
Type Alias Nfts

pub type Nfts = Pallet<Runtime>;

Aliased Type§

struct Nfts(/* private fields */);



impl<T, I> Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


pub fn owner( collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, item: <T as Config<I>>::ItemId, ) -> Option<<T as Config>::AccountId>

Get the owner of the item, if the item exists.


pub fn collection_owner( collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, ) -> Option<<T as Config>::AccountId>

Get the owner of the collection, if the collection exists.


pub fn validate_signature( data: &Vec<u8>, signature: &<T as Config<I>>::OffchainSignature, signer: &<T as Config>::AccountId, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Validates the signature of the given data with the provided signer’s account ID.


This function returns a WrongSignature error if the signature is invalid or the verification process fails.


pub fn set_next_id(id: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId)


impl<T, I> Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


pub fn construct_attribute_key( key: Vec<u8>, ) -> Result<BoundedVec<u8, <T as Config<I>>::KeyLimit>, DispatchError>

A helper method to construct an attribute’s key.


This function returns an IncorrectData error if the provided attribute key is too long.


pub fn construct_attribute_value( value: Vec<u8>, ) -> Result<BoundedVec<u8, <T as Config<I>>::ValueLimit>, DispatchError>

A helper method to construct an attribute’s value.


This function returns an IncorrectData error if the provided value is too long.


pub fn has_system_attribute( collection: &<T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, item: &<T as Config<I>>::ItemId, attribute_key: PalletAttributes<<T as Config<I>>::CollectionId>, ) -> Result<bool, DispatchError>

A helper method to check whether a system attribute is set for a given item.


This function returns an IncorrectData error if the provided pallet attribute is too long.


impl<T, I> Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


pub fn do_create_collection( collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, owner: <T as Config>::AccountId, admin: <T as Config>::AccountId, config: CollectionConfig<<<T as Config<I>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance, <<T as Config<I>>::BlockNumberProvider as BlockNumberProvider>::BlockNumber, <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId>, deposit: <<T as Config<I>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance, event: Event<T, I>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Create a new collection with the given collection, owner, admin, config, deposit, and event.

This function creates a new collection with the provided parameters. It reserves the required deposit from the owner’s account, sets the collection details, assigns admin roles, and inserts the provided configuration. Finally, it emits the specified event upon success.


This function returns a CollectionIdInUse error if the collection ID is already in use.


pub fn do_destroy_collection( collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, witness: DestroyWitness, maybe_check_owner: Option<<T as Config>::AccountId>, ) -> Result<DestroyWitness, DispatchError>

Destroy the specified collection with the given collection, witness, and maybe_check_owner.

This function destroys the specified collection if it exists and meets the necessary conditions. It checks the provided witness against the actual collection details and removes the collection along with its associated metadata, attributes, and configurations. The necessary deposits are returned to the corresponding accounts, and the roles and configurations for the collection are cleared. Finally, it emits the Destroyed event upon successful destruction.


This function returns a dispatch error in the following cases:


impl<T, I> Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


pub fn do_mint( collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, item: <T as Config<I>>::ItemId, maybe_depositor: Option<<T as Config>::AccountId>, mint_to: <T as Config>::AccountId, item_config: ItemConfig, with_details_and_config: impl FnOnce(&CollectionDetails<<T as Config>::AccountId, <<T as Config<I>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance>, &CollectionConfig<<<T as Config<I>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance, <<T as Config<I>>::BlockNumberProvider as BlockNumberProvider>::BlockNumber, <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId>) -> Result<(), DispatchError>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Mint a new unique item with the given collection, item, and other minting configuration details.

This function performs the minting of a new unique item. It checks if the item does not already exist in the given collection, and if the max supply limit (if configured) is not reached. It also reserves the required deposit for the item and sets the item details accordingly.


This function returns a dispatch error in the following cases:


pub fn do_burn( collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, item: <T as Config<I>>::ItemId, with_details: impl FnOnce(&ItemDetails<<T as Config>::AccountId, ItemDeposit<<<T as Config<I>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance, <T as Config>::AccountId>, BoundedBTreeMap<<T as Config>::AccountId, Option<<<T as Config<I>>::BlockNumberProvider as BlockNumberProvider>::BlockNumber>, <T as Config<I>>::ApprovalsLimit>>) -> Result<(), DispatchError>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Burns the specified item with the given collection, item, and with_details.


This function returns a dispatch error in the following cases:


impl<T, I> Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


pub fn construct_metadata( metadata: Vec<u8>, ) -> Result<BoundedVec<u8, <T as Config<I>>::StringLimit>, DispatchError>

A helper method to construct metadata.


This function returns an IncorrectMetadata dispatch error if the provided metadata is too long.


impl<T, I> Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


pub fn group_roles_by_account( input: Vec<(<T as Config>::AccountId, CollectionRole)>, ) -> Vec<(<T as Config>::AccountId, CollectionRoles)>

Groups provided roles by account, given one account could have multiple roles.

  • input: A vector of (Account, Role) tuples.

Returns a grouped vector of (Account, Roles) tuples.


impl<T, I> Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


pub fn do_transfer( collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, item: <T as Config<I>>::ItemId, dest: <T as Config>::AccountId, with_details: impl FnOnce(&CollectionDetails<<T as Config>::AccountId, <<T as Config<I>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance>, &mut ItemDetails<<T as Config>::AccountId, ItemDeposit<<<T as Config<I>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance, <T as Config>::AccountId>, BoundedBTreeMap<<T as Config>::AccountId, Option<<<T as Config<I>>::BlockNumberProvider as BlockNumberProvider>::BlockNumber>, <T as Config<I>>::ApprovalsLimit>>) -> Result<(), DispatchError>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Transfer an NFT to the specified destination account.

