self, (DispatchError, &'static str)> {
prepare::prepare::<runtime::Env, T>(
code.try_into().map_err(|_| (<Error<T>>::CodeTooLarge.into(), ""))?,
pub fn remove(origin: &T::AccountId, code_hash: CodeHash<T>) -> DispatchResult {
<CodeInfoOf<T>>::try_mutate_exists(&code_hash, |existing| {
if let Some(code_info) = existing {
ensure!(code_info.refcount == 0, <Error<T>>::CodeInUse);
ensure!(&code_info.owner == origin, BadOrigin);
let _ = T::Currency::release(
let deposit_released = code_info.deposit;
let remover = code_info.owner.clone();
*existing = None;
<Pallet<T>>::deposit_event(Event::CodeRemoved {
} else {
pub fn instantiate<E, H>(
contract: LoadedModule,
host_state: H,
schedule: &Schedule<T>,
allow_deprecated: AllowDeprecatedInterface,
) -> Result<(Store<H>, Memory, InstancePre), &'static str>
E: Environment<H>,
let mut store = Store::new(&contract.engine, host_state);
let mut linker = Linker::new(&contract.engine);
&mut store,
&mut linker,
if T::UnsafeUnstableInterface::get() {
} else {
.map_err(|_| "can't define host functions to Linker")?;
let memory_limits = contract.scan_imports::<T>(schedule)?;
let qed = "We checked the limits versus our Schedule,
which specifies the max amount of memory pages
well below u16::MAX; qed";
let memory = Memory::new(
&mut store,
MemoryType::new(memory_limits.0, Some(memory_limits.1)).expect(qed),
.define("env", "memory", memory)
.expect("We just created the Linker. It has no definitions with this name; qed");
let instance = linker.instantiate(&mut store, &contract.module).map_err(|err| {
log::debug!(target: LOG_TARGET, "failed to instantiate module: {:?}", err);
"can't instantiate module with provided definitions"
Ok((store, memory, instance))
pub fn store_code(&mut self) -> Result<BalanceOf<T>, Error<T>> {
let code_hash = *self.code_hash();
<CodeInfoOf<T>>::mutate(code_hash, |stored_code_info| {
match stored_code_info {
Some(_) => Ok(Default::default()),
None => {
let deposit = self.code_info.deposit;
.map_err(|_| <Error<T>>::StorageDepositNotEnoughFunds)?;
self.code_info.refcount = 0;
<PristineCode<T>>::insert(code_hash, &self.code);
*stored_code_info = Some(self.code_info.clone());
<Pallet<T>>::deposit_event(Event::CodeStored {
deposit_held: deposit,
uploader: self.code_info.owner.clone(),
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "runtime-benchmarks"))]
pub fn from_code_unchecked(
code: Vec<u8>,
schedule: &Schedule<T>,
owner: T::AccountId,
) -> Result<Self, DispatchError> {
prepare::benchmarking::prepare(code, schedule, owner)
impl<T: Config> CodeInfo<T> {
pub fn new(owner: T::AccountId) -> Self {
CodeInfo {
deposit: Default::default(),
refcount: 0,
code_len: 0,
determinism: Determinism::Enforced,
pub fn determinism(&self) -> Determinism {
pub fn refcount(&self) -> u64 {
pub fn refcount_mut(&mut self) -> &mut u64 {
&mut self.refcount
pub fn deposit(&self) -> BalanceOf<T> {
use crate::{ExecError, ExecReturnValue};
use wasmi::Func;
enum InstanceOrExecReturn<'a, E: Ext> {
Instance((Func, Store<Runtime<'a, E>>)),
type PreExecResult<'a, E> = Result<InstanceOrExecReturn<'a, E>, ExecError>;
impl<T: Config> WasmBlob<T> {
pub fn process_result<E: Ext<T = T>>(
mut store: Store<Runtime<E>>,
result: Result<(), wasmi::Error>,
) -> ExecResult {
let engine_fuel = store.get_fuel().expect("Fuel metering is enabled; qed");
let gas_meter = store.data_mut().ext().gas_meter_mut();
let _ = gas_meter.sync_from_executor(engine_fuel)?;
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
pub fn bench_prepare_call<E: Ext<T = T>>(
ext: &mut E,
input_data: Vec<u8>,
) -> (Func, Store<Runtime<E>>) {
use InstanceOrExecReturn::*;
match Self::prepare_execute(
Runtime::new(ext, input_data),
.expect("Benchmark should provide valid module")
Instance((func, store)) => (func, store),
ExecReturn(_) => panic!("Expected Instance"),
fn prepare_execute<'a, E: Ext<T = T>>(
runtime: Runtime<'a, E>,
function: &'a ExportedFunction,
compilation_mode: CompilationMode,
) -> PreExecResult<'a, E> {
let code = self.code.as_slice();
let schedule = <T>::Schedule::get();
let contract = LoadedModule::new::<T>(
.map_err(|err| {
log::debug!(target: LOG_TARGET, "failed to create wasmi module: {err:?}");
let (mut store, memory, instance) = Self::instantiate::<crate::wasm::runtime::Env, _>(
match function {
ExportedFunction::Call => AllowDeprecatedInterface::Yes,
ExportedFunction::Constructor => AllowDeprecatedInterface::No,
.map_err(|msg| {
log::debug!(target: LOG_TARGET, "failed to instantiate code to wasmi: {}", msg);
let fuel_limit = store
.expect("We've set up engine to fuel consuming mode; qed");
if let &ExportedFunction::Constructor = function {
match instance.start(&mut store) {
Ok(instance) => {
let exported_func = instance
.get_export(&store, function.identifier())
.and_then(|export| export.into_func())
.ok_or_else(|| {
log::error!(target: LOG_TARGET, "failed to find entry point");
Ok(InstanceOrExecReturn::Instance((exported_func, store)))
Err(err) => Self::process_result(store, Err(err)).map(InstanceOrExecReturn::ExecReturn),
impl<T: Config> Executable<T> for WasmBlob<T> {
fn from_storage(
code_hash: CodeHash<T>,
gas_meter: &mut GasMeter<T>,
) -> Result<Self, DispatchError> {
let code_info = <CodeInfoOf<T>>::get(code_hash).ok_or(Error::<T>::CodeNotFound)?;
let code = <PristineCode<T>>::get(code_hash).ok_or(Error::<T>::CodeNotFound)?;
Ok(Self { code, code_info, code_hash })
fn execute<E: Ext<T = T>>(
ext: &mut E,
function: &ExportedFunction,
input_data: Vec<u8>,
) -> ExecResult {
use InstanceOrExecReturn::*;
match Self::prepare_execute(
Runtime::new(ext, input_data),
)? {
Instance((func, mut store)) => {
let result = store, &[], &mut []);
Self::process_result(store, result)
ExecReturn(exec_return) => Ok(exec_return),
fn code_hash(&self) -> &CodeHash<T> {
fn code_info(&self) -> &CodeInfo<T> {
fn is_deterministic(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self.code_info.determinism, Determinism::Enforced)
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::{
exec::{AccountIdOf, ErrorOrigin, ExecError, Executable, Ext, Key, SeedOf},
tests::{RuntimeCall, Test, ALICE, BOB},
BalanceOf, CodeHash, Error, Origin, Pallet as Contracts,
use assert_matches::assert_matches;
use frame_support::{
assert_err, assert_ok, dispatch::DispatchResultWithPostInfo, weights::Weight,
use frame_system::pallet_prelude::BlockNumberFor;
use pallet_contracts_uapi::ReturnFlags;
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
use sp_core::H256;
use sp_runtime::DispatchError;
use std::{
hash_map::{Entry, HashMap},
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct InstantiateEntry {
code_hash: H256,
value: u64,
data: Vec<u8>,
gas_left: u64,
salt: Vec<u8>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct TerminationEntry {
beneficiary: AccountIdOf<Test>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct TransferEntry {
to: AccountIdOf<Test>,
value: u64,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct CallEntry {
to: AccountIdOf<Test>,
value: u64,
data: Vec<u8>,
allows_reentry: bool,
read_only: bool,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct CallCodeEntry {
code_hash: H256,
data: Vec<u8>,
pub struct MockExt {
storage: HashMap<Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>>,
transient_storage: TransientStorage<Test>,
instantiates: Vec<InstantiateEntry>,
terminations: Vec<TerminationEntry>,
calls: Vec<CallEntry>,
code_calls: Vec<CallCodeEntry>,
transfers: Vec<TransferEntry>,
events: Vec<(Vec<H256>, Vec<u8>)>,
runtime_calls: RefCell<Vec<RuntimeCall>>,
schedule: Schedule<Test>,
gas_meter: GasMeter<Test>,
debug_buffer: Vec<u8>,
ecdsa_recover: RefCell<Vec<([u8; 65], [u8; 32])>>,
sr25519_verify: RefCell<Vec<([u8; 64], Vec<u8>, [u8; 32])>>,
code_hashes: Vec<CodeHash<Test>>,
caller: Origin<Test>,
delegate_dependencies: RefCell<HashSet<CodeHash<Test>>>,
fn call_return_data() -> Vec<u8> {
vec![0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF]
impl Default for MockExt {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
code_hashes: Default::default(),
storage: Default::default(),
transient_storage: TransientStorage::new(1024 * 1024),
instantiates: Default::default(),
terminations: Default::default(),
calls: Default::default(),
code_calls: Default::default(),
transfers: Default::default(),
events: Default::default(),
runtime_calls: Default::default(),
schedule: Default::default(),
gas_meter: GasMeter::new(Weight::from_parts(10_000_000_000, 10 * 1024 * 1024)),
debug_buffer: Default::default(),
ecdsa_recover: Default::default(),
caller: Default::default(),
sr25519_verify: Default::default(),
delegate_dependencies: Default::default(),
impl Ext for MockExt {
type T = Test;
fn call(
&mut self,
_gas_limit: Weight,
_deposit_limit: BalanceOf<Self::T>,
to: AccountIdOf<Self::T>,
value: u64,
data: Vec<u8>,
allows_reentry: bool,
read_only: bool,
) -> Result<ExecReturnValue, ExecError> {
self.calls.push(CallEntry { to, value, data, allows_reentry, read_only });
