pub trait WeightInfo {
Show 20 methods // Required methods fn propose_proposed(b: u32, m: u32, p: u32) -> Weight; fn vote(m: u32) -> Weight; fn close_early_disapproved(m: u32, p: u32) -> Weight; fn close_early_approved(b: u32, m: u32, p: u32) -> Weight; fn close_disapproved(m: u32, p: u32) -> Weight; fn close_approved(b: u32, m: u32, p: u32) -> Weight; fn init_members(m: u32, z: u32) -> Weight; fn disband(x: u32, y: u32, z: u32) -> Weight; fn set_rule() -> Weight; fn announce() -> Weight; fn remove_announcement() -> Weight; fn join_alliance() -> Weight; fn nominate_ally() -> Weight; fn elevate_ally() -> Weight; fn give_retirement_notice() -> Weight; fn retire() -> Weight; fn kick_member() -> Weight; fn add_unscrupulous_items(n: u32, l: u32) -> Weight; fn remove_unscrupulous_items(n: u32, l: u32) -> Weight; fn abdicate_fellow_status() -> Weight;
Expand description

Weight functions needed for pallet_alliance.

Required Methods§

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl WeightInfo for ()


fn propose_proposed(b: u32, m: u32, p: u32) -> Weight

Storage: Alliance::Members (r:1 w:0) Proof: Alliance::Members (max_values: None, max_size: Some(3211), added: 5686, mode: MaxEncodedLen) Storage: AllianceMotion::ProposalOf (r:1 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::ProposalOf (max_values: None, max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: AllianceMotion::Proposals (r:1 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::Proposals (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: AllianceMotion::ProposalCount (r:1 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::ProposalCount (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: AllianceMotion::Voting (r:0 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::Voting (max_values: None, max_size: None, mode: Measured) The range of component b is [1, 1024]. The range of component m is [2, 100]. The range of component p is [1, 100].


fn vote(m: u32) -> Weight

Storage: Alliance::Members (r:1 w:0) Proof: Alliance::Members (max_values: None, max_size: Some(3211), added: 5686, mode: MaxEncodedLen) Storage: AllianceMotion::Voting (r:1 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::Voting (max_values: None, max_size: None, mode: Measured) The range of component m is [5, 100].


fn close_early_disapproved(m: u32, p: u32) -> Weight

Storage: Alliance::Members (r:1 w:0) Proof: Alliance::Members (max_values: None, max_size: Some(3211), added: 5686, mode: MaxEncodedLen) Storage: AllianceMotion::Voting (r:1 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::Voting (max_values: None, max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: AllianceMotion::Members (r:1 w:0) Proof: AllianceMotion::Members (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: AllianceMotion::Proposals (r:1 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::Proposals (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: AllianceMotion::ProposalOf (r:0 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::ProposalOf (max_values: None, max_size: None, mode: Measured) The range of component m is [4, 100]. The range of component p is [1, 100].


fn close_early_approved(b: u32, m: u32, p: u32) -> Weight

Storage: Alliance::Members (r:1 w:0) Proof: Alliance::Members (max_values: None, max_size: Some(3211), added: 5686, mode: MaxEncodedLen) Storage: AllianceMotion::Voting (r:1 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::Voting (max_values: None, max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: AllianceMotion::Members (r:1 w:0) Proof: AllianceMotion::Members (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: AllianceMotion::ProposalOf (r:1 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::ProposalOf (max_values: None, max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: SafeMode::EnteredUntil (r:1 w:0) Proof: SafeMode::EnteredUntil (max_values: Some(1), max_size: Some(4), added: 499, mode: MaxEncodedLen) Storage: TxPause::PausedCalls (r:1 w:0) Proof: TxPause::PausedCalls (max_values: None, max_size: Some(532), added: 3007, mode: MaxEncodedLen) Storage: AllianceMotion::Proposals (r:1 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::Proposals (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured) The range of component b is [1, 1024]. The range of component m is [4, 100]. The range of component p is [1, 100].