  • collection: The ID of the collection to which the NFT belongs.
  • item: The ID of the NFT to transfer.
  • dest: The destination account to which the NFT will be transferred.
  • with_details: A closure that provides access to the collection and item details, allowing customization of the transfer process.

This function performs the actual transfer of an NFT to the destination account. It checks various conditions like item lock status and transferability settings for the collection and item before transferring the NFT.


This function returns a dispatch error in the following cases:


impl<T, I> Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


pub fn create( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, admin: <<T as Config>::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source, config: CollectionConfig<<<T as Config<I>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance, <<T as Config<I>>::BlockNumberProvider as BlockNumberProvider>::BlockNumber, <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Issue a new collection of non-fungible items from a public origin.

This new collection has no items initially and its owner is the origin.

The origin must be Signed and the sender must have sufficient funds free.

CollectionDeposit funds of sender are reserved.


  • admin: The admin of this collection. The admin is the initial address of each member of the collection’s admin team.

Emits Created event when successful.

Weight: O(1)


pub fn force_create( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, owner: <<T as Config>::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source, config: CollectionConfig<<<T as Config<I>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance, <<T as Config<I>>::BlockNumberProvider as BlockNumberProvider>::BlockNumber, <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Issue a new collection of non-fungible items from a privileged origin.

This new collection has no items initially.

The origin must conform to ForceOrigin.

Unlike create, no funds are reserved.

  • owner: The owner of this collection of items. The owner has full superuser permissions over this item, but may later change and configure the permissions using transfer_ownership and set_team.

Emits ForceCreated event when successful.

Weight: O(1)


pub fn destroy( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, witness: DestroyWitness, ) -> Result<PostDispatchInfo, DispatchErrorWithPostInfo<PostDispatchInfo>>

Destroy a collection of fungible items.

The origin must conform to ForceOrigin or must be Signed and the sender must be the owner of the collection.

NOTE: The collection must have 0 items to be destroyed.

  • collection: The identifier of the collection to be destroyed.
  • witness: Information on the items minted in the collection. This must be correct.

Emits Destroyed event when successful.

Weight: O(m + c + a) where:

  • m = witness.item_metadatas
  • c = witness.item_configs
  • a = witness.attributes

pub fn mint( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, item: <T as Config<I>>::ItemId, mint_to: <<T as Config>::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source, witness_data: Option<MintWitness<<T as Config<I>>::ItemId, <<T as Config<I>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance>>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Mint an item of a particular collection.

The origin must be Signed and the sender must comply with the mint_settings rules.

  • collection: The collection of the item to be minted.
  • item: An identifier of the new item.
  • mint_to: Account into which the item will be minted.
  • witness_data: When the mint type is HolderOf(collection_id), then the owned item_id from that collection needs to be provided within the witness data object. If the mint price is set, then it should be additionally confirmed in the witness_data.

Note: the deposit will be taken from the origin and not the owner of the item.

Emits Issued event when successful.

Weight: O(1)


pub fn force_mint( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, item: <T as Config<I>>::ItemId, mint_to: <<T as Config>::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source, item_config: ItemConfig, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Mint an item of a particular collection from a privileged origin.

The origin must conform to ForceOrigin or must be Signed and the sender must be the Issuer of the collection.

  • collection: The collection of the item to be minted.
  • item: An identifier of the new item.
  • mint_to: Account into which the item will be minted.
  • item_config: A config of the new item.

Emits Issued event when successful.

Weight: O(1)


pub fn burn( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, item: <T as Config<I>>::ItemId, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Destroy a single item.

The origin must conform to ForceOrigin or must be Signed and the signing account must be the owner of the item.

  • collection: The collection of the item to be burned.
  • item: The item to be burned.

Emits Burned.

Weight: O(1)


pub fn transfer( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, item: <T as Config<I>>::ItemId, dest: <<T as Config>::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Move an item from the sender account to another.

Origin must be Signed and the signing account must be either:

  • the Owner of the item;
  • the approved delegate for the item (in this case, the approval is reset).


  • collection: The collection of the item to be transferred.
  • item: The item to be transferred.
  • dest: The account to receive ownership of the item.

Emits Transferred.

Weight: O(1)


pub fn redeposit( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, items: Vec<<T as Config<I>>::ItemId>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Re-evaluate the deposits on some items.

Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the collection.

  • collection: The collection of the items to be reevaluated.
  • items: The items of the collection whose deposits will be reevaluated.

NOTE: This exists as a best-effort function. Any items which are unknown or in the case that the owner account does not have reservable funds to pay for a deposit increase are ignored. Generally the owner isn’t going to call this on items whose existing deposit is less than the refreshed deposit as it would only cost them, so it’s of little consequence.

It will still return an error in the case that the collection is unknown or the signer is not permitted to call it.

Weight: O(items.len())


pub fn lock_item_transfer( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, item: <T as Config<I>>::ItemId, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Disallow further unprivileged transfer of an item.

Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Freezer of the collection.

  • collection: The collection of the item to be changed.
  • item: The item to become non-transferable.

Emits ItemTransferLocked.

