// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Generates the bare function interface for a given trait definition.
//! The bare functions are the ones that will be called by the user. On the native/host side, these
//! functions directly execute the provided implementation. On the wasm side, these
//! functions will prepare the parameters for the FFI boundary, call the external host function
//! exported into wasm and convert back the result.
//! [`generate`] is the entry point for generating for each
//! trait method one bare function.
//! [`function_for_method`] generates the bare
//! function per trait method. Each bare function contains both implementations. The implementations
//! are feature-gated, so that one is compiled for the native and the other for the wasm side.
use crate::utils::{
create_exchangeable_host_function_ident, create_function_ident_with_version,
generate_crate_access, get_function_argument_names, get_function_arguments,
get_runtime_interface, RuntimeInterfaceFunction,
use syn::{
parse_quote, spanned::Spanned, FnArg, Ident, ItemTrait, Result, Signature, Token, TraitItemFn,
use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
use quote::{quote, quote_spanned};
use std::iter;
/// Generate one bare function per trait method. The name of the bare function is equal to the name
/// of the trait method.
pub fn generate(trait_def: &ItemTrait, is_wasm_only: bool, tracing: bool) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let trait_name = &trait_def.ident;
let runtime_interface = get_runtime_interface(trait_def)?;
// latest version dispatch
let token_stream: Result<TokenStream> = runtime_interface.latest_versions_to_call().try_fold(
|mut t, (latest_version, method)| {
t.extend(function_for_method(method, latest_version, is_wasm_only)?);
// earlier versions compatibility dispatch (only std variant)
let result: Result<TokenStream> =
.try_fold(token_stream?, |mut t, (version, method)| {
t.extend(function_std_impl(trait_name, method, version, is_wasm_only, tracing)?);
/// Generates the bare function implementation for the given method for the host and wasm side.
fn function_for_method(
method: &RuntimeInterfaceFunction,
latest_version: u32,
is_wasm_only: bool,
) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let std_impl =
if !is_wasm_only { function_std_latest_impl(method, latest_version)? } else { quote!() };
let no_std_impl = function_no_std_impl(method, is_wasm_only)?;
Ok(quote! {
/// Generates the bare function implementation for `cfg(not(feature = "std"))`.
fn function_no_std_impl(
method: &RuntimeInterfaceFunction,
is_wasm_only: bool,
) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let function_name = &method.sig.ident;
let host_function_name = create_exchangeable_host_function_ident(&method.sig.ident);
let args = get_function_arguments(&method.sig);
let arg_names = get_function_argument_names(&method.sig);
let return_value = if method.should_trap_on_return() {
Box::new(syn::TypeNever { bang_token: <Token![!]>::default() }.into()),
} else {
let maybe_unreachable = if method.should_trap_on_return() {
quote! {
#[cfg(target_family = "wasm")]
{ core::arch::wasm32::unreachable(); }
#[cfg(any(target_arch = "riscv32", target_arch = "riscv64"))]
unsafe { core::arch::asm!("unimp", options(noreturn)); }
} else {
quote! {}
let attrs = method.attrs.iter().filter(|a| !a.path().is_ident("version"));
let cfg_wasm_only = if is_wasm_only {
quote! { #[cfg(substrate_runtime)] }
} else {
quote! {}
Ok(quote! {
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
#( #attrs )*
pub fn #function_name( #( #args, )* ) #return_value {
// Call the host function
#host_function_name.get()( #( #arg_names, )* )
/// Generate call to latest function version for `cfg((feature = "std")`
/// This should generate simple `fn func(..) { func_version_<latest_version>(..) }`.
fn function_std_latest_impl(method: &TraitItemFn, latest_version: u32) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let function_name = &method.sig.ident;
let args = get_function_arguments(&method.sig).map(FnArg::Typed);
let arg_names = get_function_argument_names(&method.sig).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let return_value = &method.sig.output;
let attrs = method.attrs.iter().filter(|a| !a.path().is_ident("version"));
let latest_function_name =
create_function_ident_with_version(&method.sig.ident, latest_version);
Ok(quote_spanned! { method.span() =>
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
#( #attrs )*
pub fn #function_name( #( #args, )* ) #return_value {
#( #arg_names, )*
/// Generates the bare function implementation for `cfg(feature = "std")`.
fn function_std_impl(
trait_name: &Ident,
method: &TraitItemFn,
version: u32,
is_wasm_only: bool,
tracing: bool,
) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let function_name = create_function_ident_with_version(&method.sig.ident, version);
let function_name_str = function_name.to_string();
let crate_ = generate_crate_access();
let args = get_function_arguments(&method.sig).map(FnArg::Typed).chain(
// Add the function context as last parameter when this is a wasm only interface.
iter::from_fn(|| {
if is_wasm_only {
mut __function_context__: &mut dyn #crate_::sp_wasm_interface::FunctionContext
} else {
let return_value = &method.sig.output;
let attrs = method.attrs.iter().filter(|a| !a.path().is_ident("version"));
// Don't make the function public accessible when this is a wasm only interface.
let call_to_trait = generate_call_to_trait(trait_name, method, version, is_wasm_only);
let call_to_trait = if !tracing {
} else {
#crate_::sp_tracing::within_span! { #crate_::sp_tracing::trace_span!(#function_name_str);
Ok(quote_spanned! { method.span() =>
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
#( #attrs )*
fn #function_name( #( #args, )* ) #return_value {
/// Generate the call to the interface trait.
fn generate_call_to_trait(
trait_name: &Ident,
method: &TraitItemFn,
version: u32,
is_wasm_only: bool,
) -> TokenStream {
let crate_ = generate_crate_access();
let method_name = create_function_ident_with_version(&method.sig.ident, version);
let expect_msg =
format!("`{}` called outside of an Externalities-provided environment.", method_name);
let arg_names = get_function_argument_names(&method.sig);
if takes_self_argument(&method.sig) {
let instance = if is_wasm_only {
Ident::new("__function_context__", Span::call_site())
} else {
Ident::new("__externalities__", Span::call_site())
let impl_ = quote!( #trait_name::#method_name(&mut #instance, #( #arg_names, )*) );
if is_wasm_only {
quote_spanned! { method.span() => #impl_ }
} else {
quote_spanned! { method.span() =>
#crate_::with_externalities(|mut #instance| #impl_).expect(#expect_msg)
} else {
// The name of the trait the interface trait is implemented for
let impl_trait_name = if is_wasm_only {
quote!( #crate_::sp_wasm_interface::FunctionContext )
} else {
quote!( #crate_::Externalities )
quote_spanned! { method.span() =>
<&mut dyn #impl_trait_name as #trait_name>::#method_name(
#( #arg_names, )*
/// Returns if the given `Signature` takes a `self` argument.
fn takes_self_argument(sig: &Signature) -> bool {
matches!(sig.inputs.first(), Some(FnArg::Receiver(_)))