fn close_disapproved(m: u32, p: u32) -> Weight

Storage: Alliance::Members (r:1 w:0) Proof: Alliance::Members (max_values: None, max_size: Some(3211), added: 5686, mode: MaxEncodedLen) Storage: AllianceMotion::Voting (r:1 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::Voting (max_values: None, max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: AllianceMotion::Members (r:1 w:0) Proof: AllianceMotion::Members (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: AllianceMotion::Prime (r:1 w:0) Proof: AllianceMotion::Prime (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: AllianceMotion::Proposals (r:1 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::Proposals (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: AllianceMotion::ProposalOf (r:0 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::ProposalOf (max_values: None, max_size: None, mode: Measured) The range of component m is [2, 100]. The range of component p is [1, 100].


fn close_approved(b: u32, m: u32, p: u32) -> Weight

Storage: Alliance::Members (r:1 w:0) Proof: Alliance::Members (max_values: None, max_size: Some(3211), added: 5686, mode: MaxEncodedLen) Storage: AllianceMotion::Voting (r:1 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::Voting (max_values: None, max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: AllianceMotion::Members (r:1 w:0) Proof: AllianceMotion::Members (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: AllianceMotion::Prime (r:1 w:0) Proof: AllianceMotion::Prime (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: AllianceMotion::Proposals (r:1 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::Proposals (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: AllianceMotion::ProposalOf (r:0 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::ProposalOf (max_values: None, max_size: None, mode: Measured) The range of component b is [1, 1024]. The range of component m is [5, 100]. The range of component p is [1, 100].


fn init_members(m: u32, z: u32) -> Weight

Storage: Alliance::Members (r:2 w:2) Proof: Alliance::Members (max_values: None, max_size: Some(3211), added: 5686, mode: MaxEncodedLen) Storage: AllianceMotion::Members (r:1 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::Members (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured) The range of component m is [1, 100]. The range of component z is [0, 100].


fn disband(x: u32, y: u32, z: u32) -> Weight

Storage: Alliance::Members (r:2 w:2) Proof: Alliance::Members (max_values: None, max_size: Some(3211), added: 5686, mode: MaxEncodedLen) Storage: AllianceMotion::Proposals (r:1 w:0) Proof: AllianceMotion::Proposals (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: Alliance::DepositOf (r:200 w:50) Proof: Alliance::DepositOf (max_values: None, max_size: Some(64), added: 2539, mode: MaxEncodedLen) Storage: System::Account (r:50 w:50) Proof: System::Account (max_values: None, max_size: Some(128), added: 2603, mode: MaxEncodedLen) Storage: AllianceMotion::Members (r:0 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::Members (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: AllianceMotion::Prime (r:0 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::Prime (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured) The range of component x is [1, 100]. The range of component y is [0, 100]. The range of component z is [0, 50].


fn set_rule() -> Weight

Storage: Alliance::Rule (r:0 w:1) Proof: Alliance::Rule (max_values: Some(1), max_size: Some(87), added: 582, mode: MaxEncodedLen)


fn announce() -> Weight

Storage: Alliance::Announcements (r:1 w:1) Proof: Alliance::Announcements (max_values: Some(1), max_size: Some(8702), added: 9197, mode: MaxEncodedLen)


fn remove_announcement() -> Weight

Storage: Alliance::Announcements (r:1 w:1) Proof: Alliance::Announcements (max_values: Some(1), max_size: Some(8702), added: 9197, mode: MaxEncodedLen)


fn join_alliance() -> Weight

Storage: Alliance::Members (r:3 w:1) Proof: Alliance::Members (max_values: None, max_size: Some(3211), added: 5686, mode: MaxEncodedLen) Storage: Alliance::UnscrupulousAccounts (r:1 w:0) Proof: Alliance::UnscrupulousAccounts (max_values: Some(1), max_size: Some(3202), added: 3697, mode: MaxEncodedLen) Storage: System::Account (r:1 w:1) Proof: System::Account (max_values: None, max_size: Some(128), added: 2603, mode: MaxEncodedLen) Storage: Alliance::DepositOf (r:0 w:1) Proof: Alliance::DepositOf (max_values: None, max_size: Some(64), added: 2539, mode: MaxEncodedLen)


fn nominate_ally() -> Weight

Storage: Alliance::Members (r:3 w:1) Proof: Alliance::Members (max_values: None, max_size: Some(3211), added: 5686, mode: MaxEncodedLen) Storage: Alliance::UnscrupulousAccounts (r:1 w:0) Proof: Alliance::UnscrupulousAccounts (max_values: Some(1), max_size: Some(3202), added: 3697, mode: MaxEncodedLen)


