pub trait TransactionExtension<Call: Dispatchable>: Codec + Debug + Sync + Send + Clone + Eq + PartialEq + StaticTypeInfo {
    type Implicit: Codec + StaticTypeInfo;
    type Val;
    type Pre;

    const IDENTIFIER: &'static str;

    // Required methods
    fn weight(&self, call: &Call) -> Weight;
    fn validate(
        origin: DispatchOriginOf<Call>,
        call: &Call,
        info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>,
        len: usize,
        self_implicit: Self::Implicit,
        inherited_implication: &impl Encode,
    ) -> ValidateResult<Self::Val, Call>;
    fn prepare(
        val: Self::Val,
        origin: &DispatchOriginOf<Call>,
        call: &Call,
        info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>,
        len: usize,
    ) -> Result<Self::Pre, TransactionValidityError>;

    // Provided methods
    fn implicit(&self) -> Result<Self::Implicit, TransactionValidityError> { ... }
    fn metadata() -> Vec<TransactionExtensionMetadata> { ... }
    fn post_dispatch_details(
        _pre: Self::Pre,
        _info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>,
        _post_info: &PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>,
        _len: usize,
        _result: &DispatchResult,
    ) -> Result<Weight, TransactionValidityError> { ... }
    fn post_dispatch(
        pre: Self::Pre,
        info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>,
        post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>,
        len: usize,
        result: &DispatchResult,
    ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError> { ... }
    fn bare_validate(
        _call: &Call,
        _info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>,
        _len: usize,
    ) -> TransactionValidity { ... }
    fn bare_validate_and_prepare(
        _call: &Call,
        _info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>,
        _len: usize,
    ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError> { ... }
    fn bare_post_dispatch(
        _info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>,
        _post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>,
        _len: usize,
        _result: &DispatchResult,
    ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError> { ... }
Expand description

Means by which a transaction may be extended. This type embodies both the data and the logic that should be additionally associated with the transaction. It should be plain old data.

The simplest transaction extension would be the Unit type (and empty pipeline) (). This executes no additional logic and implies a dispatch of the transaction’s call using the inherited origin (either None or Signed, depending on whether this is a signed or general transaction).

Transaction extensions are capable of altering certain associated semantics:

  • They may define the origin with which the transaction’s call should be dispatched.
  • They may define various parameters used by the transaction queue to determine under what conditions the transaction should be retained and introduced on-chain.
  • They may define whether this transaction is acceptable for introduction on-chain at all.

Each of these semantics are defined by the validate function.

NOTE: Transaction extensions cannot under any circumstances alter the call itself.

Transaction extensions are capable of defining logic which is executed additionally to the dispatch of the call:

  • They may define logic which must be executed prior to the dispatch of the call.
  • They may also define logic which must be executed after the dispatch of the call.

Each of these semantics are defined by the prepare and post_dispatch_details functions respectively.

Finally, transaction extensions may define additional data to help define the implications of the logic they introduce. This additional data may be explicitly defined by the transaction author (in which case it is included as part of the transaction body), or it may be implicitly defined by the transaction extension based around the on-chain state (which the transaction author is assumed to know). This data may be utilized by the above logic to alter how a node’s transaction queue treats this transaction.

§Default implementations

Of the 6 functions in this trait along with TransactionExtension, 2 of them must return a value of an associated type on success, with only implicit having a default implementation. This means that default implementations cannot be provided for validate and prepare. However, a macro is provided impl_tx_ext_default which is capable of generating default implementations for both of these functions. If you do not wish to introduce additional logic into the transaction pipeline, then it is recommended that you use this macro to implement these functions. Additionally, weight can return a default value, which would mean the extension is weightless, but it is not implemented by default. Instead, implementers can explicitly choose to implement this default behavior through the same impl_tx_ext_default macro.

If your extension does any post-flight logic, then the functionality must be implemented in post_dispatch_details. This function can return the actual weight used by the extension during an entire dispatch cycle by wrapping said weight value in a Some. This is useful in computing fee refunds, similar to how post dispatch information is used to refund fees for calls. Alternatively, a None can be returned, which means that the worst case scenario weight, namely the value returned by weight, is the actual weight. This particular piece of logic is embedded in the default implementation of post_dispatch so that the weight is assumed to be worst case scenario, but implementers of this trait can correct it with extra effort. Therefore, all users of an extension should use post_dispatch, with post_dispatch_details considered an internal function.