Ok(ExecReturnValue { flags: ReturnFlags::empty(), data: call_return_data() })
fn delegate_call(
&mut self,
code_hash: CodeHash<Self::T>,
data: Vec<u8>,
) -> Result<ExecReturnValue, ExecError> {
self.code_calls.push(CallCodeEntry { code_hash, data });
Ok(ExecReturnValue { flags: ReturnFlags::empty(), data: call_return_data() })
fn instantiate(
&mut self,
gas_limit: Weight,
_deposit_limit: BalanceOf<Self::T>,
code_hash: CodeHash<Test>,
value: u64,
data: Vec<u8>,
salt: &[u8],
) -> Result<(AccountIdOf<Self::T>, ExecReturnValue), ExecError> {
self.instantiates.push(InstantiateEntry {
data: data.to_vec(),
gas_left: gas_limit.ref_time(),
salt: salt.to_vec(),
Contracts::<Test>::contract_address(&ALICE, &code_hash, &data, salt),
ExecReturnValue { flags: ReturnFlags::empty(), data: Vec::new() },
fn set_code_hash(&mut self, hash: CodeHash<Self::T>) -> DispatchResult {
fn transfer(&mut self, to: &AccountIdOf<Self::T>, value: u64) -> DispatchResult {
self.transfers.push(TransferEntry { to: to.clone(), value });
fn terminate(&mut self, beneficiary: &AccountIdOf<Self::T>) -> DispatchResult {
self.terminations.push(TerminationEntry { beneficiary: beneficiary.clone() });
fn get_storage(&mut self, key: &Key<Self::T>) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
fn get_storage_size(&mut self, key: &Key<Self::T>) -> Option<u32> {|val| val.len() as u32)
fn set_storage(
&mut self,
key: &Key<Self::T>,
value: Option<Vec<u8>>,
take_old: bool,
) -> Result<WriteOutcome, DispatchError> {
let key = key.to_vec();
let entry =;
let result = match (entry, take_old) {
(Entry::Vacant(_), _) => WriteOutcome::New,
(Entry::Occupied(entry), false) =>
WriteOutcome::Overwritten(entry.remove().len() as u32),
(Entry::Occupied(entry), true) => WriteOutcome::Taken(entry.remove()),
if let Some(value) = value {, value);
fn get_transient_storage(&self, key: &Key<Self::T>) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {, key)
fn get_transient_storage_size(&self, key: &Key<Self::T>) -> Option<u32> {, key).map(|value| value.len() as _)
fn set_transient_storage(
&mut self,
key: &Key<Self::T>,
value: Option<Vec<u8>>,
take_old: bool,
) -> Result<WriteOutcome, DispatchError> {
let account_id = self.address().clone();
self.transient_storage.write(&account_id, key, value, take_old)
fn caller(&self) -> Origin<Self::T> {
fn is_contract(&self, _address: &AccountIdOf<Self::T>) -> bool {
fn code_hash(&self, _address: &AccountIdOf<Self::T>) -> Option<CodeHash<Self::T>> {
Some(H256::from_slice(&[0x11; 32]))
fn own_code_hash(&mut self) -> &CodeHash<Self::T> {
const HASH: H256 = H256::repeat_byte(0x10);
fn caller_is_origin(&self) -> bool {
fn caller_is_root(&self) -> bool {
&self.caller == &Origin::Root
fn address(&self) -> &AccountIdOf<Self::T> {
fn balance(&self) -> u64 {
fn value_transferred(&self) -> u64 {
fn now(&self) -> &u64 {
fn minimum_balance(&self) -> u64 {
fn random(&self, subject: &[u8]) -> (SeedOf<Self::T>, BlockNumberFor<Self::T>) {
(H256::from_slice(subject), 42)
fn deposit_event(&mut self, topics: Vec<H256>, data: Vec<u8>) {, data))
fn block_number(&self) -> u64 {
fn max_value_size(&self) -> u32 {
fn get_weight_price(&self, weight: Weight) -> BalanceOf<Self::T> {
fn schedule(&self) -> &Schedule<Self::T> {
fn gas_meter(&self) -> &GasMeter<Self::T> {
fn gas_meter_mut(&mut self) -> &mut GasMeter<Self::T> {
&mut self.gas_meter
fn charge_storage(&mut self, _diff: &crate::storage::meter::Diff) {}
fn debug_buffer_enabled(&self) -> bool {
fn append_debug_buffer(&mut self, msg: &str) -> bool {
fn call_runtime(
call: <Self::T as Config>::RuntimeCall,
) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
fn ecdsa_recover(
signature: &[u8; 65],
message_hash: &[u8; 32],
) -> Result<[u8; 33], ()> {
self.ecdsa_recover.borrow_mut().push((*signature, *message_hash));
Ok([3; 33])
fn sr25519_verify(&self, signature: &[u8; 64], message: &[u8], pub_key: &[u8; 32]) -> bool {
self.sr25519_verify.borrow_mut().push((*signature, message.to_vec(), *pub_key));
fn contract_info(&mut self) -> &mut crate::ContractInfo<Self::T> {
#[cfg(feature = "runtime-benchmarks")]
fn transient_storage(&mut self) -> &mut TransientStorage<Self::T> {
fn ecdsa_to_eth_address(&self, _pk: &[u8; 33]) -> Result<[u8; 20], ()> {
Ok([2u8; 20])
fn reentrance_count(&self) -> u32 {
fn account_reentrance_count(&self, _account_id: &AccountIdOf<Self::T>) -> u32 {
fn nonce(&mut self) -> u64 {
fn increment_refcount(_code_hash: CodeHash<Self::T>) -> DispatchResult {
fn decrement_refcount(_code_hash: CodeHash<Self::T>) {}
fn lock_delegate_dependency(&mut self, code: CodeHash<Self::T>) -> DispatchResult {
fn unlock_delegate_dependency(&mut self, code: &CodeHash<Self::T>) -> DispatchResult {
fn locked_delegate_dependencies_count(&mut self) -> usize {
fn is_read_only(&self) -> bool {
fn execute_internal<E: BorrowMut<MockExt>>(
wat: &str,
input_data: Vec<u8>,
mut ext: E,
entry_point: &ExportedFunction,
unstable_interface: bool,
skip_checks: bool,
) -> ExecResult {
type RuntimeConfig = <MockExt as Ext>::T;
let wasm = wat::parse_str(wat).unwrap();
let executable = if skip_checks {
} else {
.map_err(|err| err.0)?
executable.execute(ext.borrow_mut(), entry_point, input_data)
fn execute<E: BorrowMut<MockExt>>(wat: &str, input_data: Vec<u8>, ext: E) -> ExecResult {
execute_internal(wat, input_data, ext, &ExportedFunction::Call, true, false)
fn execute_instantiate<E: BorrowMut<MockExt>>(
wat: &str,
input_data: Vec<u8>,
ext: E,
) -> ExecResult {
execute_internal(wat, input_data, ext, &ExportedFunction::Constructor, true, false)
#[cfg(not(feature = "runtime-benchmarks"))]
fn execute_no_unstable<E: BorrowMut<MockExt>>(
wat: &str,
input_data: Vec<u8>,
ext: E,
) -> ExecResult {
execute_internal(wat, input_data, ext, &ExportedFunction::Call, false, false)
fn execute_unvalidated<E: BorrowMut<MockExt>>(
wat: &str,
input_data: Vec<u8>,
ext: E,
) -> ExecResult {
execute_internal(wat, input_data, ext, &ExportedFunction::Call, false, true)
#[cfg(not(feature = "runtime-benchmarks"))]
fn execute_instantiate_unvalidated<E: BorrowMut<MockExt>>(
wat: &str,
input_data: Vec<u8>,
ext: E,
) -> ExecResult {
execute_internal(wat, input_data, ext, &ExportedFunction::Constructor, false, true)
const CODE_TRANSFER: &str = r#"
;; seal_transfer(
;; account_ptr: u32,
;; account_len: u32,
;; value_ptr: u32,
;; value_len: u32,
;;) -> u32
(import "seal0" "seal_transfer" (func $seal_transfer (param i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(func (export "call")
(call $seal_transfer
(i32.const 4) ;; Pointer to "account" address.
(i32.const 32) ;; Length of "account" address.
(i32.const 36) ;; Pointer to the buffer with value to transfer
(i32.const 8) ;; Length of the buffer with value to transfer.
(func (export "deploy"))
;; Destination AccountId (ALICE)
(data (i32.const 4)
;; Amount of value to transfer.
;; Represented by u64 (8 bytes long) in little endian.
(data (i32.const 36) "\99\00\00\00\00\00\00\00")
fn contract_transfer() {
let mut mock_ext = MockExt::default();
assert_ok!(execute(CODE_TRANSFER, vec![], &mut mock_ext));
assert_eq!(&mock_ext.transfers, &[TransferEntry { to: ALICE, value: 153 }]);
const CODE_CALL: &str = r#"
;; seal_call(
;; callee_ptr: u32,
;; callee_len: u32,
;; gas: u64,
;; value_ptr: u32,
;; value_len: u32,
;; input_data_ptr: u32,
;; input_data_len: u32,
;; output_ptr: u32,
;; output_len_ptr: u32
;;) -> u32
(import "seal0" "seal_call" (func $seal_call (param i32 i32 i64 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(func (export "call")
(call $seal_call
(i32.const 4) ;; Pointer to "callee" address.
(i32.const 32) ;; Length of "callee" address.
(i64.const 0) ;; How much gas to devote for the execution. 0 = all.
(i32.const 36) ;; Pointer to the buffer with value to transfer
(i32.const 8) ;; Length of the buffer with value to transfer.
(i32.const 44) ;; Pointer to input data buffer address
(i32.const 4) ;; Length of input data buffer
(i32.const 4294967295) ;; u32 max value is the sentinel value: do not copy output
(i32.const 0) ;; Length is ignored in this case
(func (export "deploy"))
;; Destination AccountId (ALICE)
(data (i32.const 4)
;; Amount of value to transfer.
;; Represented by u64 (8 bytes long) in little endian.
(data (i32.const 36) "\06\00\00\00\00\00\00\00")
(data (i32.const 44) "\01\02\03\04")
fn contract_call() {
let mut mock_ext = MockExt::default();
assert_ok!(execute(CODE_CALL, vec![], &mut mock_ext));
&[CallEntry {
to: ALICE,
value: 6,
data: vec![1, 2, 3, 4],
allows_reentry: true,
read_only: false
fn contract_delegate_call() {
const CODE: &str = r#"
;; seal_delegate_call(
;; flags: u32,
;; code_hash_ptr: u32,
;; input_data_ptr: u32,
;; input_data_len: u32,
;; output_ptr: u32,
;; output_len_ptr: u32
;;) -> u32
(import "seal0" "seal_delegate_call" (func $seal_delegate_call (param i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(func (export "call")
(call $seal_delegate_call
(i32.const 0) ;; No flags are set
(i32.const 4) ;; Pointer to "callee" code_hash.
