
The blockchain runtime divides time up into sessions, indexed starting from 0. Note that mixnet sessions need not be the same as eg BABE sessions.

In the context of a session, the network nodes are split into two classes: mixnodes and non-mixnodes. Mixnodes are responsible for mixing traffic. Non-mixnodes may send requests into the mixnet and receive replies from the mixnet, but do not mix traffic. Non-mixnodes can join and leave the mixnet freely, but it is expected that if a node is a mixnode in a session, it will participate for the duration of the session.

The mixnodes for each session are determined by the blockchain runtime. The mixnodes for a session need not be related in any way to the mixnodes for the previous/following sessions.

Every node generates an X25519 key pair per session. Nodes use these keys to generate shared secrets for packet encryption and such; see the Sphinx chapter for more details. Mixnode public keys are published on the blockchain and are thus available to all nodes. Non-mixnode public keys are not published.

When a packet is constructed, it is constructed explicitly for a particular session. A packet's session is implicitly determined by the X25519 keys used to build it (again, see the Sphinx chapter).


Mixnet traffix is switched from one session to the next gradually, not instantly. Each mixnet session is divided into 4 phases. The current phase is determined by the blockchain runtime. The phases are as follows:

PhasePrevious session trafficCurrent sesssion trafficDefault session
0All, half rateCover and forward only, half ratePrevious
1All, half rateAll, half rateCurrent
2Cover and forward only, half rateAll, half rateCurrent
3NoneAll, full rateCurrent

The session traffic columns indicate which packet classes should be sent using the previous/current session keys/mixnodes during each phase:

  • None: no packets should be sent.
  • Cover and forward only: cover packets should be generated and forwarded. Request/reply packets should not be sent.
  • All: no restrictions.

In the first 3 phases (where traffic is sent using both the previous and current session keys/mixnodes), cover and request/reply traffic should be sent at half the usual rate in each session.

The default session column indicates which session should be preferred for new requests.

Note that once the last phase has been reached, the X25519 key pairs for the previous session are no longer needed, and nodes should discard them.