§Pipelines, Inherited Implications, and Authorized Origins

Requiring a single transaction extension to define all of the above semantics would be cumbersome and would lead to a lot of boilerplate. Instead, transaction extensions are aggregated into pipelines, which are tuples of transaction extensions. Each extension in the pipeline is executed in order, and the output of each extension is aggregated and/or relayed as the input to the next extension in the pipeline.

This ordered composition happens with all data types (Val, Pre and Implicit) as well as all functions. There are important consequences stemming from how the composition affects the meaning of the origin and implication parameters as well as the results. Whereas the prepare and post_dispatch functions are clear in their meaning, the validate function is fairly sophisticated and warrants further explanation.

Firstly, the origin parameter. The origin passed into the first item in a pipeline is simply that passed into the tuple itself. It represents an authority who has authorized the implication of the transaction, as of the extension it has been passed into *and any further extensions it may pass though, all the way to, and including, the transaction’s dispatch call itself. Each following item in the pipeline is passed the origin which the previous item returned. The origin returned from the final item in the pipeline is the origin which is returned by the tuple itself.

This means that if a constituent extension returns a different origin to the one it was called with, then (assuming no other extension changes it further) this new origin will be used for all extensions following it in the pipeline, and will be returned from the pipeline to be used as the origin for the call’s dispatch. The call itself as well as all these extensions following may each imply consequence for this origin. We call this the inherited implication.

The inherited implication is the cumulated on-chain effects born by whatever origin is returned. It is expressed to the validate function only as the implication argument which implements the [Encode] trait. A transaction extension may define its own implications through its own fields and the implicit function. This is only utilized by extensions which precede it in a pipeline or, if the transaction is an old-school signed transaction, the underlying transaction verification logic.

The inherited implication passed as the implication parameter to validate does not include the extension’s inner data itself nor does it include the result of the extension’s implicit function. If you both provide an implication and rely on the implication, then you need to manually aggregate your extensions implication with the aggregated implication passed in.

In the post dispatch pipeline, the actual weight of each extension is accrued in the PostDispatchInfo of that transaction sequentially with each post_dispatch call. This means that an extension handling transaction payment and refunds should be at the end of the pipeline in order to capture the correct amount of weight used during the call. This is because one cannot know the actual weight of an extension after post dispatch without running the post dispatch ahead of time.

Required Associated Types§


type Implicit: Codec + StaticTypeInfo

Any additional data which was known at the time of transaction construction and can be useful in authenticating the transaction. This is determined dynamically in part from the on-chain environment using the implicit function and not directly contained in the transaction itself and therefore is considered “implicit”.


type Val

The type that encodes information that can be passed from validate to prepare.


type Pre

The type that encodes information that can be passed from prepare to post_dispatch.

Required Associated Constants§


const IDENTIFIER: &'static str

Unique identifier of this signed extension.

This will be exposed in the metadata to identify the signed extension used in an extrinsic.

Required Methods§


fn weight(&self, call: &Call) -> Weight

The weight consumed by executing this extension instance fully during transaction dispatch.


fn validate( &self, origin: DispatchOriginOf<Call>, call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, self_implicit: Self::Implicit, inherited_implication: &impl Encode, ) -> ValidateResult<Self::Val, Call>

Validate a transaction for the transaction queue.

This function can be called frequently by the transaction queue to obtain transaction validity against current state. It should perform all checks that determine a valid transaction, that can pay for its execution and quickly eliminate ones that are stale or incorrect.


  • origin: The origin of the transaction which this extension inherited; coming from an “old-school” signed transaction, this will be a system RawOrigin::Signed value. If the transaction is a “new-school” General Transaction, then this will be a system RawOrigin::None value. If this extension is an item in a composite, then it could be anything which was previously returned as an origin value in the result of a validate call.
  • call: The Call wrapped by this extension.
  • info: Information concerning, and inherent to, the transaction’s call.
  • len: The total length of the encoded transaction.
  • inherited_implication: The implication which this extension inherits. This is a tuple of the transaction’s call and some additional opaque-but-encodable data. Coming directly from a transaction, the latter is [()]. However, if this extension is expressed as part of a composite type, then the latter component is equal to any further implications to which the returned origin could potentially apply. See Pipelines, Inherited Implications, and Authorized Origins for more information.

