
Function generate_trie_proof

pub fn generate_trie_proof<'a, L, I, K, DB>(
    db: &DB,
    root: TrieHash<L>,
    keys: I,
) -> Result<Vec<Vec<u8>>, Box<TrieError<L>>>
where L: TrieConfiguration, I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a K>, K: 'a + AsRef<[u8]>, DB: HashDBRef<L::Hash, DBValue>,
Expand description

Create a proof for a subset of keys in a trie.

The keys may contain any set of keys regardless of each one of them is included in the db.

For a key K that is included in the db a proof of inclusion is generated. For a key K that is not included in the db a proof of non-inclusion is generated. These can be later checked in verify_trie_proof.