// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
use crate::{CoreIndex, SaleInfoRecord};
use sp_arithmetic::{traits::One, FixedU64};
use sp_runtime::{FixedPointNumber, FixedPointOperand, Saturating};
/// Performance of a past sale.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct SalePerformance<Balance> {
/// The price at which the last core was sold.
/// Will be `None` if no cores have been offered.
pub sellout_price: Option<Balance>,
/// The minimum price that was achieved in this sale.
pub end_price: Balance,
/// The number of cores we want to sell, ideally.
pub ideal_cores_sold: CoreIndex,
/// Number of cores which are/have been offered for sale.
pub cores_offered: CoreIndex,
/// Number of cores which have been sold; never more than cores_offered.
pub cores_sold: CoreIndex,
/// Result of `AdaptPrice::adapt_price`.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct AdaptedPrices<Balance> {
/// New minimum price to use.
pub end_price: Balance,
/// Price the controller is optimizing for.
/// This is the price "expected" by the controller based on the previous sale. We assume that
/// sales in this period will be around this price, assuming stable market conditions.
/// Think of it as the expected market price. This can be used for determining what to charge
/// for renewals, that don't yet have any price information for example. E.g. for expired
/// legacy leases.
pub target_price: Balance,
impl<Balance: Copy> SalePerformance<Balance> {
/// Construct performance via data from a `SaleInfoRecord`.
pub fn from_sale<BlockNumber>(record: &SaleInfoRecord<Balance, BlockNumber>) -> Self {
Self {
sellout_price: record.sellout_price,
end_price: record.end_price,
ideal_cores_sold: record.ideal_cores_sold,
cores_offered: record.cores_offered,
cores_sold: record.cores_sold,
fn new(sellout_price: Option<Balance>, end_price: Balance) -> Self {
Self { sellout_price, end_price, ideal_cores_sold: 0, cores_offered: 0, cores_sold: 0 }
/// Type for determining how to set price.
pub trait AdaptPrice<Balance> {
/// Return the factor by which the regular price must be multiplied during the leadin period.
/// - `when`: The amount through the leadin period; between zero and one.
fn leadin_factor_at(when: FixedU64) -> FixedU64;
/// Return adapted prices for next sale.
/// Based on the previous sale's performance.
fn adapt_price(performance: SalePerformance<Balance>) -> AdaptedPrices<Balance>;
impl<Balance: Copy> AdaptPrice<Balance> for () {
fn leadin_factor_at(_: FixedU64) -> FixedU64 {
fn adapt_price(performance: SalePerformance<Balance>) -> AdaptedPrices<Balance> {
let price = performance.sellout_price.unwrap_or(performance.end_price);
AdaptedPrices { end_price: price, target_price: price }
/// Simple implementation of `AdaptPrice` with two linear phases.
/// One steep one downwards to the target price, which is 1/10 of the maximum price and a more flat
/// one down to the minimum price, which is 1/100 of the maximum price.
pub struct CenterTargetPrice<Balance>(core::marker::PhantomData<Balance>);
impl<Balance: FixedPointOperand> AdaptPrice<Balance> for CenterTargetPrice<Balance> {
fn leadin_factor_at(when: FixedU64) -> FixedU64 {
if when <= FixedU64::from_rational(1, 2) {
} else {
fn adapt_price(performance: SalePerformance<Balance>) -> AdaptedPrices<Balance> {
let Some(sellout_price) = performance.sellout_price else {
return AdaptedPrices {
end_price: performance.end_price,
target_price: FixedU64::from(10).saturating_mul_int(performance.end_price),
let price = FixedU64::from_rational(1, 10).saturating_mul_int(sellout_price);
let price = if price == Balance::zero() {
// We could not recover from a price equal 0 ever.
} else {
AdaptedPrices { end_price: price, target_price: sellout_price }
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn linear_no_panic() {
for sellout in 0..11 {
for price in 0..10 {
let sellout_price = if sellout == 11 { None } else { Some(sellout) };
CenterTargetPrice::adapt_price(SalePerformance::new(sellout_price, price));
fn leadin_price_bound_check() {
CenterTargetPrice::<u64>::leadin_factor_at(FixedU64::from_rational(1, 4)),
CenterTargetPrice::<u64>::leadin_factor_at(FixedU64::from_rational(3, 4)),
assert_eq!(CenterTargetPrice::<u64>::leadin_factor_at(FixedU64::one()), FixedU64::one());
fn no_op_sale_is_good() {
let prices = CenterTargetPrice::adapt_price(SalePerformance::new(None, 1));
assert_eq!(prices.target_price, 10);
assert_eq!(prices.end_price, 1);
fn price_stays_stable_on_optimal_sale() {
// Check price stays stable if sold at the optimal price:
let mut performance = SalePerformance::new(Some(1000), 100);
for _ in 0..10 {
let prices = CenterTargetPrice::adapt_price(performance);
performance.sellout_price = Some(1000);
performance.end_price = prices.end_price;
assert!(prices.end_price <= 101);
assert!(prices.end_price >= 99);
assert!(prices.target_price <= 1001);
assert!(prices.target_price >= 999);
fn price_adjusts_correctly_upwards() {
let performance = SalePerformance::new(Some(10_000), 100);
let prices = CenterTargetPrice::adapt_price(performance);
assert_eq!(prices.target_price, 10_000);
assert_eq!(prices.end_price, 1000);
fn price_adjusts_correctly_downwards() {
let performance = SalePerformance::new(Some(100), 100);
let prices = CenterTargetPrice::adapt_price(performance);
assert_eq!(prices.target_price, 100);
assert_eq!(prices.end_price, 10);
fn price_never_goes_to_zero_and_recovers() {
// Check price stays stable if sold at the optimal price:
let sellout_price = 1;
let mut performance = SalePerformance::new(Some(sellout_price), 1);
for _ in 0..11 {
let prices = CenterTargetPrice::adapt_price(performance);
performance.sellout_price = Some(sellout_price);
performance.end_price = prices.end_price;
assert!(prices.end_price <= sellout_price);
assert!(prices.end_price > 0);
fn renewal_price_is_correct_on_no_sale() {
let performance = SalePerformance::new(None, 100);
let prices = CenterTargetPrice::adapt_price(performance);
assert_eq!(prices.target_price, 1000);
assert_eq!(prices.end_price, 100);
fn renewal_price_is_sell_out() {
let performance = SalePerformance::new(Some(1000), 100);
let prices = CenterTargetPrice::adapt_price(performance);
assert_eq!(prices.target_price, 1000);