Parachain Production Readiness Checklist

Before launching your parachain network, verify the readiness of your network infrastructure by reviewing the following five key points.

1. Launch your parachain on a testnet before launching on mainnet

The best way to validate your deployment is to deploy a testnet for your parachain. The recommended relay-chain testnet for builders is now Paseo where you can benefit from a stable and mainnet-like experience before onboarding to Polkadot.

2. Set up your nodes using Infrastructure as Code

Using Infrastructure as Code for your blockchain nodes helps with the following:

  • Consistency and Reproducibility: Reduces manual configurations and allows configuration reuse across testnet and mainnet.
  • Automation and Efficiency: Although it takes upfront work to set up, you will speed up further deployments by reducing the number of manual steps.
  • Disaster Recovery: In the event of a disaster, you will be able to quickly restore your infrastructure.

3. Ensure redundancy for your network nodes

For a reliable network, it is recommended to have at least:

  • 2 Bootnodes
  • 2 Collators
  • 2 RPC nodes behind a load balancer

This will help ensure the smooth operation of the network, allowing one node to restart or upgrade while the other still performs its function. After launch, it is a good idea to increase the size of the network further and decentralize node operations to multiple individuals and organizations.

4. Check that your nodes are properly configured to fulfil their roles

Chainspec checks

Your chainspec must:

Bootnode checks

Your bootnodes must have a fixed network ID and fixed IP or DNS in their addresses, e.g., /dns/ This can be achieved with these flags, e.g:

--node-key-file <key-file> --listen-addr=/ip4/ --listen-addr /ip6/::/tcp/30333 --public-addr=/ip4/PUBLIC_IP/tcp/30333.

⚠️ Your bootnodes should always keep the same addresses across restarts.

Collator checks

  • Each of your collators must have an aura key in their keystore, as explained in the [collator guide](TODO link to collator guide)
  • The aura keys also need to be set on-chain, either:

RPC checks

Your RPC nodes should have those flags enabled:

  • --rpc-external or --unsafe-rpc-external (does the same but doesn't output a warn log)
  • --rpc-methods Safe
  • --rpc-cors *
  • --pruning=archive, you generally want to have your RPC nodes to be archives to access historical blocks.

You can also add RPC protections flags, e.g.:

  • --rpc-max-connections 1000: Allow a maximum of 1000 simultaneous open connection
  • --rpc-rate-limit=10: Limit to 10 calls per minute
  • --rpc-rate-limit-whitelisted-ips Disable RPC rate limiting for certain ip addresses
  • --rpc-rate-limit-trust-proxy-headers: Trust proxy headers for determining the IP for rate limiting

5. Validate that your nodes are fully synced

Your parachain nodes should be fully synced with the latest blocks of both your parachain and the relay-chain it is connected to.

6. Set up monitoring and alerting

At a minimum, it is recommended to collect your nodes logs and be notified whenever an error or panic logs happens.

It is highly recommended to set up metrics based monitoring and alerting, including:


  • For troubleshooting testnets collators you can set--log parachain=debug. Other useful debug targets areruntime=debug, sync=debug, author=debug, xcm=debug, etc.
  • You should avoid setting trace logging on all your nodes; if you do, set it on a limited number of nodes where it is useful and remove it when not needed anymore.
Last change: 2024-11-29, commit: a566801