Weight: O(1)


pub fn unlock_item_transfer( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, item: <T as Config<I>>::ItemId, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Re-allow unprivileged transfer of an item.

Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Freezer of the collection.

  • collection: The collection of the item to be changed.
  • item: The item to become transferable.

Emits ItemTransferUnlocked.

Weight: O(1)


pub fn lock_collection( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, lock_settings: CollectionSettings, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Disallows specified settings for the whole collection.

Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the collection.

  • collection: The collection to be locked.
  • lock_settings: The settings to be locked.

Note: it’s possible to only lock(set) the setting, but not to unset it.

Emits CollectionLocked.

Weight: O(1)


pub fn transfer_ownership( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, new_owner: <<T as Config>::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Change the Owner of a collection.

Origin must be Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the collection.

  • collection: The collection whose owner should be changed.
  • owner: The new Owner of this collection. They must have called set_accept_ownership with collection in order for this operation to succeed.

Emits OwnerChanged.

Weight: O(1)


pub fn set_team( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, issuer: Option<<<T as Config>::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source>, admin: Option<<<T as Config>::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source>, freezer: Option<<<T as Config>::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Change the Issuer, Admin and Freezer of a collection.

Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the collection.

Note: by setting the role to None only the ForceOrigin will be able to change it after to Some(account).

  • collection: The collection whose team should be changed.
  • issuer: The new Issuer of this collection.
  • admin: The new Admin of this collection.
  • freezer: The new Freezer of this collection.

Emits TeamChanged.

Weight: O(1)


pub fn force_collection_owner( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, owner: <<T as Config>::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Change the Owner of a collection.

Origin must be ForceOrigin.

  • collection: The identifier of the collection.
  • owner: The new Owner of this collection.

Emits OwnerChanged.

Weight: O(1)


pub fn force_collection_config( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, config: CollectionConfig<<<T as Config<I>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance, <<T as Config<I>>::BlockNumberProvider as BlockNumberProvider>::BlockNumber, <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Change the config of a collection.

Origin must be ForceOrigin.

  • collection: The identifier of the collection.
  • config: The new config of this collection.

Emits CollectionConfigChanged.

Weight: O(1)


pub fn approve_transfer( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, item: <T as Config<I>>::ItemId, delegate: <<T as Config>::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source, maybe_deadline: Option<<<T as Config<I>>::BlockNumberProvider as BlockNumberProvider>::BlockNumber>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Approve an item to be transferred by a delegated third-party account.

Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the item.

  • collection: The collection of the item to be approved for delegated transfer.
  • item: The item to be approved for delegated transfer.
  • delegate: The account to delegate permission to transfer the item.
  • maybe_deadline: Optional deadline for the approval. Specified by providing the number of blocks after which the approval will expire

Emits TransferApproved on success.

Weight: O(1)


pub fn cancel_approval( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, item: <T as Config<I>>::ItemId, delegate: <<T as Config>::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Cancel one of the transfer approvals for a specific item.

Origin must be either:

  • the Force origin;
  • Signed with the signer being the Owner of the item;


  • collection: The collection of the item of whose approval will be cancelled.
  • item: The item of the collection of whose approval will be cancelled.
  • delegate: The account that is going to loose their approval.

Emits ApprovalCancelled on success.

Weight: O(1)


pub fn clear_all_transfer_approvals( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, item: <T as Config<I>>::ItemId, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Cancel all the approvals of a specific item.

Origin must be either:

  • the Force origin;
  • Signed with the signer being the Owner of the item;


  • collection: The collection of the item of whose approvals will be cleared.
  • item: The item of the collection of whose approvals will be cleared.

Emits AllApprovalsCancelled on success.

Weight: O(1)


pub fn lock_item_properties( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, item: <T as Config<I>>::ItemId, lock_metadata: bool, lock_attributes: bool, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Disallows changing the metadata or attributes of the item.

Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed and the sender should be the Admin of the collection.

  • collection: The collection if the item.
  • item: An item to be locked.
  • lock_metadata: Specifies whether the metadata should be locked.
  • lock_attributes: Specifies whether the attributes in the CollectionOwner namespace should be locked.

Note: lock_attributes affects the attributes in the CollectionOwner namespace only. When the metadata or attributes are locked, it won’t be possible the unlock them.

Emits ItemPropertiesLocked.

Weight: O(1)


pub fn set_attribute( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, maybe_item: Option<<T as Config<I>>::ItemId>, namespace: AttributeNamespace<<T as Config>::AccountId>, key: BoundedVec<u8, <T as Config<I>>::KeyLimit>, value: BoundedVec<u8, <T as Config<I>>::ValueLimit>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Set an attribute for a collection or item.

Origin must be Signed and must conform to the namespace ruleset:

  • CollectionOwner namespace could be modified by the collection Admin only;
  • ItemOwner namespace could be modified by the maybe_item owner only. maybe_item should be set in that case;
  • Account(AccountId) namespace could be modified only when the origin was given a permission to do so;

The funds of origin are reserved according to the formula: AttributeDepositBase + DepositPerByte * (key.len + value.len) taking into account any already reserved funds.

  • collection: The identifier of the collection whose item’s metadata to set.
  • maybe_item: The identifier of the item whose metadata to set.
  • namespace: Attribute’s namespace.
  • key: The key of the attribute.
  • value: The value to which to set the attribute.

Emits AttributeSet.

