pub trait Config: Config {
Show 21 associated items type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as Config>::RuntimeEvent>; type Currency: InspectFungible<Self::AccountId, Balance = Self::Balance> + MutateFungible<Self::AccountId>; type Balance: Balance; type AssetBalance: Balance; type HigherPrecisionBalance: IntegerSquareRoot + One + Ensure + Unsigned + From<u32> + From<Self::AssetBalance> + From<Self::Balance> + TryInto<Self::AssetBalance> + TryInto<Self::Balance>; type AssetId: AssetId; type MultiAssetId: AssetId + Ord + From<Self::AssetId>; type MultiAssetIdConverter: MultiAssetIdConverter<Self::MultiAssetId, Self::AssetId>; type PoolAssetId: AssetId + PartialOrd + Incrementable + From<u32>; type Assets: Inspect<Self::AccountId, AssetId = Self::AssetId, Balance = Self::AssetBalance> + Mutate<Self::AccountId> + AccountTouch<Self::AssetId, Self::AccountId> + ContainsPair<Self::AssetId, Self::AccountId>; type PoolAssets: Inspect<Self::AccountId, AssetId = Self::PoolAssetId, Balance = Self::AssetBalance> + Create<Self::AccountId> + Mutate<Self::AccountId> + AccountTouch<Self::PoolAssetId, Self::AccountId>; type LPFee: Get<u32>; type PoolSetupFee: Get<Self::Balance>; type PoolSetupFeeReceiver: Get<Self::AccountId>; type LiquidityWithdrawalFee: Get<Permill>; type MintMinLiquidity: Get<Self::AssetBalance>; type MaxSwapPathLength: Get<u32>; type PalletId: Get<PalletId>; type AllowMultiAssetPools: Get<bool>; type WeightInfo: WeightInfo; type BenchmarkHelper: BenchmarkHelper<Self::AssetId, Self::MultiAssetId>;
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Configuration trait of this pallet.

The main purpose of this trait is to act as an interface between this pallet and the runtime in which it is embedded in. A type, function, or constant in this trait is essentially left to be configured by the runtime that includes this pallet.

Consequently, a runtime that wants to include this pallet must implement this trait.

Required Associated Types§


type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as Config>::RuntimeEvent>

Overarching event type.


type Currency: InspectFungible<Self::AccountId, Balance = Self::Balance> + MutateFungible<Self::AccountId>

Currency type that this works on.


type Balance: Balance

The Currency::Balance type of the native currency.


type AssetBalance: Balance

The type used to describe the amount of fractions converted into assets.


type HigherPrecisionBalance: IntegerSquareRoot + One + Ensure + Unsigned + From<u32> + From<Self::AssetBalance> + From<Self::Balance> + TryInto<Self::AssetBalance> + TryInto<Self::Balance>

A type used for conversions between Balance and AssetBalance.


type AssetId: AssetId

Identifier for the class of non-native asset. Note: A From<u32> bound here would prevent MultiLocation from being used as an AssetId.


type MultiAssetId: AssetId + Ord + From<Self::AssetId>

Type that identifies either the native currency or a token class from Assets. Ord is added because of get_pool_id.

The pool’s AccountId is derived from this type. Any changes to the type may necessitate a migration.


type MultiAssetIdConverter: MultiAssetIdConverter<Self::MultiAssetId, Self::AssetId>

Type to convert an AssetId into MultiAssetId.


type PoolAssetId: AssetId + PartialOrd + Incrementable + From<u32>

AssetId to address the lp tokens by.


type Assets: Inspect<Self::AccountId, AssetId = Self::AssetId, Balance = Self::AssetBalance> + Mutate<Self::AccountId> + AccountTouch<Self::AssetId, Self::AccountId> + ContainsPair<Self::AssetId, Self::AccountId>

Registry for the assets.


type PoolAssets: Inspect<Self::AccountId, AssetId = Self::PoolAssetId, Balance = Self::AssetBalance> + Create<Self::AccountId> + Mutate<Self::AccountId> + AccountTouch<Self::PoolAssetId, Self::AccountId>

Registry for the lp tokens. Ideally only this pallet should have create permissions on the assets.


type LPFee: Get<u32>

A % the liquidity providers will take of every swap. Represents 10ths of a percent.


type PoolSetupFee: Get<Self::Balance>

A one-time fee to setup the pool.


type PoolSetupFeeReceiver: Get<Self::AccountId>

An account that receives the pool setup fee.


type LiquidityWithdrawalFee: Get<Permill>

A fee to withdraw the liquidity.


type MintMinLiquidity: Get<Self::AssetBalance>

The minimum LP token amount that could be minted. Ameliorates rounding errors.


type MaxSwapPathLength: Get<u32>

The max number of hops in a swap.


type PalletId: Get<PalletId>

The pallet’s id, used for deriving its sovereign account ID.


type AllowMultiAssetPools: Get<bool>

A setting to allow creating pools with both non-native assets.


type WeightInfo: WeightInfo

Weight information for extrinsics in this pallet.


type BenchmarkHelper: BenchmarkHelper<Self::AssetId, Self::MultiAssetId>

The benchmarks need a way to create asset ids from u32s.