Returns a ValidateResult, which is a Result whose success type is a tuple of ValidTransaction (defining useful metadata for the transaction queue), the Self::Val token of this transaction, which gets passed into prepare, and the origin of the transaction, which gets passed into prepare and is ultimately used for dispatch.


fn prepare( self, val: Self::Val, origin: &DispatchOriginOf<Call>, call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> Result<Self::Pre, TransactionValidityError>

Do any pre-flight stuff for a transaction after validation.

This is for actions which do not happen in the transaction queue but only immediately prior to the point of dispatch on-chain. This should not return an error, since errors should already have been identified during the validate call. If an error is returned, the transaction will be considered invalid but no state changes will happen and therefore work done in validate will not be paid for.

Unlike validate, this function may consume self.


  • val: Self::Val returned by the result of the validate call.
  • origin: The origin returned by the result of the validate call.
  • call: The Call wrapped by this extension.
  • info: Information concerning, and inherent to, the transaction’s call.
  • len: The total length of the encoded transaction.

Returns a Self::Pre value on success, which gets passed into post_dispatch and after the call is dispatched.

IMPORTANT: Checks made in validation need not be repeated here.

Provided Methods§


fn implicit(&self) -> Result<Self::Implicit, TransactionValidityError>

Determine any additional data which was known at the time of transaction construction and can be useful in authenticating the transaction. The expected usage of this is to include in any data which is signed and verified as part of transaction validation. Also perform any pre-signature-verification checks and return an error if needed.


fn metadata() -> Vec<TransactionExtensionMetadata>

Returns the metadata for this extension.

As a TransactionExtension can be a tuple of TransactionExtensions we need to return a Vec that holds the metadata of each one. Each individual TransactionExtension must return exactly one TransactionExtensionMetadata.

This method provides a default implementation that returns a vec containing a single TransactionExtensionMetadata.


fn post_dispatch_details( _pre: Self::Pre, _info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, _post_info: &PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, _len: usize, _result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<Weight, TransactionValidityError>

Do any post-flight stuff for an extrinsic.

_pre contains the output of prepare.

This gets given the DispatchResult _result from the extrinsic and can, if desired, introduce a TransactionValidityError, causing the block to become invalid for including it.

On success, the caller must return the amount of unspent weight left over by this extension after dispatch. By default, this function returns no unspent weight, which means the entire weight computed for the worst case scenario is consumed.

WARNING: This function does not automatically keep track of accumulated “actual” weight. Unless this weight is handled at the call site, use post_dispatch instead.


  • pre: Self::Pre returned by the result of the prepare call prior to dispatch.
  • info: Information concerning, and inherent to, the transaction’s call.
  • post_info: Information concerning the dispatch of the transaction’s call.
  • len: The total length of the encoded transaction.
  • result: The result of the dispatch.

WARNING: It is dangerous to return an error here. To do so will fundamentally invalidate the transaction and any block that it is included in, causing the block author to not be compensated for their work in validating the transaction or producing the block so far. It can only be used safely when you know that the transaction is one that would only be introduced by the current block author.


fn post_dispatch( pre: Self::Pre, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>

A wrapper for post_dispatch_details that refunds the unspent weight consumed by this extension into the post dispatch information.

If post_dispatch_details returns a non-zero unspent weight, which, by definition, must be less than the worst case weight provided by weight, that is the value refunded in post_info.

If no unspent weight is reported by post_dispatch_details, this function assumes the worst case weight and does not refund anything.

For more information, look into post_dispatch_details.


fn bare_validate( _call: &Call, _info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, _len: usize, ) -> TransactionValidity

Validation logic for bare extrinsics.

NOTE: This function will be migrated to a separate InherentExtension interface.


fn bare_validate_and_prepare( _call: &Call, _info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, _len: usize, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>

All pre-flight logic run before dispatching bare extrinsics.

NOTE: This function will be migrated to a separate InherentExtension interface.


fn bare_post_dispatch( _info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, _post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, _len: usize, _result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>

Post dispatch logic run after dispatching bare extrinsics.