Weight: O(1)


pub fn force_set_attribute( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, set_as: Option<<T as Config>::AccountId>, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, maybe_item: Option<<T as Config<I>>::ItemId>, namespace: AttributeNamespace<<T as Config>::AccountId>, key: BoundedVec<u8, <T as Config<I>>::KeyLimit>, value: BoundedVec<u8, <T as Config<I>>::ValueLimit>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Force-set an attribute for a collection or item.

Origin must be ForceOrigin.

If the attribute already exists and it was set by another account, the deposit will be returned to the previous owner.

  • set_as: An optional owner of the attribute.
  • collection: The identifier of the collection whose item’s metadata to set.
  • maybe_item: The identifier of the item whose metadata to set.
  • namespace: Attribute’s namespace.
  • key: The key of the attribute.
  • value: The value to which to set the attribute.

Emits AttributeSet.

Weight: O(1)


pub fn clear_attribute( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, maybe_item: Option<<T as Config<I>>::ItemId>, namespace: AttributeNamespace<<T as Config>::AccountId>, key: BoundedVec<u8, <T as Config<I>>::KeyLimit>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Clear an attribute for a collection or item.

Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the attribute.

Any deposit is freed for the collection’s owner.

  • collection: The identifier of the collection whose item’s metadata to clear.
  • maybe_item: The identifier of the item whose metadata to clear.
  • namespace: Attribute’s namespace.
  • key: The key of the attribute.

Emits AttributeCleared.

Weight: O(1)


pub fn approve_item_attributes( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, item: <T as Config<I>>::ItemId, delegate: <<T as Config>::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Approve item’s attributes to be changed by a delegated third-party account.

Origin must be Signed and must be an owner of the item.

  • collection: A collection of the item.
  • item: The item that holds attributes.
  • delegate: The account to delegate permission to change attributes of the item.

Emits ItemAttributesApprovalAdded on success.


pub fn cancel_item_attributes_approval( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, item: <T as Config<I>>::ItemId, delegate: <<T as Config>::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source, witness: CancelAttributesApprovalWitness, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Cancel the previously provided approval to change item’s attributes. All the previously set attributes by the delegate will be removed.

Origin must be Signed and must be an owner of the item.

  • collection: Collection that the item is contained within.
  • item: The item that holds attributes.
  • delegate: The previously approved account to remove.

Emits ItemAttributesApprovalRemoved on success.


pub fn set_metadata( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, item: <T as Config<I>>::ItemId, data: BoundedVec<u8, <T as Config<I>>::StringLimit>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Set the metadata for an item.

Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed and the sender should be the Admin of the collection.

If the origin is Signed, then funds of signer are reserved according to the formula: MetadataDepositBase + DepositPerByte * data.len taking into account any already reserved funds.

  • collection: The identifier of the collection whose item’s metadata to set.
  • item: The identifier of the item whose metadata to set.
  • data: The general information of this item. Limited in length by StringLimit.

Emits ItemMetadataSet.

Weight: O(1)


pub fn clear_metadata( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, item: <T as Config<I>>::ItemId, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Clear the metadata for an item.

Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed and the sender should be the Admin of the collection.

Any deposit is freed for the collection’s owner.

  • collection: The identifier of the collection whose item’s metadata to clear.
  • item: The identifier of the item whose metadata to clear.

Emits ItemMetadataCleared.

Weight: O(1)


pub fn set_collection_metadata( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, data: BoundedVec<u8, <T as Config<I>>::StringLimit>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Set the metadata for a collection.

Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed and the sender should be the Admin of the collection.

If the origin is Signed, then funds of signer are reserved according to the formula: MetadataDepositBase + DepositPerByte * data.len taking into account any already reserved funds.

  • collection: The identifier of the item whose metadata to update.
  • data: The general information of this item. Limited in length by StringLimit.

Emits CollectionMetadataSet.

Weight: O(1)


pub fn clear_collection_metadata( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Clear the metadata for a collection.

Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed and the sender should be the Admin of the collection.

Any deposit is freed for the collection’s owner.

  • collection: The identifier of the collection whose metadata to clear.

Emits CollectionMetadataCleared.

Weight: O(1)


pub fn set_accept_ownership( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, maybe_collection: Option<<T as Config<I>>::CollectionId>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Set (or reset) the acceptance of ownership for a particular account.

Origin must be Signed and if maybe_collection is Some, then the signer must have a provider reference.

  • maybe_collection: The identifier of the collection whose ownership the signer is willing to accept, or if None, an indication that the signer is willing to accept no ownership transferal.

Emits OwnershipAcceptanceChanged.


pub fn set_collection_max_supply( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, max_supply: u32, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Set the maximum number of items a collection could have.

Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed and the sender should be the Owner of the collection.

  • collection: The identifier of the collection to change.
  • max_supply: The maximum number of items a collection could have.

Emits CollectionMaxSupplySet event when successful.


pub fn update_mint_settings( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, mint_settings: MintSettings<<<T as Config<I>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance, <<T as Config<I>>::BlockNumberProvider as BlockNumberProvider>::BlockNumber, <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Update mint settings.

Origin must be either ForceOrigin or Signed and the sender should be the Issuer of the collection.

  • collection: The identifier of the collection to change.
  • mint_settings: The new mint settings.

Emits CollectionMintSettingsUpdated event when successful.


pub fn set_price( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, item: <T as Config<I>>::ItemId, price: Option<<<T as Config<I>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance>, whitelisted_buyer: Option<<<T as Config>::Lookup as StaticLookup>::Source>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Set (or reset) the price for an item.