(i32.const 36) ;; Pointer to input data buffer address
(i32.const 4) ;; Length of input data buffer
(i32.const 4294967295) ;; u32 max value is the sentinel value: do not copy output
(i32.const 0) ;; Length is ignored in this case
(func (export "deploy"))
;; Callee code_hash
(data (i32.const 4)
(data (i32.const 36) "\01\02\03\04")
let mut mock_ext = MockExt::default();
assert_ok!(execute(CODE, vec![], &mut mock_ext));
&[CallCodeEntry { code_hash: [0x11; 32].into(), data: vec![1, 2, 3, 4] }]
fn contract_call_forward_input() {
const CODE: &str = r#"
(import "seal1" "seal_call" (func $seal_call (param i32 i32 i64 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(import "seal0" "seal_input" (func $seal_input (param i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(func (export "call")
(call $seal_call
(i32.const 1) ;; Set FORWARD_INPUT bit
(i32.const 4) ;; Pointer to "callee" address.
(i64.const 0) ;; How much gas to devote for the execution. 0 = all.
(i32.const 36) ;; Pointer to the buffer with value to transfer
(i32.const 44) ;; Pointer to input data buffer address
(i32.const 4) ;; Length of input data buffer
(i32.const 4294967295) ;; u32 max value is the sentinel value: do not copy output
(i32.const 0) ;; Length is ignored in this case
;; triggers a trap because we already forwarded the input
(call $seal_input (i32.const 1) (i32.const 44))
(func (export "deploy"))
;; Destination AccountId (ALICE)
(data (i32.const 4)
;; Amount of value to transfer.
;; Represented by u64 (8 bytes long) in little endian.
(data (i32.const 36) "\2A\00\00\00\00\00\00\00")
;; The input is ignored because we forward our own input
(data (i32.const 44) "\01\02\03\04")
let mut mock_ext = MockExt::default();
let input = vec![0xff, 0x2a, 0x99, 0x88];
assert_err!(execute(CODE, input.clone(), &mut mock_ext), <Error<Test>>::InputForwarded,);
&[CallEntry {
to: ALICE,
value: 0x2a,
data: input,
allows_reentry: false,
read_only: false
fn contract_call_clone_input() {
const CODE: &str = r#"
(import "seal1" "seal_call" (func $seal_call (param i32 i32 i64 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(import "seal0" "seal_input" (func $seal_input (param i32 i32)))
(import "seal0" "seal_return" (func $seal_return (param i32 i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(func (export "call")
(call $seal_call
(i32.const 11) ;; Set FORWARD_INPUT | CLONE_INPUT | ALLOW_REENTRY bits
(i32.const 4) ;; Pointer to "callee" address.
(i64.const 0) ;; How much gas to devote for the execution. 0 = all.
(i32.const 36) ;; Pointer to the buffer with value to transfer
(i32.const 44) ;; Pointer to input data buffer address
(i32.const 4) ;; Length of input data buffer
(i32.const 4294967295) ;; u32 max value is the sentinel value: do not copy output
(i32.const 0) ;; Length is ignored in this case
;; works because the input was cloned
(call $seal_input (i32.const 0) (i32.const 44))
;; return the input to caller for inspection
(call $seal_return (i32.const 0) (i32.const 0) (i32.load (i32.const 44)))
(func (export "deploy"))
;; Destination AccountId (ALICE)
(data (i32.const 4)
;; Amount of value to transfer.
;; Represented by u64 (8 bytes long) in little endian.
(data (i32.const 36) "\2A\00\00\00\00\00\00\00")
;; The input is ignored because we forward our own input
(data (i32.const 44) "\01\02\03\04")
let mut mock_ext = MockExt::default();
let input = vec![0xff, 0x2a, 0x99, 0x88];
let result = execute(CODE, input.clone(), &mut mock_ext).unwrap();
assert_eq!(, input);
&[CallEntry {
to: ALICE,
value: 0x2a,
data: input,
allows_reentry: true,
read_only: false
fn contract_call_tail_call() {
const CODE: &str = r#"
(import "seal1" "seal_call" (func $seal_call (param i32 i32 i64 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(func (export "call")
(call $seal_call
(i32.const 5) ;; Set FORWARD_INPUT | TAIL_CALL bit
(i32.const 4) ;; Pointer to "callee" address.
(i64.const 0) ;; How much gas to devote for the execution. 0 = all.
(i32.const 36) ;; Pointer to the buffer with value to transfer
(i32.const 0) ;; Pointer to input data buffer address
(i32.const 0) ;; Length of input data buffer
(i32.const 4294967295) ;; u32 max value is the sentinel value: do not copy output
(i32.const 0) ;; Length is ignored in this case
;; a tail call never returns
(func (export "deploy"))
;; Destination AccountId (ALICE)
(data (i32.const 4)
;; Amount of value to transfer.
;; Represented by u64 (8 bytes long) in little endian.
(data (i32.const 36) "\2A\00\00\00\00\00\00\00")
let mut mock_ext = MockExt::default();
let input = vec![0xff, 0x2a, 0x99, 0x88];
let result = execute(CODE, input.clone(), &mut mock_ext).unwrap();
assert_eq!(, call_return_data());
&[CallEntry {
to: ALICE,
value: 0x2a,
data: input,
allows_reentry: false,
read_only: false
fn contains_storage_works() {
const CODE: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_return" (func $seal_return (param i32 i32 i32)))
(import "seal0" "seal_input" (func $seal_input (param i32 i32)))
(import "seal1" "contains_storage" (func $contains_storage (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; size of input buffer
;; [0, 4) size of input buffer (128+32 = 160 bytes = 0xA0)
(data (i32.const 0) "\A0")
;; [4, 164) input buffer
(func (export "call")
;; Receive key
(call $seal_input
(i32.const 4) ;; Where we take input and store it
(i32.const 0) ;; Where we take and store the length of the data
;; Call seal_clear_storage and save what it returns at 0
( (i32.const 0)
(call $contains_storage
(i32.const 8) ;; key_ptr
(i32.load (i32.const 4)) ;; key_len
(call $seal_return
(i32.const 0) ;; flags
(i32.const 0) ;; returned value
(i32.const 4) ;; length of returned value
(func (export "deploy"))
let mut ext = MockExt::default();
&Key::<Test>::try_from_var([1u8; 64].to_vec()).unwrap(),
&Key::<Test>::try_from_var([2u8; 19].to_vec()).unwrap(),
let input = (63, [1u8; 64]).encode();
let result = execute(CODE, input, &mut ext).unwrap();
assert_eq!(u32::from_le_bytes(, crate::SENTINEL);
let input = (64, [1u8; 64]).encode();
let result = execute(CODE, input, &mut ext).unwrap();
assert_eq!(u32::from_le_bytes(, 1);
assert_eq!([1u8; 64].to_vec()).unwrap(), &[42u8]);
let input = (19, [2u8; 19]).encode();
let result = execute(CODE, input, &mut ext).unwrap();
assert_eq!(u32::from_le_bytes(, 0);
assert_eq!([2u8; 19].to_vec()).unwrap(), &([] as [u8; 0]));
const CODE_INSTANTIATE: &str = r#"
;; seal_instantiate(
;; code_ptr: u32,
;; code_len: u32,
;; gas: u64,
;; value_ptr: u32,
;; value_len: u32,
;; input_data_ptr: u32,
;; input_data_len: u32,
;; input_data_len: u32,
;; address_ptr: u32,
;; address_len_ptr: u32,
;; output_ptr: u32,
;; output_len_ptr: u32
;; ) -> u32
(import "seal0" "seal_instantiate" (func $seal_instantiate
(param i32 i32 i64 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32)
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(func (export "call")
(call $seal_instantiate
(i32.const 16) ;; Pointer to `code_hash`
(i32.const 32) ;; Length of `code_hash`
(i64.const 0) ;; How much gas to devote for the execution. 0 = all.
(i32.const 4) ;; Pointer to the buffer with value to transfer
(i32.const 8) ;; Length of the buffer with value to transfer
(i32.const 12) ;; Pointer to input data buffer address
(i32.const 4) ;; Length of input data buffer
(i32.const 4294967295) ;; u32 max value is the sentinel value: do not copy address
(i32.const 0) ;; Length is ignored in this case
(i32.const 4294967295) ;; u32 max value is the sentinel value: do not copy output
(i32.const 0) ;; Length is ignored in this case
(i32.const 0) ;; salt_ptr
(i32.const 4) ;; salt_len
(func (export "deploy"))
;; Salt
(data (i32.const 0) "\42\43\44\45")
;; Amount of value to transfer.
;; Represented by u64 (8 bytes long) in little endian.
(data (i32.const 4) "\03\00\00\00\00\00\00\00")
;; Input data to pass to the contract being instantiated.
(data (i32.const 12) "\01\02\03\04")
;; Hash of code.
(data (i32.const 16)
fn contract_instantiate() {
let mut mock_ext = MockExt::default();
assert_ok!(execute(CODE_INSTANTIATE, vec![], &mut mock_ext));
[InstantiateEntry {
value: 3,
gas_left: _,
}] if
code_hash == &[0x11; 32].into() &&
data == &vec![1, 2, 3, 4] &&
salt == &vec![0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45]
const CODE_TERMINATE: &str = r#"
;; seal_terminate(
;; beneficiary_ptr: u32,
;; beneficiary_len: u32,
;; )
(import "seal0" "seal_terminate" (func $seal_terminate (param i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(func (export "call")
(call $seal_terminate
(i32.const 4) ;; Pointer to "beneficiary" address.
(i32.const 32) ;; Length of "beneficiary" address.
(func (export "deploy"))
;; Beneficiary AccountId to transfer the funds.
(data (i32.const 4)
fn contract_terminate() {
let mut mock_ext = MockExt::default();
execute(CODE_TERMINATE, vec![], &mut mock_ext).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&mock_ext.terminations, &[TerminationEntry { beneficiary: ALICE }]);
;; seal_call(
;; callee_ptr: u32,
;; callee_len: u32,
;; gas: u64,
;; value_ptr: u32,
;; value_len: u32,
;; input_data_ptr: u32,
;; input_data_len: u32,
;; output_ptr: u32,
;; output_len_ptr: u32
;;) -> u32
(import "seal0" "seal_call" (func $seal_call (param i32 i32 i64 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(func (export "call")
(call $seal_call
(i32.const 4) ;; Pointer to "callee" address.