fn elevate_ally() -> Weight

Storage: Alliance::Members (r:2 w:2) Proof: Alliance::Members (max_values: None, max_size: Some(3211), added: 5686, mode: MaxEncodedLen) Storage: AllianceMotion::Proposals (r:1 w:0) Proof: AllianceMotion::Proposals (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: AllianceMotion::Members (r:0 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::Members (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: AllianceMotion::Prime (r:0 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::Prime (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured)


fn give_retirement_notice() -> Weight

Storage: Alliance::Members (r:4 w:2) Proof: Alliance::Members (max_values: None, max_size: Some(3211), added: 5686, mode: MaxEncodedLen) Storage: AllianceMotion::Proposals (r:1 w:0) Proof: AllianceMotion::Proposals (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: AllianceMotion::Members (r:0 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::Members (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: AllianceMotion::Prime (r:0 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::Prime (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: Alliance::RetiringMembers (r:0 w:1) Proof: Alliance::RetiringMembers (max_values: None, max_size: Some(52), added: 2527, mode: MaxEncodedLen)


fn retire() -> Weight

Storage: Alliance::RetiringMembers (r:1 w:1) Proof: Alliance::RetiringMembers (max_values: None, max_size: Some(52), added: 2527, mode: MaxEncodedLen) Storage: Alliance::Members (r:1 w:1) Proof: Alliance::Members (max_values: None, max_size: Some(3211), added: 5686, mode: MaxEncodedLen) Storage: Alliance::DepositOf (r:1 w:1) Proof: Alliance::DepositOf (max_values: None, max_size: Some(64), added: 2539, mode: MaxEncodedLen) Storage: System::Account (r:1 w:1) Proof: System::Account (max_values: None, max_size: Some(128), added: 2603, mode: MaxEncodedLen)


fn kick_member() -> Weight

Storage: Alliance::Members (r:3 w:1) Proof: Alliance::Members (max_values: None, max_size: Some(3211), added: 5686, mode: MaxEncodedLen) Storage: AllianceMotion::Proposals (r:1 w:0) Proof: AllianceMotion::Proposals (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: Alliance::DepositOf (r:1 w:1) Proof: Alliance::DepositOf (max_values: None, max_size: Some(64), added: 2539, mode: MaxEncodedLen) Storage: System::Account (r:1 w:1) Proof: System::Account (max_values: None, max_size: Some(128), added: 2603, mode: MaxEncodedLen) Storage: AllianceMotion::Members (r:0 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::Members (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: AllianceMotion::Prime (r:0 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::Prime (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured)


fn add_unscrupulous_items(n: u32, l: u32) -> Weight

Storage: Alliance::UnscrupulousAccounts (r:1 w:1) Proof: Alliance::UnscrupulousAccounts (max_values: Some(1), max_size: Some(3202), added: 3697, mode: MaxEncodedLen) Storage: Alliance::UnscrupulousWebsites (r:1 w:1) Proof: Alliance::UnscrupulousWebsites (max_values: Some(1), max_size: Some(25702), added: 26197, mode: MaxEncodedLen) The range of component n is [0, 100]. The range of component l is [0, 255].


fn remove_unscrupulous_items(n: u32, l: u32) -> Weight

Storage: Alliance::UnscrupulousAccounts (r:1 w:1) Proof: Alliance::UnscrupulousAccounts (max_values: Some(1), max_size: Some(3202), added: 3697, mode: MaxEncodedLen) Storage: Alliance::UnscrupulousWebsites (r:1 w:1) Proof: Alliance::UnscrupulousWebsites (max_values: Some(1), max_size: Some(25702), added: 26197, mode: MaxEncodedLen) The range of component n is [0, 100]. The range of component l is [0, 255].


fn abdicate_fellow_status() -> Weight

Storage: Alliance::Members (r:3 w:2) Proof: Alliance::Members (max_values: None, max_size: Some(3211), added: 5686, mode: MaxEncodedLen) Storage: AllianceMotion::Proposals (r:1 w:0) Proof: AllianceMotion::Proposals (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: AllianceMotion::Members (r:0 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::Members (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured) Storage: AllianceMotion::Prime (r:0 w:1) Proof: AllianceMotion::Prime (max_values: Some(1), max_size: None, mode: Measured)



impl<T: Config> WeightInfo for SubstrateWeight<T>