Origin must be Signed and must be the owner of the item.

  • collection: The collection of the item.
  • item: The item to set the price for.
  • price: The price for the item. Pass None, to reset the price.
  • buyer: Restricts the buy operation to a specific account.

Emits ItemPriceSet on success if the price is not None. Emits ItemPriceRemoved on success if the price is None.


pub fn buy_item( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, item: <T as Config<I>>::ItemId, bid_price: <<T as Config<I>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Allows to buy an item if it’s up for sale.

Origin must be Signed and must not be the owner of the item.

  • collection: The collection of the item.
  • item: The item the sender wants to buy.
  • bid_price: The price the sender is willing to pay.

Emits ItemBought on success.


pub fn pay_tips( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, tips: BoundedVec<ItemTip<<T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, <T as Config<I>>::ItemId, <T as Config>::AccountId, <<T as Config<I>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance>, <T as Config<I>>::MaxTips>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Allows to pay the tips.

Origin must be Signed.

  • tips: Tips array.

Emits TipSent on every tip transfer.


pub fn create_swap( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, offered_collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, offered_item: <T as Config<I>>::ItemId, desired_collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, maybe_desired_item: Option<<T as Config<I>>::ItemId>, maybe_price: Option<PriceWithDirection<<<T as Config<I>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance>>, duration: <<T as Config<I>>::BlockNumberProvider as BlockNumberProvider>::BlockNumber, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Register a new atomic swap, declaring an intention to send an item in exchange for desired_item from origin to target on the current blockchain. The target can execute the swap during the specified duration of blocks (if set). Additionally, the price could be set for the desired item.

Origin must be Signed and must be an owner of the item.

  • collection: The collection of the item.
  • item: The item an owner wants to give.
  • desired_collection: The collection of the desired item.
  • desired_item: The desired item an owner wants to receive.
  • maybe_price: The price an owner is willing to pay or receive for the desired item.
  • duration: A deadline for the swap. Specified by providing the number of blocks after which the swap will expire.

Emits SwapCreated on success.


pub fn cancel_swap( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, offered_collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, offered_item: <T as Config<I>>::ItemId, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Cancel an atomic swap.

Origin must be Signed. Origin must be an owner of the item if the deadline hasn’t expired.

  • collection: The collection of the item.
  • item: The item an owner wants to give.

Emits SwapCancelled on success.


pub fn claim_swap( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, send_collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, send_item: <T as Config<I>>::ItemId, receive_collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, receive_item: <T as Config<I>>::ItemId, witness_price: Option<PriceWithDirection<<<T as Config<I>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance>>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Claim an atomic swap. This method executes a pending swap, that was created by a counterpart before.

Origin must be Signed and must be an owner of the item.

  • send_collection: The collection of the item to be sent.
  • send_item: The item to be sent.
  • receive_collection: The collection of the item to be received.
  • receive_item: The item to be received.
  • witness_price: A price that was previously agreed on.

Emits SwapClaimed on success.


pub fn mint_pre_signed( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, mint_data: Box<PreSignedMint<<T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, <T as Config<I>>::ItemId, <T as Config>::AccountId, <<T as Config<I>>::BlockNumberProvider as BlockNumberProvider>::BlockNumber, <<T as Config<I>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance>>, signature: <T as Config<I>>::OffchainSignature, signer: <T as Config>::AccountId, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Mint an item by providing the pre-signed approval.

Origin must be Signed.

  • mint_data: The pre-signed approval that consists of the information about the item, its metadata, attributes, who can mint it (None for anyone) and until what block number.
  • signature: The signature of the data object.
  • signer: The data object’s signer. Should be an Issuer of the collection.

Emits Issued on success. Emits AttributeSet if the attributes were provided. Emits ItemMetadataSet if the metadata was not empty.


pub fn set_attributes_pre_signed( origin: <T as Config>::RuntimeOrigin, data: PreSignedAttributes<<T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, <T as Config<I>>::ItemId, <T as Config>::AccountId, <<T as Config<I>>::BlockNumberProvider as BlockNumberProvider>::BlockNumber>, signature: <T as Config<I>>::OffchainSignature, signer: <T as Config>::AccountId, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Set attributes for an item by providing the pre-signed approval.

Origin must be Signed and must be an owner of the data.item.

  • data: The pre-signed approval that consists of the information about the item, attributes to update and until what block number.
  • signature: The signature of the data object.
  • signer: The data object’s signer. Should be an Admin of the collection for the CollectionOwner namespace.

Emits AttributeSet for each provided attribute. Emits ItemAttributesApprovalAdded if the approval wasn’t set before. Emits PreSignedAttributesSet on success.

