// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
//! A BEEFY+MMR pallet combo.
//! While both BEEFY and Merkle Mountain Range (MMR) can be used separately,
//! these tools were designed to work together in unison.
//! The pallet provides a standardized MMR Leaf format that can be used
//! to bridge BEEFY+MMR-based networks (both standalone and Polkadot-like).
//! The MMR leaf contains:
//! 1. Block number and parent block hash.
//! 2. Merkle Tree Root Hash of next BEEFY validator set.
//! 3. Arbitrary extra leaf data to be used by downstream pallets to include custom data.
//! and thanks to versioning can be easily updated in the future.
extern crate alloc;
use sp_runtime::{
traits::{Convert, Header, Member},
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use codec::Decode;
use pallet_mmr::{primitives::AncestryProof, LeafDataProvider, NodesUtils, ParentNumberAndHash};
use sp_consensus_beefy::{
mmr::{BeefyAuthoritySet, BeefyDataProvider, BeefyNextAuthoritySet, MmrLeaf, MmrLeafVersion},
AncestryHelper, AncestryHelperWeightInfo, Commitment, ConsensusLog,
ValidatorSet as BeefyValidatorSet,
use frame_support::{crypto::ecdsa::ECDSAExt, pallet_prelude::Weight, traits::Get};
use frame_system::pallet_prelude::{BlockNumberFor, HeaderFor};
pub use pallet::*;
pub use weights::WeightInfo;
mod benchmarking;
mod mock;
mod tests;
mod weights;
/// A BEEFY consensus digest item with MMR root hash.
pub struct DepositBeefyDigest<T>(core::marker::PhantomData<T>);
impl<T> pallet_mmr::primitives::OnNewRoot<sp_consensus_beefy::MmrRootHash> for DepositBeefyDigest<T>
T: pallet_mmr::Config<Hashing = sp_consensus_beefy::MmrHashing>,
T: pallet_beefy::Config,
fn on_new_root(root: &sp_consensus_beefy::MmrRootHash) {
let digest = sp_runtime::generic::DigestItem::Consensus(
<T as pallet_beefy::Config>::BeefyId,
/// Convert BEEFY secp256k1 public keys into Ethereum addresses
pub struct BeefyEcdsaToEthereum;
impl Convert<sp_consensus_beefy::ecdsa_crypto::AuthorityId, Vec<u8>> for BeefyEcdsaToEthereum {
fn convert(beefy_id: sp_consensus_beefy::ecdsa_crypto::AuthorityId) -> Vec<u8> {
.map(|v| v.to_vec())
.map_err(|_| {
log::debug!(target: "runtime::beefy", "Failed to convert BEEFY PublicKey to ETH address!");
type MerkleRootOf<T> = <<T as pallet_mmr::Config>::Hashing as sp_runtime::traits::Hash>::Output;
pub mod pallet {
use super::*;
use frame_support::pallet_prelude::*;
/// BEEFY-MMR pallet.
pub struct Pallet<T>(_);
/// The module's configuration trait.
pub trait Config: pallet_mmr::Config + pallet_beefy::Config {
/// Current leaf version.
/// Specifies the version number added to every leaf that get's appended to the MMR.
/// Read more in [`MmrLeafVersion`] docs about versioning leaves.
type LeafVersion: Get<MmrLeafVersion>;
/// Convert BEEFY AuthorityId to a form that would end up in the Merkle Tree.
/// For instance for ECDSA (secp256k1) we want to store uncompressed public keys (65 bytes)
/// and later to Ethereum Addresses (160 bits) to simplify using them on Ethereum chain,
/// but the rest of the Substrate codebase is storing them compressed (33 bytes) for
/// efficiency reasons.
type BeefyAuthorityToMerkleLeaf: Convert<<Self as pallet_beefy::Config>::BeefyId, Vec<u8>>;
/// The type expected for the leaf extra data
type LeafExtra: Member + codec::FullCodec;
/// Retrieve arbitrary data that should be added to the mmr leaf
type BeefyDataProvider: BeefyDataProvider<Self::LeafExtra>;
type WeightInfo: WeightInfo;
/// Details of current BEEFY authority set.
pub type BeefyAuthorities<T: Config> =
StorageValue<_, BeefyAuthoritySet<MerkleRootOf<T>>, ValueQuery>;
/// Details of next BEEFY authority set.
