
This document has been written for two main functions. First to provide a clear overview of the existing setup. The second is to provide some guidance on agreeing the CI strategy moving forward.

General Approach to Infrastructure

It is highly recommended that projects deploying networks have an infrastructure as code mindset. The infrastructure components in deployments should be written in code and put in a version control system.

This ensures that:

  • Your Infrastructure is in a known state
  • Version control is available to see changes and enforce reviews etc...
  • Rolling back is made very easy
  • There are no manual actions required to redeploy


General Approach to Security

One of the main desired properties of a blockchain is security, so having a very ‘secure by default’ approach to your infrastructure should always be in the forefront of your mind when deploying new networks.

On the infrastructure side, having strict rules and blocking any non-required communication is just a starting point. Other things that should be considered are things like log monitoring, bastion hosts being required for access, 2FA for ssh etc…

On the chain operations side, there are two very useful concepts to increase your security.

First is using cold / warm / hot keys, so that the compromise of say a session key would not lead to any funds being stolen. Also using multisig accounts on offline devices can greatly help security and also give an on-chain audit trail of all actions, allows for alerting for any onchain actions etc...

key stages

Proxy accounts also let you limit the permission that an account or multisig account has on a particular target account (e.g. only staking functions can be executed by the staking controller multisig account and require 3 of 5 people to approve).

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This section describes the various types of deployments and options used for each.

  • Role Types lists the type of role a node can be (e.g. validator, full node etc..)

  • Remote Targets describes the type of remote host you can deploy to (e.g. VM or Kubernetes)

  • Role Specific Arguments lists specific options to be used for each node type

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Node Types

A non exhaustive list of some common node types:

ValidatorSecures the Relay Chain by staking DOT, validating proofs from collators on parachains and voting on consensus along with other validators.
CollatorMaintains a parachain by collecting parachain transactions and producing state transition proofs for the validators.
BootnodeA node with a static address and p2p public key, used to bootstrap a node onto the network’s distributed hash table and find peers.
RPC NodeExpose an RPC interface over http or websocket for the relay chain or parachain and allow users to read the blockchain state and submit transactions (extrinsics). There are often multiple RPC nodes behind a load balancer.
Archive NodeA node which is syncing to the relay chain or parachain and has a complete database starting all the way from the genesis block.
Full NodeA node which is syncing the relay chain or parachain to the current best block.
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Deployment Targets

A non-exhaustive list of some common deployment targets:

Physical ServerUsually a rack mounted server sitting in a data center.
Virtual MachineA virtual machine hosted by one of many cloud providers or self-hosted onsite.
KubernetesA container orchestration engine to host your blockchain instances. This option is only recommended if you already have prior experience with Kubernetes, especially in production environments.
Local ContainerAn instance running on a local container engine (e.g. containerd, docker, Podman).
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Special Options Per Host Type

ValidatorShould at least be running with the --validator flag to enable block validation. Also keys should have been injected or the RPC author_rotateKeys called.
CollatorShould at least be running with the --collator flag to enable parachain collation.
BootnodeA node with a static key file so the p2p public address is always the same. Store this private key in a file and use the option: --node-key-file /path/to/file
RPC NodeUse these options to allow 5000 public RPC/WS connections: --unsafe-ws-external --rpc-methods Safe --rpc-cors ‘*’ --ws-max-connections 5000
Archive NodeUse -–pruning=archive to not prune any block history
Full NodeN/A

Parachain Specifics

When running a parachain then you will need two sets of arguments, one for the relay chain and one for the parachain. Used in the format:


A real life example of this while executing as a statemine collator would be:

./statemine  --chain statemine --in-peers 25 --out-peers 25 --db-cache 512 --pruning=1000 --unsafe-pruning -- --chain kusama -db-cache 512 --pruning=1000 --wasm-execution Compiled
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Server Deployments

  • Systemd describes options for running a node and various systemd specific options.

  • Logging shows some common local and remote logging configurations.

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Systemd is a common way to manage services on Linux hosts. It can ensure the process is enabled and running, allows you to set a policy for restarts and also set the user running the host, limit the memory usage etc...

It can also use an environment variable file which can help abstract the variables into its own file per server.

Simple Example

A simple example running a local dev chain as Alice, assuming the username is called polkadot would look like:

Description=Polkadot Validator

ExecStart=/home/polkadot/polkadot  --dev --alice


This file should be placed in /etc/systemd/system/polkadot.service and then enabled with systemctl enable polkadot then systemctl start polkadot to start the service.

Using Environment Variable Files

If we want to remove some options from the systemd file itself (e.g. --dev --alice) and put them in an environment variable file then the systemd service would now look like:

Description=Polkadot Validator

ExecStart=/home/polkadot/polkadot  $START_OPTIONS


Then you would need to create a file in /etc/default/polkadot which looks like:

START_OPTIONS="--dev --alice"

You can do this with multiple variables to abstract the configuration from the systemd file running on your hosts.

