pub type Vesting<T: Config> = StorageMap<_GeneratedPrefixForStorageVesting<T>, Identity, EthereumAddress, (<<<T as Config>::VestingSchedule as VestingSchedule<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance, <<<T as Config>::VestingSchedule as VestingSchedule<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance, BlockNumberFor<T>)>;
Expand description

Vesting schedule for a claim. First balance is the total amount that should be held for vesting. Second balance is how much should be unlocked per block. The block number is when the vesting should start.

Storage type is [StorageMap] with key type EthereumAddress and value type (BalanceOf < T > , BalanceOf < T > , BlockNumberFor < T >).

Aliased Type§

struct Vesting<T: Config>(/* private fields */);