Trait Implementations


impl<T, I> BeforeAllRuntimeMigrations for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


fn before_all_runtime_migrations() -> Weight

Something that should happen before runtime migrations are executed.

impl<T, I> Benchmarking for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I> + Config, I: 'static,


fn benchmarks(extra: bool) -> Vec<BenchmarkMetadata>

Get the benchmarks available for this pallet. Generally there is one benchmark per extrinsic, so these are sometimes just called “extrinsics”. Read more

fn run_benchmark( extrinsic: &[u8], c: &[(BenchmarkParameter, u32)], whitelist: &[TrackedStorageKey], verify: bool, internal_repeats: u32, ) -> Result<Vec<BenchmarkResult>, BenchmarkError>

Run the benchmarks for this pallet.

impl<T, I> Callable<T> for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


impl<T, I> Clone for Pallet<T, I>


fn clone(&self) -> Pallet<T, I>

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · Source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl<T, I> Create<<T as Config>::AccountId, CollectionConfig<<<T as Config<I>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance, <<T as Config<I>>::BlockNumberProvider as BlockNumberProvider>::BlockNumber, <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId>> for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


fn create_collection( who: &<T as Config>::AccountId, admin: &<T as Config>::AccountId, config: &CollectionConfig<<<T as Config<I>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance, <<T as Config<I>>::BlockNumberProvider as BlockNumberProvider>::BlockNumber, <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId>, ) -> Result<<T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, DispatchError>

Create a collection of nonfungible items to be owned by who and managed by admin.


fn create_collection_with_id( collection: <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, who: &<T as Config>::AccountId, admin: &<T as Config>::AccountId, config: &CollectionConfig<<<T as Config<I>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance, <<T as Config<I>>::BlockNumberProvider as BlockNumberProvider>::BlockNumber, <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Create a collection of nonfungible items with collection Id to be owned by who and managed by admin. Should be only used for applications that do not have an incremental order for the collection IDs and is a replacement for the auto id creation.

SAFETY: This function can break the pallet if it is used in combination with the auto increment functionality, as it can claim a value in the ID sequence.


impl<T, I> Debug for Pallet<T, I>


fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl<T, I> Destroy<<T as Config>::AccountId> for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


type DestroyWitness = DestroyWitness

The witness data needed to destroy an item.

fn get_destroy_witness( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, ) -> Option<DestroyWitness>

Provide the appropriate witness data needed to destroy an item.

fn destroy( collection: <Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, witness: <Pallet<T, I> as Destroy<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::DestroyWitness, maybe_check_owner: Option<<T as Config>::AccountId>, ) -> Result<<Pallet<T, I> as Destroy<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::DestroyWitness, DispatchError>

Destroy an existing fungible item. Read more

impl<T, I> DispatchViewFunction for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


fn dispatch_view_function<O>( id: &ViewFunctionId, input: &mut &[u8], output: &mut O, ) -> Result<(), ViewFunctionDispatchError>
where O: Output,


impl<T, I> GetStorageVersion for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


type InCodeStorageVersion = StorageVersion

This type is generated by the pallet macro. Read more

fn in_code_storage_version() -> <Pallet<T, I> as GetStorageVersion>::InCodeStorageVersion

Returns the in-code storage version as specified in the storage_version attribute, or NoStorageVersionSet if the attribute is missing.

fn on_chain_storage_version() -> StorageVersion

Returns the storage version of the pallet as last set in the actual on-chain storage.

fn current_storage_version() -> Self::InCodeStorageVersion

👎Deprecated: This method has been renamed to in_code_storage_version and will be removed after March 2024.
DEPRECATED: Use Self::current_storage_version instead. Read more

impl<T, I> Hooks<<<<T as Config>::Block as HeaderProvider>::HeaderT as Header>::Number> for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


fn on_initialize(_n: BlockNumber) -> Weight

Block initialization hook. This is called at the very beginning of block execution. Read more

fn on_finalize(_n: BlockNumber)

Block finalization hook. This is called at the very end of block execution. Read more

fn on_idle(_n: BlockNumber, _remaining_weight: Weight) -> Weight

Hook to consume a block’s idle time. This will run when the block is being finalized (before Hooks::on_finalize). Read more

fn on_poll(_n: BlockNumber, _weight: &mut WeightMeter)

A hook to run logic after inherent application. Read more

fn on_runtime_upgrade() -> Weight

Hook executed when a code change (aka. a “runtime upgrade”) is detected by the FRAME Executive pallet. Read more

fn try_state(_n: BlockNumber) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Execute the sanity checks of this pallet, per block. Read more

fn pre_upgrade() -> Result<Vec<u8>, DispatchError>

Execute some pre-checks prior to a runtime upgrade. Read more

fn post_upgrade(_state: Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Execute some post-checks after a runtime upgrade. Read more

fn offchain_worker(_n: BlockNumber)

Implementing this function on a pallet allows you to perform long-running tasks that are dispatched as separate threads, and entirely independent of the main blockchain execution. Read more

fn integrity_test()

Check the integrity of this pallet’s configuration. Read more

impl<T, I> Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId> for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


fn attribute( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, item: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::ItemId, key: &[u8], ) -> Option<Vec<u8>>

Returns the attribute value of item of collection corresponding to key.

When key is empty, we return the item metadata value.

By default this is None; no attributes are defined.


fn custom_attribute( account: &<T as Config>::AccountId, collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, item: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::ItemId, key: &[u8], ) -> Option<Vec<u8>>

Returns the custom attribute value of item of collection corresponding to key.

By default this is None; no attributes are defined.


fn system_attribute( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, item: Option<&<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::ItemId>, key: &[u8], ) -> Option<Vec<u8>>

Returns the system attribute value of item of collection corresponding to key if item is Some. Otherwise, returns the system attribute value of collection corresponding to key.

By default this is None; no attributes are defined.


fn collection_attribute( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, key: &[u8], ) -> Option<Vec<u8>>

Returns the attribute value of item of collection corresponding to key.

When key is empty, we return the item metadata value.

By default this is None; no attributes are defined.


fn can_transfer( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, item: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::ItemId, ) -> bool

Returns true if the item of collection may be transferred.

