Expand description

The pallet module in each FRAME pallet hosts the most important items needed to construct this pallet.

The main components of this pallet are:

  • Pallet, which implements all of the dispatchable extrinsics of the pallet, among other public functions.
    • The subset of the functions that are dispatchable can be identified either in the dispatchables module or in the Call enum.
  • storage_types, which contains the list of all types that are representing a storage item. Otherwise, all storage items are listed among Type Definitions.
  • Config, which contains the configuration trait of this pallet.
  • Event and Error, which are listed among the Enums.


  • Auto-generated docs-only module listing all defined dispatchables for this pallet.
  • Auto-generated docs-only module listing all (public and private) defined storage types for this pallet.


  • Can be used to configure the genesis state of this pallet.
  • The Pallet struct, the main type that implements traits and standalone functions within the pallet.


  • Contains a variant per dispatchable extrinsic that this pallet has.
  • The Error enum of this pallet.
  • Events of this pallet.


  • Configuration trait of this pallet.

Type Definitions

  • Storage for bonded pools.
  • Map from a pool member account to their opted claim permission.
  • The maximum commission that can be charged by a pool. Used on commission payouts to bound pool commissions that are > GlobalMaxCommission, necessary if a future GlobalMaxCommission is lower than some current pool commissions.
  • Ever increasing number of all pools created so far.
  • Maximum number of members that can exist in the system. If None, then the count members are not bound on a system wide basis.
  • Maximum number of members that may belong to pool. If None, then the count of members is not bound on a per pool basis.
  • Maximum number of nomination pools that can exist. If None, then an unbounded number of pools can exist.
  • Metadata for the pool.
  • Minimum bond required to create a pool.
  • Minimum amount to bond to join a pool.
  • ModuleDeprecated
    Type alias to Pallet, to be used by construct_runtime.
  • Active members.
  • A reverse lookup from the pool’s account id to its id.
  • Reward pools. This is where there rewards for each pool accumulate. When a members payout is claimed, the balance comes out fo the reward pool. Keyed by the bonded pools account.
  • Groups of unbonding pools. Each group of unbonding pools belongs to a bonded pool, hence the name sub-pools. Keyed by the bonded pools account.