Expand description

The pallet module in each FRAME pallet hosts the most important items needed to construct this pallet.

The main components of this pallet are:

  • Pallet, which implements all of the dispatchable extrinsics of the pallet, among other public functions.
    • The subset of the functions that are dispatchable can be identified either in the dispatchables module or in the Call enum.
  • storage_types, which contains the list of all types that are representing a storage item. Otherwise, all storage items are listed among Type Definitions.
  • Config, which contains the configuration trait of this pallet.
  • Event and Error, which are listed among the Enums.


  • pub use __tt_error_token_17 as tt_error_token;
  • pub use __tt_default_parts_23 as tt_default_parts;
  • pub use __tt_extra_parts_23 as tt_extra_parts;
  • pub use __tt_default_parts_v2_23 as tt_default_parts_v2;


  • Auto-generated docs-only module listing all defined dispatchables for this pallet.
  • Auto-generated docs-only module listing all (public and private) defined storage types for this pallet.


  • Can be used to configure the genesis state of this pallet.
  • The Pallet struct, the main type that implements traits and standalone functions within the pallet.


  • Contains a variant per dispatchable extrinsic that this pallet has.
  • The Error enum of this pallet.
  • The Event enum of this pallet


  • Configuration trait of this pallet.

Type Aliases§

  • Storage type is [StorageMap] with key type EthereumAddress and value type BalanceOf < T >.
  • ModuleDeprecated
    Type alias to Pallet, to be used by construct_runtime.
  • Storage type is [StorageValue] with value type BalanceOf < T >.
  • Vesting schedule for a claim. First balance is the total amount that should be held for vesting. Second balance is how much should be unlocked per block. The block number is when the vesting should start.