Blockchain runtime interface

The blockchain runtime provides functions to query the current session status and the mixnodes for the previous/current sessions. It also provides a function to attempt to register a mixnode for the next session.

Mixnode type

Mixnode instances are passed to the registration function and returned by mixnode queries.

struct Mixnode {
    kx_public: [u8; 32],
    peer_id: [u8; 32],
    external_addresses: Vec<Vec<u8>>,

kx_public is the X25519 public key for the mixnode in the session (the session is implicit).

peer_id is the peer ID of the mixnode. It is a raw 32-byte Ed25519 public key.

external_addresses is a list of external addresses for the mixnode. Each external address is a UTF-8 encoded multiaddr.

Note that the peer ID and external addresses for a mixnode are not validated at all by the blockchain runtime. Nodes are expected to handle invalid peer IDs and addresses gracefully. In particular, an invalid peer ID or invalid external addresses for one mixnode should not affect a node's ability to connect and send packets to other mixnodes.


struct SessionStatus {
    current_index: u32,
    phase: u8,

fn MixnetApi_session_status() -> SessionStatus

MixnetApi_session_status returns the index and phase of the current session.

enum MixnodesErr {
    InsufficientRegistrations { num: u32, min: u32 },

fn MixnetApi_prev_mixnodes() -> Result<Vec<Mixnode>, MixnodesErr>
fn MixnetApi_current_mixnodes() -> Result<Vec<Mixnode>, MixnodesErr>

MixnetApi_prev_mixnodes returns the mixnodes for the previous session. MixnetApi_current_mixnodes returns the mixnodes for the current session. The order of the returned mixnodes is important; routing actions identify mixnodes by their index in these vectors. These functions can return Err(InsufficientRegistrations) if too few mixnodes were registered for the session (num, less than the minimum min). The mixnet is not operational in such sessions, although nodes should still handle traffic for the previous session in the first 3 phases.

Nodes should always call query functions in the context of the latest finalised block.


fn MixnetApi_maybe_register(session_index: u32, mixnode: Mixnode) -> bool

To register a mixnode for the next session, MixnetApi_maybe_register should be called in the context of every new best block. session_index should be the index of the current session, and mixnode should be the mixnode to register for the next session. If true is returned, a registration extrinsic was created; MixnetApi_maybe_register should not be called for a few blocks, to give the extrinsic a chance to get included.

MixnetApi_maybe_register may call the host functions ext_crypto_sr25519_sign_version_1 and ext_offchain_submit_transaction_version_1.