Trait sp_core::crypto::Zeroize

pub trait Zeroize {
    // Required method
    fn zeroize(&mut self);
Expand description

Trait to zeroize a memory buffer. Trait for securely erasing values from memory.

Required Methods§

fn zeroize(&mut self)

Zero out this object from memory using Rust intrinsics which ensure the zeroization operation is not “optimized away” by the compiler.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl Zeroize for str


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for Box<str>


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for CString


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for String


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for __m128


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for __m128d


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for __m128i


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for __m256


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for __m256d


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for __m256i


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for NonZero<i8>


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for NonZero<i16>


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for NonZero<i32>


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for NonZero<i64>


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for NonZero<i128>


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for NonZero<isize>


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for NonZero<u8>


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for NonZero<u16>


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for NonZero<u32>


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for NonZero<u64>


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for NonZero<u128>


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for NonZero<usize>


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for CompressedEdwardsY


fn zeroize(&mut self)

Reset this CompressedEdwardsY to the compressed form of the identity element.


impl Zeroize for EdwardsPoint


fn zeroize(&mut self)

Reset this CompressedEdwardsPoint to the identity element.


impl Zeroize for MontgomeryPoint


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for CompressedRistretto


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for RistrettoPoint


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for Scalar


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for Transcript


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for CompressedEdwardsY


fn zeroize(&mut self)

Reset this CompressedEdwardsY to the compressed form of the identity element.


impl Zeroize for CompressedRistretto


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for EdwardsPoint


fn zeroize(&mut self)

Reset this CompressedEdwardsPoint to the identity element.


impl Zeroize for Keypair


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for MiniSecretKey


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for MontgomeryPoint


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for RistrettoPoint


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for Scalar


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for SecretKey


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl Zeroize for SigningKey


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<A> Zeroize for (A,)
where A: Zeroize,


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<A, B> Zeroize for (A, B)
where A: Zeroize, B: Zeroize,


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<A, B, C> Zeroize for (A, B, C)
where A: Zeroize, B: Zeroize, C: Zeroize,


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<A, B, C, D> Zeroize for (A, B, C, D)
where A: Zeroize, B: Zeroize, C: Zeroize, D: Zeroize,


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<A, B, C, D, E> Zeroize for (A, B, C, D, E)
where A: Zeroize, B: Zeroize, C: Zeroize, D: Zeroize, E: Zeroize,


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<A, B, C, D, E, F> Zeroize for (A, B, C, D, E, F)
where A: Zeroize, B: Zeroize, C: Zeroize, D: Zeroize, E: Zeroize, F: Zeroize,


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<A, B, C, D, E, F, G> Zeroize for (A, B, C, D, E, F, G)
where A: Zeroize, B: Zeroize, C: Zeroize, D: Zeroize, E: Zeroize, F: Zeroize, G: Zeroize,


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H> Zeroize for (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H)
where A: Zeroize, B: Zeroize, C: Zeroize, D: Zeroize, E: Zeroize, F: Zeroize, G: Zeroize, H: Zeroize,


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I> Zeroize for (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I)
where A: Zeroize, B: Zeroize, C: Zeroize, D: Zeroize, E: Zeroize, F: Zeroize, G: Zeroize, H: Zeroize, I: Zeroize,


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J> Zeroize for (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J)
where A: Zeroize, B: Zeroize, C: Zeroize, D: Zeroize, E: Zeroize, F: Zeroize, G: Zeroize, H: Zeroize, I: Zeroize, J: Zeroize,


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<F> Zeroize for SecretScalar<F>
where F: PrimeField,


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<K> Zeroize for SecretKey<K>
where K: AffineRepr,


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<P> Zeroize for Affine<P>
where P: SWCurveConfig,


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<P> Zeroize for Affine<P>
where P: TECurveConfig,


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<P> Zeroize for CubicExtField<P>
where P: CubicExtConfig,


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<P> Zeroize for PairingOutput<P>
where P: Pairing,


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<P> Zeroize for Projective<P>
where P: SWCurveConfig,


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<P> Zeroize for Projective<P>
where P: TECurveConfig,


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<P> Zeroize for QuadExtField<P>
where P: QuadExtConfig,


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<P, const N: usize> Zeroize for Fp<P, N>
where P: FpConfig<N>,


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<T, N> Zeroize for GenericArray<T, N>
where T: Zeroize, N: ArrayLength<T>,


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<Z> Zeroize for Option<Z>
where Z: Zeroize,


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<Z> Zeroize for [Z]
where Z: DefaultIsZeroes,

Impl Zeroize on slices of types that can be zeroized with Default.

This impl can eventually be optimized using an memset intrinsic, such as core::intrinsics::volatile_set_memory. For that reason the blanket impl on slices is bounded by [DefaultIsZeroes].

To zeroize a mut slice of Z: Zeroize which does not impl [DefaultIsZeroes], call iter_mut().zeroize().


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<Z> Zeroize for Box<[Z]>
where Z: Zeroize,


fn zeroize(&mut self)

Unlike Vec, Box<[Z]> cannot reallocate, so we can be sure that we are not leaving values on the heap.


impl<Z> Zeroize for Vec<Z>
where Z: Zeroize,


fn zeroize(&mut self)

“Best effort” zeroization for Vec.

Ensures the entire capacity of the Vec is zeroed. Cannot ensure that previous reallocations did not leave values on the heap.


impl<Z> Zeroize for PhantomData<Z>

PhantomData is always zero sized so provide a Zeroize implementation.


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<Z> Zeroize for Wrapping<Z>
where Z: Zeroize,


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<Z> Zeroize for IterMut<'_, Z>
where Z: Zeroize,


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<Z> Zeroize for MaybeUninit<Z>

Impl Zeroize on MaybeUninit types.

This fills the memory with zeroes. Note that this ignore invariants that Z might have, because MaybeUninit removes all invariants.


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<Z> Zeroize for [MaybeUninit<Z>]

Impl Zeroize on slices of MaybeUninit types.

This impl can eventually be optimized using an memset intrinsic, such as core::intrinsics::volatile_set_memory.

This fills the slice with zeroes.

Note that this ignore invariants that Z might have, because MaybeUninit removes all invariants.


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<Z, const N: usize> Zeroize for [Z; N]
where Z: Zeroize,

Impl Zeroize on arrays of types that impl Zeroize.


fn zeroize(&mut self)


impl<const N: usize> Zeroize for BigInt<N>


fn zeroize(&mut self)



impl<Z> Zeroize for Z
where Z: DefaultIsZeroes,


impl<Z> Zeroize for Zeroizing<Z>
where Z: Zeroize,