(i32.const 32) ;; Length of "callee" address.
(i64.const 228) ;; How much gas to devote for the execution.
(i32.const 36) ;; Pointer to the buffer with value to transfer
(i32.const 8) ;; Length of the buffer with value to transfer.
(i32.const 44) ;; Pointer to input data buffer address
(i32.const 4) ;; Length of input data buffer
(i32.const 4294967295) ;; u32 max value is the sentinel value: do not copy output
(i32.const 0) ;; Length is ignored in this cas
(func (export "deploy"))
;; Destination AccountId to transfer the funds.
(data (i32.const 4)
;; Amount of value to transfer.
;; Represented by u64 (8 bytes long) in little endian.
(data (i32.const 36) "\06\00\00\00\00\00\00\00")
(data (i32.const 44) "\01\02\03\04")
fn contract_call_limited_gas() {
let mut mock_ext = MockExt::default();
assert_ok!(execute(&CODE_TRANSFER_LIMITED_GAS, vec![], &mut mock_ext));
&[CallEntry {
to: ALICE,
value: 6,
data: vec![1, 2, 3, 4],
allows_reentry: true,
read_only: false
const CODE_ECDSA_RECOVER: &str = r#"
;; seal_ecdsa_recover(
;; signature_ptr: u32,
;; message_hash_ptr: u32,
;; output_ptr: u32
;; ) -> u32
(import "seal0" "seal_ecdsa_recover" (func $seal_ecdsa_recover (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(func (export "call")
(call $seal_ecdsa_recover
(i32.const 36) ;; Pointer to signature.
(i32.const 4) ;; Pointer to message hash.
(i32.const 36) ;; Pointer for output - public key.
(func (export "deploy"))
;; Hash of message.
(data (i32.const 4)
;; Signature
(data (i32.const 36)
fn contract_ecdsa_recover() {
let mut mock_ext = MockExt::default();
assert_ok!(execute(&CODE_ECDSA_RECOVER, vec![], &mut mock_ext));
assert_eq!(mock_ext.ecdsa_recover.into_inner(), [([1; 65], [1; 32])]);
fn contract_ecdsa_to_eth_address() {
const CODE_ECDSA_TO_ETH_ADDRESS: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_ecdsa_to_eth_address" (func $seal_ecdsa_to_eth_address (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
(import "seal0" "seal_return" (func $seal_return (param i32 i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(func (export "call")
;; fill the buffer with the eth address.
(call $seal_ecdsa_to_eth_address (i32.const 0) (i32.const 0))
;; Return the contents of the buffer
(call $seal_return
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 20)
;; seal_return doesn't return, so this is effectively unreachable.
(func (export "deploy"))
let output = execute(CODE_ECDSA_TO_ETH_ADDRESS, vec![], MockExt::default()).unwrap();
ExecReturnValue { flags: ReturnFlags::empty(), data: [0x02; 20].to_vec() }
fn contract_sr25519() {
const CODE_SR25519: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "sr25519_verify" (func $sr25519_verify (param i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(func (export "call")
(call $sr25519_verify
(i32.const 0) ;; Pointer to signature.
(i32.const 64) ;; Pointer to public key.
(i32.const 16) ;; message length.
(i32.const 96) ;; Pointer to message.
(func (export "deploy"))
;; Signature (64 bytes)
(data (i32.const 0)
;; public key (32 bytes)
(data (i32.const 64)
;; message. (16 bytes)
(data (i32.const 96)
let mut mock_ext = MockExt::default();
assert_ok!(execute(&CODE_SR25519, vec![], &mut mock_ext));
assert_eq!(mock_ext.sr25519_verify.into_inner(), [([1; 64], [1; 16].to_vec(), [1; 32])]);
const CODE_GET_STORAGE: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_get_storage" (func $seal_get_storage (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(import "seal0" "seal_return" (func $seal_return (param i32 i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; [0, 32) key for get storage
(data (i32.const 0)
;; [32, 36) buffer size = 4k in little endian
(data (i32.const 32) "\00\10")
;; [36; inf) buffer where the result is copied
(func $assert (param i32)
(block $ok
(br_if $ok
(local.get 0)
(func (export "call")
(local $buf_size i32)
;; Load a storage value into contract memory.
(call $assert
(call $seal_get_storage
(i32.const 0) ;; The pointer to the storage key to fetch
(i32.const 36) ;; Pointer to the output buffer
(i32.const 32) ;; Pointer to the size of the buffer
;; Return value 0 means that the value is found and there were
;; no errors.
(i32.const 0)
;; Find out the size of the buffer
(local.set $buf_size
(i32.load (i32.const 32))
;; Return the contents of the buffer
(call $seal_return
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 36)
(local.get $buf_size)
;; env:seal_return doesn't return, so this is effectively unreachable.
(func (export "deploy"))
fn get_storage_puts_data_into_buf() {
let mut mock_ext = MockExt::default();[0x11; 32].to_vec(), [0x22; 32].to_vec());
let output = execute(CODE_GET_STORAGE, vec![], mock_ext).unwrap();
ExecReturnValue { flags: ReturnFlags::empty(), data: [0x22; 32].to_vec() }
const CODE_CALLER: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_caller" (func $seal_caller (param i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; size of our buffer is 32 bytes
(data (i32.const 32) "\20")
(func $assert (param i32)
(block $ok
(br_if $ok
(local.get 0)
(func (export "call")
;; fill the buffer with the caller.
(call $seal_caller (i32.const 0) (i32.const 32))
;; assert len == 32
(call $assert
(i32.load (i32.const 32))
(i32.const 32)
;; assert that the first 8 bytes are the beginning of "ALICE"
(call $assert
(i64.load (i32.const 0))
(i64.const 0x0101010101010101)
(func (export "deploy"))
fn caller() {
assert_ok!(execute(CODE_CALLER, vec![], MockExt::default()));
fn caller_traps_when_no_account_id() {
let mut ext = MockExt::default();
ext.caller = Origin::Root;
execute(CODE_CALLER, vec![], ext),
Err(ExecError { error: DispatchError::RootNotAllowed, origin: ErrorOrigin::Caller })
const CODE_ADDRESS: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_address" (func $seal_address (param i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; size of our buffer is 32 bytes
(data (i32.const 32) "\20")
(func $assert (param i32)
(block $ok
(br_if $ok
(local.get 0)
(func (export "call")
;; fill the buffer with the self address.
(call $seal_address (i32.const 0) (i32.const 32))
;; assert size == 32
(call $assert
(i32.load (i32.const 32))
(i32.const 32)
;; assert that the first 8 bytes are the beginning of "BOB"
(call $assert
(i64.load (i32.const 0))
(i64.const 0x0202020202020202)
(func (export "deploy"))
fn address() {
assert_ok!(execute(CODE_ADDRESS, vec![], MockExt::default()));
const CODE_BALANCE: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_balance" (func $seal_balance (param i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; size of our buffer is 32 bytes
(data (i32.const 32) "\20")
(func $assert (param i32)
(block $ok
(br_if $ok
(local.get 0)
(func (export "call")
;; This stores the balance in the buffer
(call $seal_balance (i32.const 0) (i32.const 32))
;; assert len == 8
(call $assert
(i32.load (i32.const 32))
(i32.const 8)
;; assert that contents of the buffer is equal to the i64 value of 228.
(call $assert
(i64.load (i32.const 0))
(i64.const 228)
(func (export "deploy"))
fn balance() {
assert_ok!(execute(CODE_BALANCE, vec![], MockExt::default()));
const CODE_GAS_PRICE: &str = r#"
(import "seal1" "weight_to_fee" (func $seal_weight_to_fee (param i64 i64 i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; size of our buffer is 32 bytes
(data (i32.const 32) "\20")
(func $assert (param i32)
(block $ok
(br_if $ok
(local.get 0)
(func (export "call")
;; This stores the gas price in the buffer
(call $seal_weight_to_fee (i64.const 2) (i64.const 1) (i32.const 0) (i32.const 32))
;; assert len == 8
(call $assert
(i32.load (i32.const 32))
(i32.const 8)
;; assert that contents of the buffer is equal to the i64 value of 2 * 1312 + 103 = 2727.
(call $assert
(i64.load (i32.const 0))
(i64.const 2727)
(func (export "deploy"))
fn gas_price() {
assert_ok!(execute(CODE_GAS_PRICE, vec![], MockExt::default()));
const CODE_GAS_LEFT: &str = r#"
(import "seal1" "gas_left" (func $seal_gas_left (param i32 i32)))
(import "seal0" "clear_storage" (func $clear_storage (param i32)))
(import "seal0" "seal_return" (func $seal_return (param i32 i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; Make output buffer size 20 bytes
(data (i32.const 20) "\14")
(func $assert (param i32)
(block $ok
(br_if $ok
(local.get 0)
(func (export "call")
;; Burn some PoV, clear_storage consumes some PoV as in order to clear the storage we need to we need to read its size first.
(call $clear_storage (i32.const 0))
;; This stores the weight left to the buffer
(call $seal_gas_left (i32.const 0) (i32.const 20))
;; Assert len <= 16 (max encoded Weight len)
(call $assert
(i32.load (i32.const 20))
(i32.const 16)
;; Burn some PoV, clear_storage consumes some PoV as in order to clear the storage we need to we need to read its size first.
(call $clear_storage (i32.const 0))
;; Return weight left and its encoded value len
(call $seal_return (i32.const 0) (i32.const 0) (i32.load (i32.const 20)))
(func (export "deploy"))
fn gas_left() {
let mut ext = MockExt::default();
let gas_limit = ext.gas_meter.gas_left();
let output = execute(CODE_GAS_LEFT, vec![], &mut ext).unwrap();
let weight_left = Weight::decode(&mut &*;
let actual_left = ext.gas_meter.gas_left();
assert!(weight_left.all_lt(gas_limit), "gas_left must be less than initial");
assert!(weight_left.all_gt(actual_left), "gas_left must be greater than final");
const CODE_VALUE_TRANSFERRED: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_value_transferred" (func $seal_value_transferred (param i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; size of our buffer is 32 bytes
(data (i32.const 32) "\20")
(func $assert (param i32)
(block $ok
(br_if $ok
(local.get 0)
(func (export "call")
;; This stores the value transferred in the buffer
(call $seal_value_transferred (i32.const 0) (i32.const 32))
;; assert len == 8
(call $assert
(i32.load (i32.const 32))
(i32.const 8)
;; assert that contents of the buffer is equal to the i64 value of 1337.