Default implementation is that all items are transferable.


type ItemId = <T as Config<I>>::ItemId

Type for identifying an item.

type CollectionId = <T as Config<I>>::CollectionId

Type for identifying a collection (an identifier for an independent collection of items).

fn owner( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, item: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::ItemId, ) -> Option<<T as Config>::AccountId>

Returns the owner of item of collection, or None if the item doesn’t exist (or somehow has no owner).

fn collection_owner( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, ) -> Option<<T as Config>::AccountId>

Returns the owner of the collection, if there is one. For many NFTs this may not make any sense, so users of this API should not be surprised to find a collection results in None here.

fn typed_attribute<K, V>( collection: &Self::CollectionId, item: &Self::ItemId, key: &K, ) -> Option<V>
where K: Encode, V: Decode,

Returns the strongly-typed attribute value of item of collection corresponding to key. Read more

fn typed_custom_attribute<K, V>( account: &AccountId, collection: &Self::CollectionId, item: &Self::ItemId, key: &K, ) -> Option<V>
where K: Encode, V: Decode,

Returns the strongly-typed custom attribute value of item of collection corresponding to key. Read more

fn typed_system_attribute<K, V>( collection: &Self::CollectionId, item: Option<&Self::ItemId>, key: &K, ) -> Option<V>
where K: Encode, V: Decode,

Returns the strongly-typed system attribute value of item corresponding to key if item is Some. Otherwise, returns the strongly-typed system attribute value of collection corresponding to key. Read more

fn typed_collection_attribute<K, V>( collection: &Self::CollectionId, key: &K, ) -> Option<V>
where K: Encode, V: Decode,

Returns the strongly-typed attribute value of collection corresponding to key. Read more

impl<T, I> InspectEnumerable<<T as Config>::AccountId> for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


fn collections() -> <Pallet<T, I> as InspectEnumerable<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionsIterator

Returns an iterator of the collections in existence.

NOTE: iterating this list invokes a storage read per item.


fn items( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, ) -> <Pallet<T, I> as InspectEnumerable<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::ItemsIterator

Returns an iterator of the items of a collection in existence.

NOTE: iterating this list invokes a storage read per item.


fn owned( who: &<T as Config>::AccountId, ) -> <Pallet<T, I> as InspectEnumerable<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::OwnedIterator

Returns an iterator of the items of all collections owned by who.

NOTE: iterating this list invokes a storage read per item.


fn owned_in_collection( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, who: &<T as Config>::AccountId, ) -> <Pallet<T, I> as InspectEnumerable<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::OwnedInCollectionIterator

Returns an iterator of the items of collection owned by who.

NOTE: iterating this list invokes a storage read per item.


type CollectionsIterator = KeyPrefixIterator<<T as Config<I>>::CollectionId>

The iterator type for Self::collections.

type ItemsIterator = KeyPrefixIterator<<T as Config<I>>::ItemId>

The iterator type for Self::items.

type OwnedIterator = KeyPrefixIterator<(<T as Config<I>>::CollectionId, <T as Config<I>>::ItemId)>

The iterator type for Self::owned.

type OwnedInCollectionIterator = KeyPrefixIterator<<T as Config<I>>::ItemId>

The iterator type for Self::owned_in_collection.

impl<T, I> InspectRole<<T as Config>::AccountId> for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


fn is_issuer( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, who: &<T as Config>::AccountId, ) -> bool

Returns true if who is the issuer of the collection.

fn is_admin( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, who: &<T as Config>::AccountId, ) -> bool

Returns true if who is the admin of the collection.

fn is_freezer( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, who: &<T as Config>::AccountId, ) -> bool

Returns true if who is the freezer of the collection.

impl<T, I> IntegrityTest for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


impl<T, I> Mutate<<T as Config>::AccountId, ItemConfig> for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


fn mint_into( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, item: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::ItemId, who: &<T as Config>::AccountId, item_config: &ItemConfig, deposit_collection_owner: bool, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Mint some item of collection to be owned by who. Read more

fn burn( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, item: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::ItemId, maybe_check_owner: Option<&<T as Config>::AccountId>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Burn some item of collection. Read more

fn set_attribute( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, item: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::ItemId, key: &[u8], value: &[u8], ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Set attribute value of item of collection’s key. Read more

fn set_typed_attribute<K, V>( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, item: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::ItemId, key: &K, value: &V, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>
where K: Encode, V: Encode,

Attempt to set the strongly-typed attribute value of item of collection’s key. Read more

fn set_collection_attribute( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, key: &[u8], value: &[u8], ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Set attribute value of collection’s key. Read more

fn set_typed_collection_attribute<K, V>( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, key: &K, value: &V, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>
where K: Encode, V: Encode,

Attempt to set the strongly-typed attribute value of collection’s key. Read more

fn set_item_metadata( who: Option<&<T as Config>::AccountId>, collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, item: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::ItemId, data: &[u8], ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Set the metadata data of an item of collection. Read more

fn set_collection_metadata( who: Option<&<T as Config>::AccountId>, collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, data: &[u8], ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Set the metadata data of a collection. Read more

fn clear_attribute( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, item: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::ItemId, key: &[u8], ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Clear attribute of item of collection’s key. Read more

fn clear_typed_attribute<K>( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, item: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::ItemId, key: &K, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>
where K: Encode,

Attempt to clear the strongly-typed attribute of item of collection’s key. Read more

fn clear_collection_attribute( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, key: &[u8], ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Clear attribute of collection’s key. Read more

fn clear_typed_collection_attribute<K>( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, key: &K, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>
where K: Encode,