/// This storage entry is used as cache for calls to `update_beefy_next_authority_set`.
pub type BeefyNextAuthorities<T: Config> =
StorageValue<_, BeefyNextAuthoritySet<MerkleRootOf<T>>, ValueQuery>;
impl<T: Config> LeafDataProvider for Pallet<T> {
type LeafData = MmrLeaf<
<T as frame_system::Config>::Hash,
fn leaf_data() -> Self::LeafData {
MmrLeaf {
version: T::LeafVersion::get(),
parent_number_and_hash: ParentNumberAndHash::<T>::leaf_data(),
leaf_extra: T::BeefyDataProvider::extra_data(),
beefy_next_authority_set: BeefyNextAuthorities::<T>::get(),
impl<T> sp_consensus_beefy::OnNewValidatorSet<<T as pallet_beefy::Config>::BeefyId> for Pallet<T>
T: pallet::Config,
/// Compute and cache BEEFY authority sets based on updated BEEFY validator sets.
fn on_new_validator_set(
current_set: &BeefyValidatorSet<<T as pallet_beefy::Config>::BeefyId>,
next_set: &BeefyValidatorSet<<T as pallet_beefy::Config>::BeefyId>,
) {
let current = Pallet::<T>::compute_authority_set(current_set);
let next = Pallet::<T>::compute_authority_set(next_set);
// cache the result
impl<T: Config> AncestryHelper<HeaderFor<T>> for Pallet<T>
T: pallet_mmr::Config<Hashing = sp_consensus_beefy::MmrHashing>,
type Proof = AncestryProof<MerkleRootOf<T>>;
type ValidationContext = MerkleRootOf<T>;
fn generate_proof(
prev_block_number: BlockNumberFor<T>,
best_known_block_number: Option<BlockNumberFor<T>>,
) -> Option<Self::Proof> {
pallet_mmr::Pallet::<T>::generate_ancestry_proof(prev_block_number, best_known_block_number)
.map_err(|e| {
target: "runtime::beefy",
"Failed to generate ancestry proof for block {:?} at {:?}: {:?}",
fn is_proof_optimal(proof: &Self::Proof) -> bool {
let is_proof_optimal = pallet_mmr::Pallet::<T>::is_ancestry_proof_optimal(proof);
// We don't check the proof size when running benchmarks, since we use mock proofs
// which would cause the test to fail.
if cfg!(feature = "runtime-benchmarks") {
return true
fn extract_validation_context(header: HeaderFor<T>) -> Option<Self::ValidationContext> {
// Check if the provided header is canonical.
let expected_hash = frame_system::Pallet::<T>::block_hash(header.number());
if expected_hash != header.hash() {
return None;
// Extract the MMR root from the header digest
header.digest().convert_first(|l| {
.and_then(|log: ConsensusLog<<T as pallet_beefy::Config>::BeefyId>| match log {
ConsensusLog::MmrRoot(mmr_root) => Some(mmr_root),
_ => None,
fn is_non_canonical(
commitment: &Commitment<BlockNumberFor<T>>,
proof: Self::Proof,
context: Self::ValidationContext,
) -> bool {
let commitment_leaf_count =
match pallet_mmr::Pallet::<T>::block_num_to_leaf_count(commitment.block_number) {
Ok(commitment_leaf_count) => commitment_leaf_count,
Err(_) => {
// We can't prove that the commitment is non-canonical if the
// `commitment.block_number` is invalid.
return false
if commitment_leaf_count != proof.prev_leaf_count {
// Can't prove that the commitment is non-canonical if the `commitment.block_number`
// doesn't match the ancestry proof.