(call $assert
(i64.load (i32.const 0))
(i64.const 1337)
(func (export "deploy"))
fn value_transferred() {
assert_ok!(execute(CODE_VALUE_TRANSFERRED, vec![], MockExt::default()));
const START_FN_DOES_RUN: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_deposit_event" (func $seal_deposit_event (param i32 i32 i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(start $start)
(func $start
(call $seal_deposit_event
(i32.const 0) ;; Pointer to the start of topics buffer
(i32.const 0) ;; The length of the topics buffer.
(i32.const 0) ;; Pointer to the start of the data buffer
(i32.const 13) ;; Length of the buffer
(func (export "call"))
(func (export "deploy"))
(data (i32.const 0) "\00\01\2A\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\E5\14\00")
fn start_fn_does_run_on_call() {
let mut ext = MockExt::default();
execute(START_FN_DOES_RUN, vec![], &mut ext).unwrap();
[0x00_u8, 0x01, 0x2a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe5, 0x14, 0x00]
fn start_fn_does_run_on_deploy() {
let mut ext = MockExt::default();
execute_instantiate(START_FN_DOES_RUN, vec![], &mut ext).unwrap();
[0x00_u8, 0x01, 0x2a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe5, 0x14, 0x00]
const CODE_TIMESTAMP_NOW: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_now" (func $seal_now (param i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; size of our buffer is 32 bytes
(data (i32.const 32) "\20")
(func $assert (param i32)
(block $ok
(br_if $ok
(local.get 0)
(func (export "call")
;; This stores the block timestamp in the buffer
(call $seal_now (i32.const 0) (i32.const 32))
;; assert len == 8
(call $assert
(i32.load (i32.const 32))
(i32.const 8)
;; assert that contents of the buffer is equal to the i64 value of 1111.
(call $assert
(i64.load (i32.const 0))
(i64.const 1111)
(func (export "deploy"))
(import "seal0" "now" (func $now (param i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; size of our buffer is 32 bytes
(data (i32.const 32) "\20")
(func $assert (param i32)
(block $ok
(br_if $ok
(local.get 0)
(func (export "call")
;; This stores the block timestamp in the buffer
(call $now (i32.const 0) (i32.const 32))
;; assert len == 8
(call $assert
(i32.load (i32.const 32))
(i32.const 8)
;; assert that contents of the buffer is equal to the i64 value of 1111.
(call $assert
(i64.load (i32.const 0))
(i64.const 1111)
(func (export "deploy"))
fn now() {
assert_ok!(execute(CODE_TIMESTAMP_NOW, vec![], MockExt::default()));
assert_ok!(execute(CODE_TIMESTAMP_NOW_UNPREFIXED, vec![], MockExt::default()));
const CODE_MINIMUM_BALANCE: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_minimum_balance" (func $seal_minimum_balance (param i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; size of our buffer is 32 bytes
(data (i32.const 32) "\20")
(func $assert (param i32)
(block $ok
(br_if $ok
(local.get 0)
(func (export "call")
(call $seal_minimum_balance (i32.const 0) (i32.const 32))
;; assert len == 8
(call $assert
(i32.load (i32.const 32))
(i32.const 8)
;; assert that contents of the buffer is equal to the i64 value of 666.
(call $assert
(i64.load (i32.const 0))
(i64.const 666)
(func (export "deploy"))
fn minimum_balance() {
assert_ok!(execute(CODE_MINIMUM_BALANCE, vec![], MockExt::default()));
const CODE_RANDOM: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_random" (func $seal_random (param i32 i32 i32 i32)))
(import "seal0" "seal_return" (func $seal_return (param i32 i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; [0,128) is reserved for the result of PRNG.
;; the subject used for the PRNG. [128,160)
(data (i32.const 128)
;; size of our buffer is 128 bytes
(data (i32.const 160) "\80")
(func $assert (param i32)
(block $ok
(br_if $ok
(local.get 0)
(func (export "call")
;; This stores the block random seed in the buffer
(call $seal_random
(i32.const 128) ;; Pointer in memory to the start of the subject buffer
(i32.const 32) ;; The subject buffer's length
(i32.const 0) ;; Pointer to the output buffer
(i32.const 160) ;; Pointer to the output buffer length
;; assert len == 32
(call $assert
(i32.load (i32.const 160))
(i32.const 32)
;; return the random data
(call $seal_return
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 32)
(func (export "deploy"))
fn random() {
let output = execute_unvalidated(CODE_RANDOM, vec![], MockExt::default()).unwrap();
ExecReturnValue {
flags: ReturnFlags::empty(),
data: array_bytes::hex_into_unchecked(
const CODE_RANDOM_V1: &str = r#"
(import "seal1" "seal_random" (func $seal_random (param i32 i32 i32 i32)))
(import "seal0" "seal_return" (func $seal_return (param i32 i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; [0,128) is reserved for the result of PRNG.
;; the subject used for the PRNG. [128,160)
(data (i32.const 128)
;; size of our buffer is 128 bytes
(data (i32.const 160) "\80")
(func $assert (param i32)
(block $ok
(br_if $ok
(local.get 0)
(func (export "call")
;; This stores the block random seed in the buffer
(call $seal_random
(i32.const 128) ;; Pointer in memory to the start of the subject buffer
(i32.const 32) ;; The subject buffer's length
(i32.const 0) ;; Pointer to the output buffer
(i32.const 160) ;; Pointer to the output buffer length
;; assert len == 32
(call $assert
(i32.load (i32.const 160))
(i32.const 40)
;; return the random data
(call $seal_return
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 0)
(i32.const 40)
(func (export "deploy"))
fn random_v1() {
let output = execute_unvalidated(CODE_RANDOM_V1, vec![], MockExt::default()).unwrap();
ExecReturnValue {
flags: ReturnFlags::empty(),
data: (
array_bytes::hex2array_unchecked::<_, 32>(
const CODE_DEPOSIT_EVENT: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_deposit_event" (func $seal_deposit_event (param i32 i32 i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(func (export "call")
(call $seal_deposit_event
(i32.const 32) ;; Pointer to the start of topics buffer
(i32.const 33) ;; The length of the topics buffer.
(i32.const 8) ;; Pointer to the start of the data buffer
(i32.const 13) ;; Length of the buffer
(func (export "deploy"))
(data (i32.const 8) "\00\01\2A\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\E5\14\00")
;; Encoded Vec<TopicOf<T>>, the buffer has length of 33 bytes.
(data (i32.const 32) "\04\33\33\33\33\33\33\33\33\33\33\33\33\33\33\33\33\33\33\33\33\33\33\33"
fn deposit_event() {
let mut mock_ext = MockExt::default();
assert_ok!(execute(CODE_DEPOSIT_EVENT, vec![], &mut mock_ext));
vec![0x00, 0x01, 0x2a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe5, 0x14, 0x00]
assert!(mock_ext.gas_meter.gas_left().ref_time() > 0);
(import "seal0" "seal_deposit_event" (func $seal_deposit_event (param i32 i32 i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(func (export "call")
(call $seal_deposit_event
(i32.const 32) ;; Pointer to the start of topics buffer
(i32.const 129) ;; The length of the topics buffer.
(i32.const 8) ;; Pointer to the start of the data buffer
(i32.const 13) ;; Length of the buffer
(func (export "deploy"))
(data (i32.const 8) "\00\01\2A\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\E5\14\00")
;; Encoded Vec<TopicOf<T>>, the buffer has length of 129 bytes.
(data (i32.const 32) "\10"
fn deposit_event_duplicates_allowed() {
let mut mock_ext = MockExt::default();
assert_ok!(execute(CODE_DEPOSIT_EVENT_DUPLICATES, vec![], &mut mock_ext,));
vec![0x00, 0x01, 0x2a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe5, 0x14, 0x00]
(import "seal0" "seal_deposit_event" (func $seal_deposit_event (param i32 i32 i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(func (export "call")
(call $seal_deposit_event
(i32.const 32) ;; Pointer to the start of topics buffer
(i32.const 161) ;; The length of the topics buffer.
(i32.const 8) ;; Pointer to the start of the data buffer
(i32.const 13) ;; Length of the buffer
(func (export "deploy"))
(data (i32.const 8) "\00\01\2A\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\E5\14\00")
;; Encoded Vec<TopicOf<T>>, the buffer has length of 161 bytes.
(data (i32.const 32) "\14"
fn deposit_event_max_topics() {
execute(CODE_DEPOSIT_EVENT_MAX_TOPICS, vec![], MockExt::default(),),
Err(ExecError {
error: Error::<Test>::TooManyTopics.into(),
origin: ErrorOrigin::Caller,
const CODE_BLOCK_NUMBER: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_block_number" (func $seal_block_number (param i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; size of our buffer is 32 bytes
(data (i32.const 32) "\20")
(func $assert (param i32)
(block $ok
(br_if $ok
(local.get 0)
(func (export "call")
;; This stores the block height in the buffer
(call $seal_block_number (i32.const 0) (i32.const 32))
;; assert len == 8
(call $assert
(i32.load (i32.const 32))
(i32.const 8)
;; assert that contents of the buffer is equal to the i64 value of 121.
(call $assert
(i64.load (i32.const 0))
(i64.const 121)
(func (export "deploy"))
fn block_number() {
let _ = execute(CODE_BLOCK_NUMBER, vec![], MockExt::default()).unwrap();
const CODE_RETURN_WITH_DATA: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_input" (func $seal_input (param i32 i32)))
(import "seal0" "seal_return" (func $seal_return (param i32 i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(data (i32.const 32) "\20")
;; Deploy routine is the same as call.
(func (export "deploy")
(call $call)
;; Call reads the first 4 bytes (LE) as the exit status and returns the rest as output data.
(func $call (export "call")
;; Copy input data this contract memory.
(call $seal_input
(i32.const 0) ;; Pointer where to store input
(i32.const 32) ;; Pointer to the length of the buffer
;; Copy all but the first 4 bytes of the input data as the output data.