NOTE: This function will be migrated to a separate InherentExtension interface.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl<Call: Dispatchable> TransactionExtension<Call> for ()


const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "UnitTransactionExtension"


type Implicit = ()


fn implicit(&self) -> Result<Self::Implicit, TransactionValidityError>


type Val = ()


type Pre = ()


fn weight(&self, _call: &Call) -> Weight


fn validate( &self, origin: <Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin, _call: &Call, _info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, _len: usize, _self_implicit: Self::Implicit, _inherited_implication: &impl Encode, ) -> Result<(ValidTransaction, (), <Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin), TransactionValidityError>


fn prepare( self, _val: (), _origin: &<Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin, _call: &Call, _info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, _len: usize, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


impl<Call: Dispatchable, TupleElement0: TransactionExtension<Call>> TransactionExtension<Call> for (TupleElement0,)


const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "Use `metadata()`!"


type Implicit = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit,)


fn implicit(&self) -> Result<Self::Implicit, TransactionValidityError>


fn metadata() -> Vec<TransactionExtensionMetadata>


type Val = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val,)


type Pre = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre,)


fn weight(&self, call: &Call) -> Weight


fn validate( &self, origin: <Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin, call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, self_implicit: Self::Implicit, inherited_implication: &impl Encode, ) -> Result<(ValidTransaction, Self::Val, <Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin), TransactionValidityError>


fn prepare( self, val: Self::Val, origin: &<Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin, call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> Result<Self::Pre, TransactionValidityError>


fn post_dispatch_details( pre: Self::Pre, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<Weight, TransactionValidityError>


fn post_dispatch( pre: Self::Pre, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


fn bare_validate( call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> TransactionValidity


fn bare_validate_and_prepare( call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


fn bare_post_dispatch( info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


impl<Call: Dispatchable, TupleElement0: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement1: TransactionExtension<Call>> TransactionExtension<Call> for (TupleElement0, TupleElement1)


const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "Use `metadata()`!"


type Implicit = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit)


fn implicit(&self) -> Result<Self::Implicit, TransactionValidityError>


fn metadata() -> Vec<TransactionExtensionMetadata>


type Val = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val)


type Pre = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre)


fn weight(&self, call: &Call) -> Weight


fn validate( &self, origin: <Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin, call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, self_implicit: Self::Implicit, inherited_implication: &impl Encode, ) -> Result<(ValidTransaction, Self::Val, <Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin), TransactionValidityError>


fn prepare( self, val: Self::Val, origin: &<Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin, call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> Result<Self::Pre, TransactionValidityError>


fn post_dispatch_details( pre: Self::Pre, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<Weight, TransactionValidityError>


fn post_dispatch( pre: Self::Pre, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


fn bare_validate( call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> TransactionValidity


fn bare_validate_and_prepare( call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


fn bare_post_dispatch( info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


impl<Call: Dispatchable, TupleElement0: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement1: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement2: TransactionExtension<Call>> TransactionExtension<Call> for (TupleElement0, TupleElement1, TupleElement2)


const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "Use `metadata()`!"


type Implicit = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit)


fn implicit(&self) -> Result<Self::Implicit, TransactionValidityError>


fn metadata() -> Vec<TransactionExtensionMetadata>


type Val = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val)


type Pre = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre)


fn weight(&self, call: &Call) -> Weight


fn validate( &self, origin: <Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin, call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, self_implicit: Self::Implicit, inherited_implication: &impl Encode, ) -> Result<(ValidTransaction, Self::Val, <Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin), TransactionValidityError>


fn prepare( self, val: Self::Val, origin: &<Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin, call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> Result<Self::Pre, TransactionValidityError>


fn post_dispatch_details( pre: Self::Pre, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<Weight, TransactionValidityError>


fn post_dispatch( pre: Self::Pre, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


fn bare_validate( call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> TransactionValidity


fn bare_validate_and_prepare( call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


fn bare_post_dispatch( info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


impl<Call: Dispatchable, TupleElement0: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement1: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement2: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement3: TransactionExtension<Call>> TransactionExtension<Call> for (TupleElement0, TupleElement1, TupleElement2, TupleElement3)


const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "Use `metadata()`!"


