Special Options Per Host Type

ValidatorShould at least be running with the --validator flag to enable block validation. Also keys should have been injected or the RPC author_rotateKeys called.
CollatorShould at least be running with the --collator flag to enable parachain collation.
BootnodeA node with a static key file so the p2p public address is always the same. Store this private key in a file and use the option: --node-key-file /path/to/file
RPC NodeUse these options to allow 5000 public RPC/WS connections: --unsafe-ws-external --rpc-methods Safe --rpc-cors ‘*’ --ws-max-connections 5000
Archive NodeUse -–pruning=archive to not prune any block history
Full NodeN/A

Parachain Specifics

When running a parachain then you will need two sets of arguments, one for the relay chain and one for the parachain. Used in the format:


A real life example of this while executing as a statemine collator would be:

./statemine  --chain statemine --in-peers 25 --out-peers 25 --db-cache 512 --pruning=1000 --unsafe-pruning -- --chain kusama -db-cache 512 --pruning=1000 --wasm-execution Compiled
Last change: 2024-11-29, commit: a566801