use codec::DecodeAll;
use frame_support::weights::constants::WEIGHT_REF_TIME_PER_NANOS;
use frame_system::ConsumedWeight;
use sc_block_builder::BlockBuilderApi;
use sc_cli::{Error, Result};
use sc_client_api::{
Backend as ClientBackend, BlockBackend, HeaderBackend, StorageProvider, UsageProvider,
use sp_api::{ApiExt, Core, ProvideRuntimeApi};
use sp_blockchain::Error::RuntimeApiError;
use sp_runtime::{
traits::{Block as BlockT, Header as HeaderT},
DigestItem, OpaqueExtrinsic,
use sp_storage::StorageKey;
use clap::Args;
use log::{info, warn};
use serde::Serialize;
use std::{fmt::Debug, marker::PhantomData, sync::Arc, time::Instant};
use thousands::Separable;
use crate::shared::{StatSelect, Stats};
const LOG_TARGET: &'static str = "benchmark::block::weight";
#[derive(Debug, Default, Serialize, Clone, PartialEq, Args)]
pub struct BenchmarkParams {
pub from: u32,
pub to: u32,
#[arg(long, default_value_t = 10)]
pub repeat: u32,
pub struct Benchmark<Block, BA, C> {
client: Arc<C>,
params: BenchmarkParams,
_p: PhantomData<(Block, BA, C)>,
type NanoSeconds = u64;
impl<Block, BA, C> Benchmark<Block, BA, C>
Block: BlockT<Extrinsic = OpaqueExtrinsic>,
BA: ClientBackend<Block>,
C: ProvideRuntimeApi<Block>
+ StorageProvider<Block, BA>
+ UsageProvider<Block>
+ BlockBackend<Block>
+ HeaderBackend<Block>,
C::Api: ApiExt<Block> + BlockBuilderApi<Block>,
pub fn new(client: Arc<C>, params: BenchmarkParams) -> Self {
Self { client, params, _p: PhantomData }
pub fn run(&self) -> Result<()> {
if self.params.from == 0 {
return Err("Cannot benchmark the genesis block".into())
for i in {
let block_num = BlockId::Number(i.into());
let hash = self.client.expect_block_hash_from_id(&block_num)?;
let consumed = self.consumed_weight(hash)?;
let block = self.client.block(hash)?.ok_or(format!("Block {} not found", block_num))?;
let block = self.unsealed(block.block);
let took = self.measure_block(&block, *block.header().parent_hash())?;
self.log_weight(i, block.extrinsics().len(), consumed, took);
fn measure_block(&self, block: &Block, parent_hash: Block::Hash) -> Result<NanoSeconds> {
let mut record = Vec::<NanoSeconds>::default();
for _ in 0..self.params.repeat {
let block = block.clone();
let runtime_api = self.client.runtime_api();
let start = Instant::now();
.execute_block(parent_hash, block)
.map_err(|e| Error::Client(RuntimeApiError(e)))?;
record.push(start.elapsed().as_nanos() as NanoSeconds);
let took = Stats::new(&record)?.select(StatSelect::Average);
fn consumed_weight(&self, block_hash: Block::Hash) -> Result<NanoSeconds> {
let hash = array_bytes::hex2bytes(
let key = StorageKey(hash);
let mut raw_weight = &self
.storage(block_hash, &key)?
.ok_or(format!("Could not find System::BlockWeight for block: {}", block_hash))?
let weight = ConsumedWeight::decode_all(&mut raw_weight)?;
Ok(( as f64 / WEIGHT_REF_TIME_PER_NANOS as f64).floor()
as NanoSeconds)
fn log_weight(&self, num: u32, num_ext: usize, consumed: NanoSeconds, took: NanoSeconds) {
let percent = (took as f64 / consumed as f64) * 100.0;
let msg = format!(
"Block {} with {: >5} tx used {: >6.2}% of its weight ({: >14} of {: >14} ns)",
if took <= consumed {
info!(target: LOG_TARGET, "{}", msg);
} else {
warn!(target: LOG_TARGET, "{} - OVER WEIGHT!", msg);
fn unsealed(&self, block: Block) -> Block {
let (mut header, exts) = block.deconstruct();
header.digest_mut().logs.retain(|item| !matches!(item, DigestItem::Seal(_, _)));
Block::new(header, exts)