return false;
let canonical_mmr_root = context;
let canonical_prev_root =
match pallet_mmr::Pallet::<T>::verify_ancestry_proof(canonical_mmr_root, proof) {
Ok(canonical_prev_root) => canonical_prev_root,
Err(_) => {
// Can't prove that the commitment is non-canonical if the proof
// is invalid.
return false
let mut found_commitment_root = false;
let commitment_roots = commitment
for maybe_commitment_root in commitment_roots {
match maybe_commitment_root {
Some(commitment_root) => {
found_commitment_root = true;
if canonical_prev_root != commitment_root {
// If the commitment contains an MMR root, that is not equal to
// `canonical_prev_root`, the commitment is invalid
return true;
None => {
// If the commitment contains an MMR root, that can't be decoded, it is invalid.
return true;
if !found_commitment_root {
// If the commitment doesn't contain any MMR root, while the proof is valid,
// the commitment is invalid
return true;
impl<T: Config> AncestryHelperWeightInfo<HeaderFor<T>> for Pallet<T>
T: pallet_mmr::Config<Hashing = sp_consensus_beefy::MmrHashing>,
fn is_proof_optimal(proof: &<Self as AncestryHelper<HeaderFor<T>>>::Proof) -> Weight {
<T as Config>::WeightInfo::n_leafs_proof_is_optimal(proof.leaf_count.saturated_into())
fn extract_validation_context() -> Weight {
<T as Config>::WeightInfo::extract_validation_context()
fn is_non_canonical(proof: &<Self as AncestryHelper<HeaderFor<T>>>::Proof) -> Weight {
let mmr_utils = NodesUtils::new(proof.leaf_count);
let num_peaks = mmr_utils.number_of_peaks();
// The approximated cost of verifying an ancestry proof with `n` nodes.
// We add the previous peaks to the total number of nodes,
// since they have to be processed as well.
<T as Config>::WeightInfo::n_items_proof_is_non_canonical(
// `n_items_proof_is_non_canonical()` uses inflated proofs that contain all the leafs,
// where no peak needs to be read. So we need to also add the cost of reading the peaks.
.saturating_add(<T as Config>::WeightInfo::read_peak().saturating_mul(num_peaks))
impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
/// Return the currently active BEEFY authority set proof.
pub fn authority_set_proof() -> BeefyAuthoritySet<MerkleRootOf<T>> {
/// Return the next/queued BEEFY authority set proof.
pub fn next_authority_set_proof() -> BeefyNextAuthoritySet<MerkleRootOf<T>> {
/// Returns details of a BEEFY authority set.
/// Details contain authority set id, authority set length and a merkle root,
/// constructed from uncompressed secp256k1 public keys converted to Ethereum addresses
/// of the next BEEFY authority set.
fn compute_authority_set(
validator_set: &BeefyValidatorSet<<T as pallet_beefy::Config>::BeefyId>,
) -> BeefyAuthoritySet<MerkleRootOf<T>> {
let id = validator_set.id();
let beefy_addresses = validator_set
let default_eth_addr = [0u8; 20];
let len = beefy_addresses.len() as u32;
let uninitialized_addresses = beefy_addresses
.filter(|&addr| addr.as_slice().eq(&default_eth_addr))
if uninitialized_addresses > 0 {
target: "runtime::beefy",
"Failed to convert {} out of {} BEEFY PublicKeys to ETH addresses!",
let keyset_commitment = binary_merkle_tree::merkle_root::<
<T as pallet_mmr::Config>::Hashing,
BeefyAuthoritySet { id, len, keyset_commitment }
sp_api::decl_runtime_apis! {
/// API useful for BEEFY light clients.
pub trait BeefyMmrApi<H>
BeefyAuthoritySet<H>: Decode,
/// Return the currently active BEEFY authority set proof.
fn authority_set_proof() -> BeefyAuthoritySet<H>;
/// Return the next/queued BEEFY authority set proof.
fn next_authority_set_proof() -> BeefyNextAuthoritySet<H>;