type Implicit = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement3 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit)


fn implicit(&self) -> Result<Self::Implicit, TransactionValidityError>


fn metadata() -> Vec<TransactionExtensionMetadata>


type Val = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement3 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val)


type Pre = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement3 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre)


fn weight(&self, call: &Call) -> Weight


fn validate( &self, origin: <Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin, call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, self_implicit: Self::Implicit, inherited_implication: &impl Encode, ) -> Result<(ValidTransaction, Self::Val, <Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin), TransactionValidityError>


fn prepare( self, val: Self::Val, origin: &<Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin, call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> Result<Self::Pre, TransactionValidityError>


fn post_dispatch_details( pre: Self::Pre, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<Weight, TransactionValidityError>


fn post_dispatch( pre: Self::Pre, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


fn bare_validate( call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> TransactionValidity


fn bare_validate_and_prepare( call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


fn bare_post_dispatch( info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


impl<Call: Dispatchable, TupleElement0: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement1: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement2: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement3: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement4: TransactionExtension<Call>> TransactionExtension<Call> for (TupleElement0, TupleElement1, TupleElement2, TupleElement3, TupleElement4)


const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "Use `metadata()`!"


type Implicit = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement3 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement4 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit)


fn implicit(&self) -> Result<Self::Implicit, TransactionValidityError>


fn metadata() -> Vec<TransactionExtensionMetadata>


type Val = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement3 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement4 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val)


type Pre = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement3 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement4 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre)


fn weight(&self, call: &Call) -> Weight


fn validate( &self, origin: <Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin, call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, self_implicit: Self::Implicit, inherited_implication: &impl Encode, ) -> Result<(ValidTransaction, Self::Val, <Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin), TransactionValidityError>


fn prepare( self, val: Self::Val, origin: &<Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin, call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> Result<Self::Pre, TransactionValidityError>


fn post_dispatch_details( pre: Self::Pre, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<Weight, TransactionValidityError>


fn post_dispatch( pre: Self::Pre, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


fn bare_validate( call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> TransactionValidity


fn bare_validate_and_prepare( call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


fn bare_post_dispatch( info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


impl<Call: Dispatchable, TupleElement0: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement1: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement2: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement3: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement4: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement5: TransactionExtension<Call>> TransactionExtension<Call> for (TupleElement0, TupleElement1, TupleElement2, TupleElement3, TupleElement4, TupleElement5)


const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "Use `metadata()`!"


type Implicit = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement3 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement4 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement5 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit)


fn implicit(&self) -> Result<Self::Implicit, TransactionValidityError>


fn metadata() -> Vec<TransactionExtensionMetadata>


type Val = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement3 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement4 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement5 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val)


type Pre = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement3 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement4 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement5 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre)


fn weight(&self, call: &Call) -> Weight


fn validate( &self, origin: <Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin, call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, self_implicit: Self::Implicit, inherited_implication: &impl Encode, ) -> Result<(ValidTransaction, Self::Val, <Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin), TransactionValidityError>


fn prepare( self, val: Self::Val, origin: &<Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin, call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> Result<Self::Pre, TransactionValidityError>


fn post_dispatch_details( pre: Self::Pre, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<Weight, TransactionValidityError>


fn post_dispatch( pre: Self::Pre, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


fn bare_validate( call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> TransactionValidity


fn bare_validate_and_prepare( call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


fn bare_post_dispatch( info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


impl<Call: Dispatchable, TupleElement0: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement1: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement2: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement3: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement4: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement5: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement6: TransactionExtension<Call>> TransactionExtension<Call> for (TupleElement0, TupleElement1, TupleElement2, TupleElement3, TupleElement4, TupleElement5, TupleElement6)


const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "Use `metadata()`!"


type Implicit = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement3 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement4 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement5 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement6 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit)


fn implicit(&self) -> Result<Self::Implicit, TransactionValidityError>


fn metadata() -> Vec<TransactionExtensionMetadata>


type Val = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement3 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement4 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement5 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement6 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val)


type Pre = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement3 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement4 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement5 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement6 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre)


fn weight(&self, call: &Call) -> Weight


fn validate( &self, origin: <Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin, call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, self_implicit: Self::Implicit, inherited_implication: &impl Encode, ) -> Result<(ValidTransaction, Self::Val, <Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin), TransactionValidityError>


fn prepare( self, val: Self::Val, origin: &<Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin, call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> Result<Self::Pre, TransactionValidityError>