Attempt to clear the strongly-typed attribute of collection’s key. Read more

fn clear_item_metadata( who: Option<&<T as Config>::AccountId>, collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, item: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::ItemId, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Clear the metadata of an item of collection. Read more

fn clear_collection_metadata( who: Option<&<T as Config>::AccountId>, collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Clear the metadata of a collection. Read more

impl<T, I> OffchainWorker<<<<T as Config>::Block as HeaderProvider>::HeaderT as Header>::Number> for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


fn offchain_worker( n: <<<T as Config>::Block as HeaderProvider>::HeaderT as Header>::Number, )

This function is being called after every block import (when fully synced). Read more

impl<T, I> OnFinalize<<<<T as Config>::Block as HeaderProvider>::HeaderT as Header>::Number> for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


fn on_finalize( n: <<<T as Config>::Block as HeaderProvider>::HeaderT as Header>::Number, )


impl<T, I> OnGenesis for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


fn on_genesis()

Something that should happen at genesis.

impl<T, I> OnIdle<<<<T as Config>::Block as HeaderProvider>::HeaderT as Header>::Number> for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


fn on_idle( n: <<<T as Config>::Block as HeaderProvider>::HeaderT as Header>::Number, remaining_weight: Weight, ) -> Weight


impl<T, I> OnInitialize<<<<T as Config>::Block as HeaderProvider>::HeaderT as Header>::Number> for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


fn on_initialize( n: <<<T as Config>::Block as HeaderProvider>::HeaderT as Header>::Number, ) -> Weight


impl<T, I> OnPoll<<<<T as Config>::Block as HeaderProvider>::HeaderT as Header>::Number> for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


fn on_poll( n: <<<T as Config>::Block as HeaderProvider>::HeaderT as Header>::Number, weight: &mut WeightMeter, )

Code to execute every now and then at the beginning of the block after inherent application. Read more

impl<T, I> OnRuntimeUpgrade for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


fn on_runtime_upgrade() -> Weight


fn pre_upgrade() -> Result<Vec<u8>, DispatchError>


fn post_upgrade(state: Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), DispatchError>


fn try_on_runtime_upgrade(checks: bool) -> Result<Weight, DispatchError>

The expected and default behavior of this method is to handle executing pre_upgrade -> on_runtime_upgrade -> post_upgrade hooks for a migration. Read more

impl<T, I> PalletInfoAccess for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


fn index() -> usize

Index of the pallet as configured in the runtime.

fn name() -> &'static str

Name of the pallet as configured in the runtime.

fn name_hash() -> [u8; 16]

Two128 hash of name.

fn module_name() -> &'static str

Name of the Rust module containing the pallet.

fn crate_version() -> CrateVersion

Version of the crate containing the pallet.

impl<T, I> PalletsInfoAccess for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


fn count() -> usize

The number of pallets’ information that this type represents. Read more

fn infos() -> Vec<PalletInfoData>

All of the pallets’ information that this type represents.

impl<T, I> PartialEq for Pallet<T, I>


fn eq(&self, other: &Pallet<T, I>) -> bool

Tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · Source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

Tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl<T, I> StorageInfoTrait for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


impl<T, I> Trading<<T as Config>::AccountId, <<T as Config<I>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance> for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


fn buy_item( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, item: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::ItemId, buyer: &<T as Config>::AccountId, bid_price: &<<T as Config<I>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Allows buyer to buy an item of collection if it’s up for sale with a bid_price to pay.

fn set_price( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, item: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::ItemId, sender: &<T as Config>::AccountId, price: Option<<<T as Config<I>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance>, whitelisted_buyer: Option<<T as Config>::AccountId>, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Sets the item price for item to make it available for sale.

fn item_price( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, item: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::ItemId, ) -> Option<<<T as Config<I>>::Currency as Currency<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::Balance>

Returns the item price of item or None if the item is not for sale.

impl<T, I> Transfer<<T as Config>::AccountId> for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


fn transfer( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, item: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::ItemId, destination: &<T as Config>::AccountId, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Transfer item of collection into destination account.

fn disable_transfer( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, item: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::ItemId, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Disable the item of collection transfer. Read more

fn enable_transfer( collection: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::CollectionId, item: &<Pallet<T, I> as Inspect<<T as Config>::AccountId>>::ItemId, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Re-enable the item of collection transfer. Read more

impl<T, I> TryDecodeEntireStorage for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


fn try_decode_entire_state() -> Result<usize, Vec<TryDecodeEntireStorageError>>

Decode the entire data under the given storage, returning Ok(bytes_decoded) if success.

impl<T, I> TryState<<<<T as Config>::Block as HeaderProvider>::HeaderT as Header>::Number> for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


fn try_state( n: <<<T as Config>::Block as HeaderProvider>::HeaderT as Header>::Number, _s: Select, ) -> Result<(), DispatchError>

Execute the state checks.

impl<T, I> ViewFunctionIdPrefix for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


fn prefix() -> [u8; 16]


impl<T, I> WhitelistedStorageKeys for Pallet<T, I>
where T: Config<I>, I: 'static,


fn whitelisted_storage_keys() -> Vec<TrackedStorageKey>

Returns a Vec<TrackedStorageKey> indicating the storage keys that should be whitelisted during benchmarking. This means that those keys will be excluded from the benchmarking performance calculation.

impl<T, I> Eq for Pallet<T, I>