(call $seal_return
(i32.load (i32.const 0))
(i32.const 4)
(i32.sub (i32.load (i32.const 32)) (i32.const 4))
fn seal_return_with_success_status() {
let output = execute(
ExecReturnValue {
flags: ReturnFlags::empty(),
data: array_bytes::hex2bytes_unchecked("445566778899"),
fn return_with_revert_status() {
let output = execute(
ExecReturnValue {
flags: ReturnFlags::REVERT,
data: array_bytes::hex2bytes_unchecked("5566778899"),
const CODE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_ACCESS: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_terminate" (func $seal_terminate (param i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(func (export "deploy"))
(func (export "call")
(call $seal_terminate
(i32.const 65536) ;; Pointer to "account" address (out of bound).
(i32.const 8) ;; Length of "account" address.
fn contract_out_of_bounds_access() {
let mut mock_ext = MockExt::default();
let result = execute(CODE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS_ACCESS, vec![], &mut mock_ext);
Err(ExecError {
error: Error::<Test>::DecodingFailed.into(),
origin: ErrorOrigin::Caller,
const CODE_DECODE_FAILURE: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_terminate" (func $seal_terminate (param i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(func (export "deploy"))
(func (export "call")
(call $seal_terminate
(i32.const 0) ;; Pointer to "account" address.
(i32.const 4) ;; Length of "account" address (too small -> decode fail).
fn contract_decode_length_ignored() {
let mut mock_ext = MockExt::default();
let result = execute(CODE_DECODE_FAILURE, vec![], &mut mock_ext);
fn debug_message_works() {
const CODE_DEBUG_MESSAGE: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_debug_message" (func $seal_debug_message (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(data (i32.const 0) "Hello World!")
(func (export "call")
(call $seal_debug_message
(i32.const 0) ;; Pointer to the text buffer
(i32.const 12) ;; The size of the buffer
(func (export "deploy"))
let mut ext = MockExt::default();
execute(CODE_DEBUG_MESSAGE, vec![], &mut ext).unwrap();
assert_eq!(std::str::from_utf8(&ext.debug_buffer).unwrap(), "Hello World!");
fn debug_message_invalid_utf8_fails() {
const CODE_DEBUG_MESSAGE_FAIL: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_debug_message" (func $seal_debug_message (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(data (i32.const 0) "\fc")
(func (export "call")
(call $seal_debug_message
(i32.const 0) ;; Pointer to the text buffer
(i32.const 1) ;; The size of the buffer
(func (export "deploy"))
let mut ext = MockExt::default();
let result = execute(CODE_DEBUG_MESSAGE_FAIL, vec![], &mut ext);
const CODE_CALL_RUNTIME: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "call_runtime" (func $call_runtime (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
(import "seal0" "seal_input" (func $seal_input (param i32 i32)))
(import "seal0" "seal_return" (func $seal_return (param i32 i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; 0x1000 = 4k in little endian
;; size of input buffer
(data (i32.const 0) "\00\10")
(func (export "call")
;; Receive the encoded call
(call $seal_input
(i32.const 4) ;; Pointer to the input buffer
(i32.const 0) ;; Size of the length buffer
;; Just use the call passed as input and store result to memory
( (i32.const 0)
(call $call_runtime
(i32.const 4) ;; Pointer where the call is stored
(i32.load (i32.const 0)) ;; Size of the call
(call $seal_return
(i32.const 0) ;; flags
(i32.const 0) ;; returned value
(i32.const 4) ;; length of returned value
(func (export "deploy"))
fn call_runtime_works() {
let call =
RuntimeCall::System(frame_system::Call::remark { remark: b"Hello World".to_vec() });
let mut ext = MockExt::default();
let result = execute(CODE_CALL_RUNTIME, call.encode(), &mut ext).unwrap();
assert_eq!(*ext.runtime_calls.borrow(), vec![call]);
assert_eq!(u32::from_le_bytes(, 0);
fn call_runtime_panics_on_invalid_call() {
let mut ext = MockExt::default();
let result = execute(CODE_CALL_RUNTIME, vec![0x42], &mut ext);
Err(ExecError {
error: Error::<Test>::DecodingFailed.into(),
origin: ErrorOrigin::Caller,
assert_eq!(*ext.runtime_calls.borrow(), vec![]);
fn set_storage_works() {
const CODE: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_input" (func $seal_input (param i32 i32)))
(import "seal0" "seal_return" (func $seal_return (param i32 i32 i32)))
(import "seal2" "set_storage" (func $set_storage (param i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; [0, 4) size of input buffer
;; 4k in little endian
(data (i32.const 0) "\00\10")
;; [4, 4100) input buffer
(func (export "call")
;; Receive (key ++ value_to_write)
(call $seal_input
(i32.const 4) ;; Pointer to the input buffer
(i32.const 0) ;; Size of the input buffer
;; Store the passed value to the passed key and store result to memory
( (i32.const 168)
(call $set_storage
(i32.const 8) ;; key_ptr
(i32.load (i32.const 4)) ;; key_len
(i32.add ;; value_ptr = 8 + key_len
(i32.const 8)
(i32.load (i32.const 4)))
(i32.sub ;; value_len (input_size - (key_len + key_len_len))
(i32.load (i32.const 0))
(i32.load (i32.const 4))
(i32.const 4)
(call $seal_return
(i32.const 0) ;; flags
(i32.const 168) ;; ptr to returned value
(i32.const 4) ;; length of returned value
(func (export "deploy"))
let mut ext = MockExt::default();
let input = (32, [1u8; 32], [42u8, 48]).encode();
let result = execute(CODE, input, &mut ext).unwrap();
assert_eq!(u32::from_le_bytes(, crate::SENTINEL);
assert_eq!([1u8; 32].to_vec()).unwrap(), &[42u8, 48]);
let input = (32, [1u8; 32], [0u8; 0]).encode();
let result = execute(CODE, input, &mut ext).unwrap();
assert_eq!(u32::from_le_bytes(, 2);
assert_eq!([1u8; 32].to_vec()).unwrap(), &[0u8; 0]);
let input = (32, [1u8; 32], [99u8]).encode();
let result = execute(CODE, input, &mut ext).unwrap();
assert_eq!(u32::from_le_bytes(, 0);
assert_eq!([1u8; 32].to_vec()).unwrap(), &[99u8]);
fn get_storage_works() {
const CODE: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_input" (func $seal_input (param i32 i32)))
(import "seal0" "seal_return" (func $seal_return (param i32 i32 i32)))
(import "seal1" "get_storage" (func $get_storage (param i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; [0, 4) size of input buffer (160 bytes as we copy the key+len here)
(data (i32.const 0) "\A0")
;; [4, 8) size of output buffer
;; 4k in little endian
(data (i32.const 4) "\00\10")
;; [8, 168) input buffer
;; [168, 4264) output buffer
(func (export "call")
;; Receive (key ++ value_to_write)
(call $seal_input
(i32.const 8) ;; Pointer to the input buffer
(i32.const 0) ;; Size of the input buffer
;; Load a storage value and result of this call into the output buffer
( (i32.const 168)
(call $get_storage
(i32.const 12) ;; key_ptr
(i32.load (i32.const 8)) ;; key_len
(i32.const 172) ;; Pointer to the output buffer
(i32.const 4) ;; Pointer to the size of the buffer
(call $seal_return
(i32.const 0) ;; flags
(i32.const 168) ;; output buffer ptr
(i32.add ;; length: output size + 4 (retval)
(i32.load (i32.const 4))
(i32.const 4)
(func (export "deploy"))
let mut ext = MockExt::default();
&Key::<Test>::try_from_var([1u8; 64].to_vec()).unwrap(),
&Key::<Test>::try_from_var([2u8; 19].to_vec()).unwrap(),
let input = (63, [1u8; 64]).encode();
let result = execute(CODE, input, &mut ext).unwrap();
ReturnErrorCode::KeyNotFound as u32
let input = (64, [1u8; 64]).encode();
let result = execute(CODE, input, &mut ext).unwrap();
ReturnErrorCode::Success as u32
assert_eq!([1u8; 64].to_vec()).unwrap(), &[42u8]);
assert_eq!(&[4..], &[42u8]);
let input = (19, [2u8; 19]).encode();
let result = execute(CODE, input, &mut ext).unwrap();
ReturnErrorCode::Success as u32
assert_eq!([2u8; 19].to_vec()), Some(&vec![]));
assert_eq!(&[4..], &([] as [u8; 0]));
fn clear_storage_works() {
const CODE: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_input" (func $seal_input (param i32 i32)))
(import "seal0" "seal_return" (func $seal_return (param i32 i32 i32)))
(import "seal1" "clear_storage" (func $clear_storage (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; size of input buffer
;; [0, 4) size of input buffer (128+32 = 160 bytes = 0xA0)
(data (i32.const 0) "\A0")
;; [4, 164) input buffer
(func (export "call")
;; Receive key
(call $seal_input
(i32.const 4) ;; Where we take input and store it
(i32.const 0) ;; Where we take and store the length of thedata
;; Call seal_clear_storage and save what it returns at 0
( (i32.const 0)
(call $clear_storage
(i32.const 8) ;; key_ptr
(i32.load (i32.const 4)) ;; key_len
(call $seal_return
(i32.const 0) ;; flags
(i32.const 0) ;; returned value
(i32.const 4) ;; length of returned value
(func (export "deploy"))
let mut ext = MockExt::default();
&Key::<Test>::try_from_var([1u8; 64].to_vec()).unwrap(),
&Key::<Test>::try_from_var([2u8; 19].to_vec()).unwrap(),
let input = (32, [3u8; 32]).encode();
let result = execute(CODE, input, &mut ext).unwrap();
assert_eq!(u32::from_le_bytes(, crate::SENTINEL);
assert_eq!([3u8; 32].to_vec()), None);
let input = (64, [1u8; 64]).encode();
let result = execute(CODE, input, &mut ext).unwrap();
assert_eq!(u32::from_le_bytes(, 1);
assert_eq!([1u8; 64].to_vec()), None);
let input = (63, [1u8; 64]).encode();
let result = execute(CODE, input, &mut ext).unwrap();
assert_eq!(u32::from_le_bytes(, crate::SENTINEL);
assert_eq!([1u8; 64].to_vec()), None);
let input = (19, [2u8; 19]).encode();
let result = execute(CODE, input, &mut ext).unwrap();
assert_eq!(u32::from_le_bytes(, 0);
assert_eq!([2u8; 19].to_vec()), None);
fn take_storage_works() {
const CODE: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_return" (func $seal_return (param i32 i32 i32)))
(import "seal0" "seal_input" (func $seal_input (param i32 i32)))
(import "seal0" "take_storage" (func $take_storage (param i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; [0, 4) size of input buffer (160 bytes as we copy the key+len here)
