Function array_bytes::hex_n_into

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pub fn hex_n_into<H, T, const N: usize>(hex: H) -> Result<T>
where H: AsRef<[u8]>, T: From<[u8; N]>,
Expand description

Try to convert AsRef<[u8]> to T directly, where T: From<[u8; N]>.


#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct LJF([u8; 17]);
impl From<[u8; 17]> for LJF {
	fn from(array: [u8; 17]) -> Self {

	array_bytes::hex_n_into::<_, LJF, 17>("0x4c6f7665204a616e6520466f7265766572"),
	Ok(LJF(*b"Love Jane Forever"))