Approve item’s attributes to be changed by a delegated third-party account.
Approve an item to be transferred by a delegated third-party account.
Destroy a single item.
Allows to buy an item if it’s up for sale.
Cancel one of the transfer approvals for a specific item.
Cancel the previously provided approval to change item’s attributes.
All the previously set attributes by the delegate
will be removed.
Cancel an atomic swap.
Claim an atomic swap.
This method executes a pending swap, that was created by a counterpart before.
Cancel all the approvals of a specific item.
Clear an attribute for a collection or item.
Clear the metadata for a collection.
Clear the metadata for an item.
Issue a new collection of non-fungible items from a public origin.
Register a new atomic swap, declaring an intention to send an item
in exchange for
from origin to target on the current blockchain.
The target can execute the swap during the specified duration
of blocks (if set).
Additionally, the price could be set for the desired item
Destroy a collection of fungible items.
Change the config of a collection.
Change the Owner of a collection.
Issue a new collection of non-fungible items from a privileged origin.
Mint an item of a particular collection from a privileged origin.
Force-set an attribute for a collection or item.
Disallows specified settings for the whole collection.
Disallows changing the metadata or attributes of the item.
Disallow further unprivileged transfer of an item.
Mint an item of a particular collection.
Mint an item by providing the pre-signed approval.
Allows to pay the tips.
Re-evaluate the deposits on some items.
Set (or reset) the acceptance of ownership for a particular account.
Set an attribute for a collection or item.
Set attributes for an item by providing the pre-signed approval.
Set the maximum number of items a collection could have.
Set the metadata for a collection.
Set the metadata for an item.
Set (or reset) the price for an item.
Change the Issuer, Admin and Freezer of a collection.
Move an item from the sender account to another.
Change the Owner of a collection.
Re-allow unprivileged transfer of an item.
Update mint settings.