pub trait Config: Config + Config + Config + SendTransactionTypes<Call<Self>> {
    type RuntimeEvent: From<Event> + IsType<<Self as Config>::RuntimeEvent>;
    type UnsignedPriority: Get<TransactionPriority>;
    type NextSessionRotation: EstimateNextSessionRotation<BlockNumberFor<Self>>;
    type QueueFootprinter: QueueFootprinter<Origin = UmpQueueId>;
    type OnNewHead: OnNewHead;
    type WeightInfo: WeightInfo;
    type AssignCoretime: AssignCoretime;
Expand description

Configuration trait of this pallet.

The main purpose of this trait is to act as an interface between this pallet and the runtime in which it is embedded in. A type, function, or constant in this trait is essentially left to be configured by the runtime that includes this pallet.

Consequently, a runtime that wants to include this pallet must implement this trait.

Required Associated Types§


type RuntimeEvent: From<Event> + IsType<<Self as Config>::RuntimeEvent>


type UnsignedPriority: Get<TransactionPriority>


type NextSessionRotation: EstimateNextSessionRotation<BlockNumberFor<Self>>


type QueueFootprinter: QueueFootprinter<Origin = UmpQueueId>

Retrieve how many UMP messages are enqueued for this para-chain.

This is used to judge whether or not a para-chain can offboard. Per default this should be set to the ParaInclusion pallet.


type OnNewHead: OnNewHead

Runtime hook for when a parachain head is updated.


type WeightInfo: WeightInfo

Weight information for extrinsics in this pallet.


type AssignCoretime: AssignCoretime

Runtime hook for assigning coretime for a given parachain.

This is only used at genesis or by root.

TODO: Remove once coretime is the standard across all chains.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
