Helm Chart


Parity maintains a helm GitHub repo @ https://github.com/paritytech/helm-charts - Inside this repo is the node chart which should be used for deploying your Substrate/Polkadot binary.

All variables are documented clearly in the README.md and there’s an example local-rococo which you can start working from.

Example Rococo Local Chain

This is a simple example of deploying a rococo-local test chain in Kubernetes. Two validators and two full nodes will be deployed via the helm chart. Once both validators are running you will see block production. A custom node key is used on the Alice validator which all other hosts use as a bootnode.

First install the helm repo

helm repo add parity https://paritytech.github.io/helm-charts/

Deploy Validator Alice

Alice will be deployed in a stateful set and use an example custom node key, along with deploying a service to be used as a bootnode:

helm install rococo-alice parity/node --set node.role="validator" --set node.customNodeKey="91cb59d86820419075b08e3043cd802ba3506388d8b161d2d4acd203af5194c1" --set node.chain=rococo-local --set node.perNodeServices.relayP2pService.enabled=true --set node.perNodeServices.relayP2pService.port=30333 --set node.flags="--alice --rpc-external --ws-external --rpc-cors all --rpc-methods=unsafe"

Deploy Validator Bob

helm install rococo-bob parity/node --set node.role="validator" --set node.chain=rococo-local --set node.flags="--bob --bootnodes '/dns4/rococo-alice-node-0-relay-chain-p2p/tcp/30333/p2p/12D3KooWMeR4iQLRBNq87ViDf9W7f6cc9ydAPJgmq48rAH116WoC'"

Deploy Two Full Nodes

helm install rococo-pool parity/node --set node.chain=rococo-local --set node.replicas=2 --set node.flags="--bootnodes '/dns4/rococo-alice-node-0-relay-chain-p2p/tcp/30333/p2p/12D3KooWMeR4iQLRBNq87ViDf9W7f6cc9ydAPJgmq48rAH116WoC'"

Once these steps are complete you will have a working rococo-local test chain with two validators and two full nodes.

GitOps Tooling

Below are some useful GitOps tool for managing helm releases. Here is a list of tool from simplest to more advanced:

Important Chart Options

node.chainNetwork to connect to
node.commandBinary to use
node.flagsFlags to use with binary in container
node.customChainspecUrlCustom Chainspec URL
Last change: 2024-11-29, commit: a566801