(data (i32.const 0) "\A0")
;; [4, 8) size of output buffer
;; 4k in little endian
(data (i32.const 4) "\00\10")
;; [8, 168) input buffer
;; [168, 4264) output buffer
(func (export "call")
;; Receive key
(call $seal_input
(i32.const 8) ;; Pointer to the input buffer
(i32.const 0) ;; Size of the length buffer
;; Load a storage value and result of this call into the output buffer
( (i32.const 168)
(call $take_storage
(i32.const 12) ;; key_ptr
(i32.load (i32.const 8)) ;; key_len
(i32.const 172) ;; Pointer to the output buffer
(i32.const 4) ;; Pointer to the size of the buffer
;; Return the contents of the buffer
(call $seal_return
(i32.const 0) ;; flags
(i32.const 168) ;; output buffer ptr
(i32.add ;; length: storage size + 4 (retval)
(i32.load (i32.const 4))
(i32.const 4)
(func (export "deploy"))
let mut ext = MockExt::default();
&Key::<Test>::try_from_var([1u8; 64].to_vec()).unwrap(),
&Key::<Test>::try_from_var([2u8; 19].to_vec()).unwrap(),
let input = (63, [1u8; 64]).encode();
let result = execute(CODE, input, &mut ext).unwrap();
ReturnErrorCode::KeyNotFound as u32
let input = (64, [1u8; 64]).encode();
let result = execute(CODE, input, &mut ext).unwrap();
ReturnErrorCode::Success as u32
assert_eq!([1u8; 64].to_vec()), None);
assert_eq!(&[4..], &[42u8]);
let input = (19, [2u8; 19]).encode();
let result = execute(CODE, input, &mut ext).unwrap();
ReturnErrorCode::Success as u32
assert_eq!([2u8; 19].to_vec()), None);
assert_eq!(&[4..], &[0u8; 0]);
fn set_transient_storage_works() {
const CODE: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_input" (func $seal_input (param i32 i32)))
(import "seal0" "seal_return" (func $seal_return (param i32 i32 i32)))
(import "seal0" "set_transient_storage" (func $set_transient_storage (param i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; [0, 4) size of input buffer
;; 4k in little endian
(data (i32.const 0) "\00\10")
;; [4, 4100) input buffer
(func (export "call")
;; Receive (key ++ value_to_write)
(call $seal_input
(i32.const 4) ;; Pointer to the input buffer
(i32.const 0) ;; Size of the input buffer
;; Store the passed value to the passed key and store result to memory
( (i32.const 168)
(call $set_transient_storage
(i32.const 8) ;; key_ptr
(i32.load (i32.const 4)) ;; key_len
(i32.add ;; value_ptr = 8 + key_len
(i32.const 8)
(i32.load (i32.const 4)))
(i32.sub ;; value_len (input_size - (key_len + key_len_len))
(i32.load (i32.const 0))
(i32.load (i32.const 4))
(i32.const 4)
(call $seal_return
(i32.const 0) ;; flags
(i32.const 168) ;; ptr to returned value
(i32.const 4) ;; length of returned value
(func (export "deploy"))
let mut ext = MockExt::default();
let input = (32, [1u8; 32], [42u8, 48]).encode();
let result = execute(CODE, input, &mut ext).unwrap();
assert_eq!(u32::from_le_bytes(, crate::SENTINEL);
ext.get_transient_storage(&Key::<Test>::try_from_var([1u8; 32].to_vec()).unwrap()),
Some(vec![42, 48])
let input = (32, [1u8; 32], [0u8; 0]).encode();
let result = execute(CODE, input, &mut ext).unwrap();
assert_eq!(u32::from_le_bytes(, 2);
ext.get_transient_storage(&Key::<Test>::try_from_var([1u8; 32].to_vec()).unwrap()),
let input = (32, [1u8; 32], [99u8]).encode();
let result = execute(CODE, input, &mut ext).unwrap();
assert_eq!(u32::from_le_bytes(, 0);
ext.get_transient_storage(&Key::<Test>::try_from_var([1u8; 32].to_vec()).unwrap()),
fn get_transient_storage_works() {
const CODE: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_input" (func $seal_input (param i32 i32)))
(import "seal0" "seal_return" (func $seal_return (param i32 i32 i32)))
(import "seal0" "get_transient_storage" (func $get_transient_storage (param i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; [0, 4) size of input buffer (160 bytes as we copy the key+len here)
(data (i32.const 0) "\A0")
;; [4, 8) size of output buffer
;; 4k in little endian
(data (i32.const 4) "\00\10")
;; [8, 168) input buffer
;; [168, 4264) output buffer
(func (export "call")
;; Receive (key ++ value_to_write)
(call $seal_input
(i32.const 8) ;; Pointer to the input buffer
(i32.const 0) ;; Size of the input buffer
;; Load a storage value and result of this call into the output buffer
( (i32.const 168)
(call $get_transient_storage
(i32.const 12) ;; key_ptr
(i32.load (i32.const 8)) ;; key_len
(i32.const 172) ;; Pointer to the output buffer
(i32.const 4) ;; Pointer to the size of the buffer
(call $seal_return
(i32.const 0) ;; flags
(i32.const 168) ;; output buffer ptr
(i32.add ;; length: output size + 4 (retval)
(i32.load (i32.const 4))
(i32.const 4)
(func (export "deploy"))
let mut ext = MockExt::default();
&Key::<Test>::try_from_var([1u8; 64].to_vec()).unwrap(),
&Key::<Test>::try_from_var([2u8; 19].to_vec()).unwrap(),
let input = (63, [1u8; 64]).encode();
let result = execute(CODE, input, &mut ext).unwrap();
ReturnErrorCode::KeyNotFound as u32
let input = (64, [1u8; 64]).encode();
let result = execute(CODE, input, &mut ext).unwrap();
ReturnErrorCode::Success as u32
assert_eq!(&[4..], &[42u8]);
let input = (19, [2u8; 19]).encode();
let result = execute(CODE, input, &mut ext).unwrap();
ReturnErrorCode::Success as u32
assert_eq!(&[4..], &([] as [u8; 0]));
fn clear_transient_storage_works() {
const CODE: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_input" (func $seal_input (param i32 i32)))
(import "seal0" "seal_return" (func $seal_return (param i32 i32 i32)))
(import "seal0" "clear_transient_storage" (func $clear_transient_storage (param i32 i32) (result i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; size of input buffer
;; [0, 4) size of input buffer (128+32 = 160 bytes = 0xA0)
(data (i32.const 0) "\A0")
;; [4, 164) input buffer
(func (export "call")
;; Receive key
(call $seal_input
(i32.const 4) ;; Where we take input and store it
(i32.const 0) ;; Where we take and store the length of thedata
;; Call seal_clear_storage and save what it returns at 0
( (i32.const 0)
(call $clear_transient_storage
(i32.const 8) ;; key_ptr
(i32.load (i32.const 4)) ;; key_len
(call $seal_return
(i32.const 0) ;; flags
(i32.const 0) ;; returned value
(i32.const 4) ;; length of returned value
(func (export "deploy"))
let mut ext = MockExt::default();
&Key::<Test>::try_from_var([1u8; 64].to_vec()).unwrap(),
let input = (32, [3u8; 32]).encode();
let result = execute(CODE, input, &mut ext).unwrap();
assert_eq!(u32::from_le_bytes(, crate::SENTINEL);
let input = (64, [1u8; 64]).encode();
let result = execute(CODE, input, &mut ext).unwrap();
assert_eq!(u32::from_le_bytes(, 1);
ext.get_transient_storage(&Key::<Test>::try_from_var([1u8; 64].to_vec()).unwrap()),
fn take_transient_storage_works() {
const CODE: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_return" (func $seal_return (param i32 i32 i32)))
(import "seal0" "seal_input" (func $seal_input (param i32 i32)))
(import "seal0" "take_transient_storage" (func $take_transient_storage (param i32 i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; [0, 4) size of input buffer (160 bytes as we copy the key+len here)
(data (i32.const 0) "\A0")
;; [4, 8) size of output buffer
;; 4k in little endian
(data (i32.const 4) "\00\10")
;; [8, 168) input buffer
;; [168, 4264) output buffer
(func (export "call")
;; Receive key
(call $seal_input
(i32.const 8) ;; Pointer to the input buffer
(i32.const 0) ;; Size of the length buffer
;; Load a storage value and result of this call into the output buffer
( (i32.const 168)
(call $take_transient_storage
(i32.const 12) ;; key_ptr
(i32.load (i32.const 8)) ;; key_len
(i32.const 172) ;; Pointer to the output buffer
(i32.const 4) ;; Pointer to the size of the buffer
;; Return the contents of the buffer
(call $seal_return
(i32.const 0) ;; flags
(i32.const 168) ;; output buffer ptr
(i32.add ;; length: storage size + 4 (retval)
(i32.load (i32.const 4))
(i32.const 4)
(func (export "deploy"))
let mut ext = MockExt::default();
&Key::<Test>::try_from_var([1u8; 64].to_vec()).unwrap(),
&Key::<Test>::try_from_var([2u8; 19].to_vec()).unwrap(),
let input = (63, [1u8; 64]).encode();
let result = execute(CODE, input, &mut ext).unwrap();
ReturnErrorCode::KeyNotFound as u32
let input = (64, [1u8; 64]).encode();
let result = execute(CODE, input, &mut ext).unwrap();
ReturnErrorCode::Success as u32
ext.get_transient_storage(&Key::<Test>::try_from_var([1u8; 64].to_vec()).unwrap()),
assert_eq!(&[4..], &[42u8]);
let input = (19, [2u8; 19]).encode();
let result = execute(CODE, input, &mut ext).unwrap();
ReturnErrorCode::Success as u32
ext.get_transient_storage(&Key::<Test>::try_from_var([2u8; 19].to_vec()).unwrap()),
assert_eq!(&[4..], &[0u8; 0]);
fn is_contract_works() {
const CODE_IS_CONTRACT: &str = r#"
;; This runs `is_contract` check on zero account address
(import "seal0" "seal_is_contract" (func $seal_is_contract (param i32) (result i32)))
(import "seal0" "seal_return" (func $seal_return (param i32 i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; [0, 32) zero-adress
(data (i32.const 0)
;; [32, 36) here we store the return code of the `seal_is_contract`
(func (export "deploy"))
(func (export "call")
(i32.const 32)
(call $seal_is_contract
(i32.const 0) ;; ptr to destination address
;; exit with success and take `seal_is_contract` return code to the output buffer
(call $seal_return (i32.const 0) (i32.const 32) (i32.const 4))
let output = execute(CODE_IS_CONTRACT, vec![], MockExt::default()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, ExecReturnValue { flags: ReturnFlags::empty(), data: 1u32.encode() },);
fn code_hash_works() {
const CODE_CODE_HASH: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_code_hash" (func $seal_code_hash (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; size of our buffer is 32 bytes
(data (i32.const 32) "\20")
(func $assert (param i32)
(block $ok
(br_if $ok
(local.get 0)
(func (export "call")
;; fill the buffer with the code hash.
