Type Alias pallet_nfts::pallet::Account

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pub type Account<T: Config<I>, I: 'static = ()> = StorageNMap<_GeneratedPrefixForStorageAccount<T, I>, (NMapKey<Blake2_128Concat, T::AccountId>, NMapKey<Blake2_128Concat, T::CollectionId>, NMapKey<Blake2_128Concat, T::ItemId>), (), OptionQuery>;
Expand description

The items held by any given account; set out this way so that items owned by a single account can be enumerated.

Storage type is [StorageNMap] with keys type (T :: AccountId, T :: CollectionId, T :: ItemId) and value type ().

Aliased Type§

struct Account<T: Config<I>, I: 'static = ()>(/* private fields */);