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// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
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//! Balancing algorithm implementation.
//! Given a committee `A` and an edge weight vector `w`, a balanced solution is one that
//! 1. it maximizes the sum of member supports, i.e `Argmax { sum(support(c)) }`. for all `c` in
//! `A`.
//! 2. it minimizes the sum of supports squared, i.e `Argmin { sum(support(c).pow(2)) }` for all `c`
//! in `A`.
//! See [`balance`] for more information.
use crate::{BalancingConfig, Edge, ExtendedBalance, IdentifierT, Voter};
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use sp_arithmetic::traits::Zero;
/// Balance the weight distribution of a given `voters` at most `iterations` times, or up until the
/// point where the biggest difference created per iteration of all stakes is `tolerance`. If this
/// is called with `tolerance = 0`, then exactly `iterations` rounds will be executed, except if no
/// change has been made (`difference = 0`). `tolerance` and `iterations` are part of the
/// [`BalancingConfig`] struct.
/// In almost all cases, a balanced solution will have a better score than an unbalanced solution,
/// yet this is not 100% guaranteed because the first element of a [`crate::ElectionScore`] does not
/// directly relate to balancing.
/// Note that some reference implementation adopt an approach in which voters are balanced randomly
/// per round. To advocate determinism, we don't do this. In each round, all voters are exactly
/// balanced once, in the same order.
/// Also, note that due to re-distribution of weights, the outcome of this function might contain
/// edges with weight zero. The call site should filter such weight if desirable. Moreover, the
/// outcome might need balance re-normalization, see `Voter::try_normalize`.
/// ### References
/// - [A new approach to the maximum flow problem](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/48014.61051).
/// - [Validator election in nominated proof-of-stake](https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.12990) (Appendix
/// A.)
/// - [Computing a balanced solution](https://research.web3.foundation/en/latest/polkadot/NPoS/3.%20Balancing.html),
/// which contains the details of the algorithm implementation.
pub fn balance<AccountId: IdentifierT>(
voters: &mut Vec<Voter<AccountId>>,
config: &BalancingConfig,
) -> usize {
if config.iterations == 0 {
return 0
let mut iter = 0;
loop {
let mut max_diff = 0;
for voter in voters.iter_mut() {
let diff = balance_voter(voter, config.tolerance);
if diff > max_diff {
max_diff = diff;
iter += 1;
if max_diff <= config.tolerance || iter >= config.iterations {
break iter
/// Internal implementation of balancing for one voter.
pub(crate) fn balance_voter<AccountId: IdentifierT>(
voter: &mut Voter<AccountId>,
tolerance: ExtendedBalance,
) -> ExtendedBalance {
// create a shallow copy of the elected ones. The original one will not be used henceforth.
let mut elected_edges = voter
.filter(|e| e.candidate.borrow().elected)
.collect::<Vec<&mut Edge<AccountId>>>();
// Either empty, or a self vote. Not much to do in either case.
if elected_edges.len() <= 1 {
return Zero::zero()
// amount of stake from this voter that is used in edges.
let stake_used =
elected_edges.iter().fold(0, |a: ExtendedBalance, e| a.saturating_add(e.weight));
// backed stake of each of the elected edges.
let backed_stakes = elected_edges
.map(|e| e.candidate.borrow().backed_stake)
// backed stake of all the edges for whom we've spent some stake.
let backing_backed_stake = elected_edges
.filter_map(|e| if e.weight > 0 { Some(e.candidate.borrow().backed_stake) } else { None })
let difference = if backing_backed_stake.len() > 0 {
let max_stake = backing_backed_stake
.expect("vector with positive length will have a max; qed");
let min_stake = backed_stakes
.expect("iterator with positive length will have a min; qed");
let mut difference = max_stake.saturating_sub(*min_stake);
difference = difference.saturating_add(voter.budget.saturating_sub(stake_used));
if difference < tolerance {
return difference
} else {
// remove all backings.
for edge in elected_edges.iter_mut() {
let mut candidate = edge.candidate.borrow_mut();
candidate.backed_stake = candidate.backed_stake.saturating_sub(edge.weight);
edge.weight = 0;
elected_edges.sort_by_key(|e| e.candidate.borrow().backed_stake);
let mut cumulative_backed_stake = Zero::zero();
let mut last_index = elected_edges.len() - 1;
for (index, edge) in elected_edges.iter().enumerate() {
let index = index as ExtendedBalance;
let backed_stake = edge.candidate.borrow().backed_stake;
let temp = backed_stake.saturating_mul(index);
if temp.saturating_sub(cumulative_backed_stake) > voter.budget {
// defensive only. length of elected_edges is checked to be above 1.
last_index = index.saturating_sub(1) as usize;
cumulative_backed_stake = cumulative_backed_stake.saturating_add(backed_stake);
let last_stake = elected_edges
"length of elected_edges is greater than or equal 2; last_index index is at the \
minimum elected_edges.len() - 1; index is within range; qed",
let ways_to_split = last_index + 1;
let excess = voter
.saturating_sub(last_stake.saturating_mul(ways_to_split as ExtendedBalance));
// Do the final update.
for edge in elected_edges.into_iter().take(ways_to_split) {
// first, do one scoped borrow to get the previous candidate stake.
let candidate_backed_stake = {
let candidate = edge.candidate.borrow();
let new_edge_weight = (excess / ways_to_split as ExtendedBalance)
// write the new edge weight
edge.weight = new_edge_weight;
// write the new candidate stake
let mut candidate = edge.candidate.borrow_mut();
candidate.backed_stake = candidate.backed_stake.saturating_add(new_edge_weight);
// excess / ways_to_split can cause a small un-normalized voters to be created.
// We won't `expect` here because even a result which is not normalized is not corrupt;
let _ = voter.try_normalize_elected();