(call $seal_code_hash
(i32.const 0) ;; input: address_ptr (before call)
(i32.const 0) ;; output: code_hash_ptr (after call)
(i32.const 32) ;; same 32 bytes length for input and output
;; assert size == 32
(call $assert
(i32.load (i32.const 32))
(i32.const 32)
;; assert that the first 8 bytes are "1111111111111111"
(call $assert
(i64.load (i32.const 0))
(i64.const 0x1111111111111111)
(func (export "deploy"))
assert_ok!(execute(CODE_CODE_HASH, vec![], MockExt::default()));
fn own_code_hash_works() {
const CODE_OWN_CODE_HASH: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_own_code_hash" (func $seal_own_code_hash (param i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; size of our buffer is 32 bytes
(data (i32.const 32) "\20")
(func $assert (param i32)
(block $ok
(br_if $ok
(local.get 0)
(func (export "call")
;; fill the buffer with the code hash
(call $seal_own_code_hash
(i32.const 0) ;; output: code_hash_ptr
(i32.const 32) ;; 32 bytes length of code_hash output
;; assert size == 32
(call $assert
(i32.load (i32.const 32))
(i32.const 32)
;; assert that the first 8 bytes are "1010101010101010"
(call $assert
(i64.load (i32.const 0))
(i64.const 0x1010101010101010)
(func (export "deploy"))
assert_ok!(execute(CODE_OWN_CODE_HASH, vec![], MockExt::default()));
fn caller_is_origin_works() {
const CODE_CALLER_IS_ORIGIN: &str = r#"
;; This runs `caller_is_origin` check on zero account address
(import "seal0" "seal_caller_is_origin" (func $seal_caller_is_origin (result i32)))
(import "seal0" "seal_return" (func $seal_return (param i32 i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; [0, 4) here the return code of the `seal_caller_is_origin` will be stored
;; we initialize it with non-zero value to be sure that it's being overwritten below
(data (i32.const 0) "\10\10\10\10")
(func (export "deploy"))
(func (export "call")
(i32.const 0)
(call $seal_caller_is_origin)
;; exit with success and take `seal_caller_is_origin` return code to the output buffer
(call $seal_return (i32.const 0) (i32.const 0) (i32.const 4))
let output = execute(CODE_CALLER_IS_ORIGIN, vec![], MockExt::default()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, ExecReturnValue { flags: ReturnFlags::empty(), data: 0u32.encode() },);
fn caller_is_root_works() {
const CODE_CALLER_IS_ROOT: &str = r#"
;; This runs `caller_is_root` check on zero account address
(import "seal0" "caller_is_root" (func $caller_is_root (result i32)))
(import "seal0" "seal_return" (func $seal_return (param i32 i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
;; [0, 4) here the return code of the `caller_is_root` will be stored
;; we initialize it with non-zero value to be sure that it's being overwritten below
(data (i32.const 0) "\10\10\10\10")
(func (export "deploy"))
(func (export "call")
(i32.const 0)
(call $caller_is_root)
;; exit with success and take `caller_is_root` return code to the output buffer
(call $seal_return (i32.const 0) (i32.const 0) (i32.const 4))
let output = execute(CODE_CALLER_IS_ROOT, vec![], MockExt::default()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, ExecReturnValue { flags: ReturnFlags::empty(), data: 0u32.encode() },);
let output = execute(
MockExt { caller: Origin::Root, ..MockExt::default() },
assert_eq!(output, ExecReturnValue { flags: ReturnFlags::empty(), data: 1u32.encode() },);
fn set_code_hash() {
const CODE: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_set_code_hash" (func $seal_set_code_hash (param i32) (result i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(func $assert (param i32)
(block $ok
(br_if $ok
(local.get 0)
(func (export "call")
(local $exit_code i32)
(local.set $exit_code
(call $seal_set_code_hash (i32.const 0))
(call $assert
(i32.eq (local.get $exit_code) (i32.const 0)) ;; ReturnCode::Success
(func (export "deploy"))
;; Hash of code.
(data (i32.const 0)
let mut mock_ext = MockExt::default();
execute(CODE, [0u8; 32].encode(), &mut mock_ext).unwrap();
assert_eq!(mock_ext.code_hashes.pop().unwrap(), H256::from_slice(&[17u8; 32]));
fn reentrance_count_works() {
const CODE: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "reentrance_count" (func $reentrance_count (result i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(func $assert (param i32)
(block $ok
(br_if $ok
(local.get 0)
(func (export "call")
(local $return_val i32)
(local.set $return_val
(call $reentrance_count)
(call $assert
(i32.eq (local.get $return_val) (i32.const 12))
(func (export "deploy"))
let mut mock_ext = MockExt::default();
execute(CODE, vec![], &mut mock_ext).unwrap();
fn account_reentrance_count_works() {
const CODE: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "account_reentrance_count" (func $account_reentrance_count (param i32) (result i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(func $assert (param i32)
(block $ok
(br_if $ok
(local.get 0)
(func (export "call")
(local $return_val i32)
(local.set $return_val
(call $account_reentrance_count (i32.const 0))
(call $assert
(i32.eq (local.get $return_val) (i32.const 12))
(func (export "deploy"))
let mut mock_ext = MockExt::default();
execute(CODE, vec![], &mut mock_ext).unwrap();
fn instantiation_nonce_works() {
const CODE: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "instantiation_nonce" (func $nonce (result i64)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(func $assert (param i32)
(block $ok
(br_if $ok
(local.get 0)
(func (export "call")
(call $assert
(i64.eq (call $nonce) (i64.const 995))
(func (export "deploy"))
let mut mock_ext = MockExt::default();
execute(CODE, vec![], &mut mock_ext).unwrap();
#[cfg(not(feature = "runtime-benchmarks"))]
fn cannot_deploy_unstable() {
const CANNOT_DEPLOY_UNSTABLE: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "reentrance_count" (func $reentrance_count (result i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(func (export "call"))
(func (export "deploy"))
execute_no_unstable(CANNOT_DEPLOY_UNSTABLE, vec![], MockExt::default()),
assert_ok!(execute(CANNOT_DEPLOY_UNSTABLE, vec![], MockExt::default()));
#[cfg(not(feature = "runtime-benchmarks"))]
fn cannot_deploy_deprecated() {
const CODE_RANDOM_0: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "seal_random" (func $seal_random (param i32 i32 i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(func (export "call"))
(func (export "deploy"))
const CODE_RANDOM_1: &str = r#"
(import "seal1" "seal_random" (func $seal_random (param i32 i32 i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(func (export "call"))
(func (export "deploy"))
const CODE_RANDOM_2: &str = r#"
(import "seal0" "random" (func $seal_random (param i32 i32 i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(func (export "call"))
(func (export "deploy"))
const CODE_RANDOM_3: &str = r#"
(import "seal1" "random" (func $seal_random (param i32 i32 i32 i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(func (export "call"))
(func (export "deploy"))
assert_ok!(execute_unvalidated(CODE_RANDOM_0, vec![], MockExt::default()));
execute_instantiate_unvalidated(CODE_RANDOM_0, vec![], MockExt::default()),
execute(CODE_RANDOM_0, vec![], MockExt::default()),
assert_ok!(execute_unvalidated(CODE_RANDOM_1, vec![], MockExt::default()));
execute_instantiate_unvalidated(CODE_RANDOM_1, vec![], MockExt::default()),
execute(CODE_RANDOM_1, vec![], MockExt::default()),
assert_ok!(execute_unvalidated(CODE_RANDOM_2, vec![], MockExt::default()));
execute_instantiate_unvalidated(CODE_RANDOM_2, vec![], MockExt::default()),
execute(CODE_RANDOM_2, vec![], MockExt::default()),
assert_ok!(execute_unvalidated(CODE_RANDOM_3, vec![], MockExt::default()));
execute_instantiate_unvalidated(CODE_RANDOM_3, vec![], MockExt::default()),
execute(CODE_RANDOM_3, vec![], MockExt::default()),
fn lock_unlock_delegate_dependency() {
(import "seal0" "lock_delegate_dependency" (func $lock_delegate_dependency (param i32)))
(import "seal0" "unlock_delegate_dependency" (func $unlock_delegate_dependency (param i32)))
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(func (export "call")
(call $lock_delegate_dependency (i32.const 0))
(call $lock_delegate_dependency (i32.const 32))
(call $unlock_delegate_dependency (i32.const 32))
(func (export "deploy"))
;; hash1 (32 bytes)
(data (i32.const 0)
;; hash2 (32 bytes)
(data (i32.const 32)
let mut mock_ext = MockExt::default();
assert_ok!(execute(&CODE_LOCK_UNLOCK_DELEGATE_DEPENDENCY, vec![], &mut mock_ext));
let delegate_dependencies: Vec<_> =
assert_eq!(delegate_dependencies.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(delegate_dependencies[0].as_bytes(), [1; 32]);
fn read_sandbox_memory_as_works_with_max_len_out_of_bounds_but_fitting_actual_data() {
use frame_support::BoundedVec;
use sp_core::ConstU32;
let mut ext = MockExt::default();
let runtime = Runtime::new(&mut ext, vec![]);
let data = vec![1u8, 2, 3];
let memory = data.encode();
let decoded: BoundedVec<u8, ConstU32<128>> =
runtime.read_sandbox_memory_as(&memory, 0u32).unwrap();
assert_eq!(decoded.into_inner(), data);
fn run_out_of_gas_in_start_fn() {
const CODE: &str = r#"
(import "env" "memory" (memory 1 1))
(start $start)
(func $start
(loop $inf (br $inf)) ;; just run out of gas
(func (export "call"))
(func (export "deploy"))
let mut mock_ext = MockExt::default();
assert_err!(execute(&CODE, vec![], &mut mock_ext), <Error<Test>>::OutOfGas);