fn post_dispatch_details( pre: Self::Pre, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<Weight, TransactionValidityError>


fn post_dispatch( pre: Self::Pre, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


fn bare_validate( call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> TransactionValidity


fn bare_validate_and_prepare( call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


fn bare_post_dispatch( info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


impl<Call: Dispatchable, TupleElement0: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement1: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement2: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement3: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement4: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement5: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement6: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement7: TransactionExtension<Call>> TransactionExtension<Call> for (TupleElement0, TupleElement1, TupleElement2, TupleElement3, TupleElement4, TupleElement5, TupleElement6, TupleElement7)


const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "Use `metadata()`!"


type Implicit = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement3 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement4 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement5 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement6 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement7 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit)


fn implicit(&self) -> Result<Self::Implicit, TransactionValidityError>


fn metadata() -> Vec<TransactionExtensionMetadata>


type Val = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement3 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement4 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement5 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement6 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement7 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val)


type Pre = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement3 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement4 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement5 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement6 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement7 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre)


fn weight(&self, call: &Call) -> Weight


fn validate( &self, origin: <Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin, call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, self_implicit: Self::Implicit, inherited_implication: &impl Encode, ) -> Result<(ValidTransaction, Self::Val, <Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin), TransactionValidityError>


fn prepare( self, val: Self::Val, origin: &<Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin, call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> Result<Self::Pre, TransactionValidityError>


fn post_dispatch_details( pre: Self::Pre, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<Weight, TransactionValidityError>


fn post_dispatch( pre: Self::Pre, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


fn bare_validate( call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> TransactionValidity


fn bare_validate_and_prepare( call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


fn bare_post_dispatch( info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


impl<Call: Dispatchable, TupleElement0: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement1: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement2: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement3: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement4: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement5: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement6: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement7: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement8: TransactionExtension<Call>> TransactionExtension<Call> for (TupleElement0, TupleElement1, TupleElement2, TupleElement3, TupleElement4, TupleElement5, TupleElement6, TupleElement7, TupleElement8)


const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "Use `metadata()`!"


type Implicit = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement3 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement4 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement5 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement6 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement7 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement8 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit)


fn implicit(&self) -> Result<Self::Implicit, TransactionValidityError>


fn metadata() -> Vec<TransactionExtensionMetadata>


type Val = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement3 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement4 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement5 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement6 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement7 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement8 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val)


type Pre = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement3 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement4 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement5 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement6 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement7 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement8 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre)


fn weight(&self, call: &Call) -> Weight


fn validate( &self, origin: <Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin, call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, self_implicit: Self::Implicit, inherited_implication: &impl Encode, ) -> Result<(ValidTransaction, Self::Val, <Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin), TransactionValidityError>


fn prepare( self, val: Self::Val, origin: &<Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin, call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> Result<Self::Pre, TransactionValidityError>


fn post_dispatch_details( pre: Self::Pre, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<Weight, TransactionValidityError>


fn post_dispatch( pre: Self::Pre, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


fn bare_validate( call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> TransactionValidity


fn bare_validate_and_prepare( call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


fn bare_post_dispatch( info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


impl<Call: Dispatchable, TupleElement0: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement1: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement2: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement3: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement4: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement5: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement6: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement7: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement8: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement9: TransactionExtension<Call>> TransactionExtension<Call> for (TupleElement0, TupleElement1, TupleElement2, TupleElement3, TupleElement4, TupleElement5, TupleElement6, TupleElement7, TupleElement8, TupleElement9)


const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "Use `metadata()`!"


