// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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//! Schema for BEEFY state persisted in the aux-db.
use crate::{error::Error, worker::PersistedState, LOG_TARGET};
use codec::{Decode, Encode};
use log::{debug, trace, warn};
use sc_client_api::{backend::AuxStore, Backend};
use sp_blockchain::{Error as ClientError, Result as ClientResult};
use sp_consensus_beefy::AuthorityIdBound;
use sp_runtime::traits::Block as BlockT;
const VERSION_KEY: &[u8] = b"beefy_auxschema_version";
const WORKER_STATE_KEY: &[u8] = b"beefy_voter_state";
const CURRENT_VERSION: u32 = 4;
pub(crate) fn write_current_version<BE: AuxStore>(backend: &BE) -> Result<(), Error> {
debug!(target: LOG_TARGET, "🥩 write aux schema version {:?}", CURRENT_VERSION);
AuxStore::insert_aux(backend, &[(VERSION_KEY, CURRENT_VERSION.encode().as_slice())], &[])
.map_err(|e| Error::Backend(e.to_string()))
/// Write voter state.
pub(crate) fn write_voter_state<B: BlockT, BE: AuxStore, AuthorityId: AuthorityIdBound>(
backend: &BE,
state: &PersistedState<B, AuthorityId>,
) -> ClientResult<()> {
trace!(target: LOG_TARGET, "🥩 persisting {:?}", state);
AuxStore::insert_aux(backend, &[(WORKER_STATE_KEY, state.encode().as_slice())], &[])
fn load_decode<BE: AuxStore, T: Decode>(backend: &BE, key: &[u8]) -> ClientResult<Option<T>> {
match backend.get_aux(key)? {
None => Ok(None),
Some(t) => T::decode(&mut &t[..])
.map_err(|e| ClientError::Backend(format!("BEEFY DB is corrupted: {}", e)))
/// Load or initialize persistent data from backend.
pub(crate) fn load_persistent<B, BE, AuthorityId: AuthorityIdBound>(
backend: &BE,
) -> ClientResult<Option<PersistedState<B, AuthorityId>>>
B: BlockT,
BE: Backend<B>,
let version: Option<u32> = load_decode(backend, VERSION_KEY)?;
match version {
None => (),
Some(v) if 1 <= v && v <= 3 =>
// versions 1, 2 & 3 are obsolete and should be ignored
warn!(target: LOG_TARGET, "🥩 backend contains a BEEFY state of an obsolete version {v}. ignoring..."),
Some(4) =>
return load_decode::<_, PersistedState<B, AuthorityId>>(backend, WORKER_STATE_KEY),
other =>
return Err(ClientError::Backend(format!("Unsupported BEEFY DB version: {:?}", other))),
// No persistent state found in DB.
pub(crate) mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::tests::BeefyTestNet;
use sc_network_test::TestNetFactory;
use sp_consensus_beefy::ecdsa_crypto;
// also used in tests.rs
pub fn verify_persisted_version<B: BlockT, BE: Backend<B>>(backend: &BE) -> bool {
let version: u32 = load_decode(backend, VERSION_KEY).unwrap().unwrap();
async fn should_load_persistent_sanity_checks() {
let mut net = BeefyTestNet::new(1);
let backend = net.peer(0).client().as_backend();
// version not available in db -> None
assert_eq!(load_persistent::<_, _, ecdsa_crypto::AuthorityId>(&*backend).unwrap(), None);
// populate version in db
// verify correct version is retrieved
assert_eq!(load_decode(&*backend, VERSION_KEY).unwrap(), Some(CURRENT_VERSION));
// version is available in db but state isn't -> None
assert_eq!(load_persistent::<_, _, ecdsa_crypto::AuthorityId>(&*backend).unwrap(), None);
// full `PersistedState` load is tested in `tests.rs`.