Module frame_support::storage::hashed

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Operation on runtime storage using hashed keys.


  • Check to see if key has an explicit entry in storage.
  • Return the value of the item in storage under key, or None if there is no explicit entry.
  • Return the value of the item in storage under key, or default_value if there is no explicit entry.
  • Return the value of the item in storage under key, or the type’s default if there is no explicit entry.
  • Return the value of the item in storage under key, or default_value() if there is no explicit entry.
  • Get a Vec of bytes from storage.
  • Ensure key has no explicit entry in storage.
  • Put value in storage under key.
  • Put a raw byte slice into storage.
  • Remove key from storage, returning its value if it had an explicit entry or None otherwise.
  • Return the value of the item in storage under key, or default_value if there is no explicit entry. Ensure there is no explicit entry on return.
  • Remove key from storage, returning its value, or, if there was no explicit entry in storage, the default for its type.
  • Return the value of the item in storage under key, or default_value() if there is no explicit entry. Ensure there is no explicit entry on return.