type Implicit = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement3 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement4 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement5 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement6 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement7 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement8 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement9 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit)


fn implicit(&self) -> Result<Self::Implicit, TransactionValidityError>


fn metadata() -> Vec<TransactionExtensionMetadata>


type Val = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement3 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement4 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement5 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement6 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement7 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement8 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement9 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val)


type Pre = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement3 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement4 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement5 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement6 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement7 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement8 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement9 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre)


fn weight(&self, call: &Call) -> Weight


fn validate( &self, origin: <Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin, call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, self_implicit: Self::Implicit, inherited_implication: &impl Encode, ) -> Result<(ValidTransaction, Self::Val, <Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin), TransactionValidityError>


fn prepare( self, val: Self::Val, origin: &<Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin, call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> Result<Self::Pre, TransactionValidityError>


fn post_dispatch_details( pre: Self::Pre, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<Weight, TransactionValidityError>


fn post_dispatch( pre: Self::Pre, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


fn bare_validate( call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> TransactionValidity


fn bare_validate_and_prepare( call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


fn bare_post_dispatch( info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


impl<Call: Dispatchable, TupleElement0: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement1: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement2: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement3: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement4: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement5: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement6: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement7: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement8: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement9: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement10: TransactionExtension<Call>> TransactionExtension<Call> for (TupleElement0, TupleElement1, TupleElement2, TupleElement3, TupleElement4, TupleElement5, TupleElement6, TupleElement7, TupleElement8, TupleElement9, TupleElement10)


const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "Use `metadata()`!"


type Implicit = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement3 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement4 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement5 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement6 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement7 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement8 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement9 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement10 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit)


fn implicit(&self) -> Result<Self::Implicit, TransactionValidityError>


fn metadata() -> Vec<TransactionExtensionMetadata>


type Val = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement3 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement4 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement5 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement6 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement7 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement8 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement9 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement10 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val)


type Pre = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement3 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement4 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement5 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement6 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement7 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement8 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement9 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement10 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre)


fn weight(&self, call: &Call) -> Weight


fn validate( &self, origin: <Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin, call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, self_implicit: Self::Implicit, inherited_implication: &impl Encode, ) -> Result<(ValidTransaction, Self::Val, <Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin), TransactionValidityError>


fn prepare( self, val: Self::Val, origin: &<Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin, call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> Result<Self::Pre, TransactionValidityError>


fn post_dispatch_details( pre: Self::Pre, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<Weight, TransactionValidityError>


fn post_dispatch( pre: Self::Pre, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


fn bare_validate( call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> TransactionValidity


fn bare_validate_and_prepare( call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


fn bare_post_dispatch( info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


impl<Call: Dispatchable, TupleElement0: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement1: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement2: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement3: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement4: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement5: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement6: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement7: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement8: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement9: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement10: TransactionExtension<Call>, TupleElement11: TransactionExtension<Call>> TransactionExtension<Call> for (TupleElement0, TupleElement1, TupleElement2, TupleElement3, TupleElement4, TupleElement5, TupleElement6, TupleElement7, TupleElement8, TupleElement9, TupleElement10, TupleElement11)


const IDENTIFIER: &'static str = "Use `metadata()`!"


type Implicit = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement3 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement4 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement5 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement6 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement7 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement8 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement9 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement10 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit, <TupleElement11 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Implicit)


fn implicit(&self) -> Result<Self::Implicit, TransactionValidityError>


fn metadata() -> Vec<TransactionExtensionMetadata>


type Val = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement3 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement4 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement5 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement6 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement7 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement8 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement9 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement10 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val, <TupleElement11 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Val)


type Pre = (<TupleElement0 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement1 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement2 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement3 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement4 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement5 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement6 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement7 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement8 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement9 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement10 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre, <TupleElement11 as TransactionExtension<Call>>::Pre)


fn weight(&self, call: &Call) -> Weight


fn validate( &self, origin: <Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin, call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, self_implicit: Self::Implicit, inherited_implication: &impl Encode, ) -> Result<(ValidTransaction, Self::Val, <Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin), TransactionValidityError>


fn prepare( self, val: Self::Val, origin: &<Call as Dispatchable>::RuntimeOrigin, call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> Result<Self::Pre, TransactionValidityError>


fn post_dispatch_details( pre: Self::Pre, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<Weight, TransactionValidityError>


fn post_dispatch( pre: Self::Pre, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


fn bare_validate( call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> TransactionValidity


fn bare_validate_and_prepare( call: &Call, info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>


fn bare_post_dispatch( info: &DispatchInfoOf<Call>, post_info: &mut PostDispatchInfoOf<Call>, len: usize, result: &DispatchResult, ) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError>