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Local Logging

By default, output from your systemd service will go to local syslog. This will mean it ends up in a place like /var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages

You can also view these using the journalctl command. To tail the current output of the polkadot process run:

journalctl -u polkadot -f

It is also possible to remove old logs (say older than two days ago) using a command:

journalctl -u polkadot --vacuum-time=2d

Or to retain only the past 1G of data run:

journalctl --vacuum-size=1G

Remote Logging

In a setup with many hosts you will want to aggregate the logs at a central point, some common options include Loki or Elasticsearch.


To log to a remote Loki instance you need to install the promtail package. An example configuration file to send logs to a remote host:

# promtail server config
  http_listen_port: 9080
  grpc_listen_port: 0
  log_level: info
  filename: /var/lib/promtail/positions.yaml

# loki servers
  - url: http://myloki.mycompany.com/loki/api/v1/push
      min_period: 1m
      max_period: 1h
      max_retries: 10000
  - job_name: journald
      max_age: 1m
      path: /var/log/journal
        job: journald
      - match:
          selector: '{job="journald"}'
            - multiline:
                firstline: '^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3}'
                max_lines: 2500
            - regex:
                expression: '(?P<date>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3})\s+(?P<level>(TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR))\s+(?P<worker>([^\s]+))\s+(?P<target>[\w-]+):?:?(?P<subtarget>[\w-]+)?:[\s]?(?P<chaintype>\[[\w-]+\]+)?[\s]?(?P<message>.+)'
            - labels:


To log to a remote Elasticsearch cluster you need to install the logstash package. An example configuration would look like:

<<<<<<< HEAD

input {
  journald {
    path      => "/var/log/journal"
    seekto => "tail"
    thisboot => true
    filter    => {
      "_SYSTEMD_UNIT" => "polkadot.service"
    type => "systemd"

input {
     journald {
       path      => "/var/log/journal"
       seekto => "tail"
       thisboot => true
       filter    => {
           "_SYSTEMD_UNIT" => "polkadot.service"
       type => "systemd"
>>>>>>> main

filter {
  date {
    match => ["timestamp", "YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:ss.SSS"]
    target => "@timestamp"
  mutate {
    rename => [ "MESSAGE", "message" ]
  if ([message] =~ ".*TRACE .*") { drop{ } }
  grok {
    match => { "message" => "%{NOTSPACE:thread} %{LOGLEVEL:log-level} %{NOTSPACE:namespace} %{GREEDYDATA:message}" }

output {
  elasticsearch {
    hosts => ["https://myelasticsearch.mycompany.com:9243"]
    user => "username"
    password => "password"
    index => "logstash-polkadot-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"

Logging Options

Logging output from any substrate based changes has many log levels and targets. All targets are set to info logging by default. You can adjust individual log levels using the --log (-l short) option, for example -l afg=trace,sync=debug or globally with -ldebug.


  • error
  • warn
  • info
  • debug
  • trace


  • afg
  • aura
  • babe
  • beefy
  • db
  • gossip
  • header
  • peerset
  • pow
  • rpc
  • runtime
  • runtime::contracts
  • sc_offchain
  • slots
  • state-db
  • state_tracing
  • sub-libp2p
  • sync
  • telemetry
  • tracing
  • trie
  • txpool
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Cloud Provisioning

There are multiple options to provision cloud resources, which can either be provider specific and some tools are more cloud-agnostic.

These vendor specific deployment tools are easy to use, have great examples and support. However, when using multiple providers with custom scripting formats, making a basic to your infrastructure can require changes to multiple sections of code, for each provider to do the same thing (e.g. open a port on a host).

A more general solution where a change can be specified once and be used with multiple providers is using Terraform. Which currently has more than 2000 providers supported.


Terraform is a very commonly used tool for creating all sorts of cloud resources. It supports many different providers along with having excellent modules for the main three providers (AWS, Azure, GCP). Many projects rely on this for their infrastructure deployments.

It uses HashiCorp’s HashiCorp Configuration Language, which makes it very easy to abstract configuration, avoid the reuse of code and enables you to plug modules together easily (e.g. RPC nodes along with a frontend load balancer).

The code is also easy to read and should be in version control. Multiple environments can be defined, so you can ensure you are using the same code on dev / test / production.

Two ways to preconfigure your host after deployment using terraform directly is to either:

  • Use a pre-packaged image with all of your software (e.g. packer or similar tooling)
  • Use a cloud-init script to execute a certain script to preconfigure your base image

Some examples of using terraform with multiple providers can be found in the W3F’s polkadot-validator-setup GitHub repo.

Click here for a list of terraform providers.

Host Maintenance

Once your hosts are deployed you will need to configure the hosts and install the required software, configuration files etc… As mentioned this can be done in a few ways using terraform itself, however another very flexible way of configuring hosts is using Ansible.

PlaybookPlaybooks are the language by which Ansible orchestrates, configures, administers, or deploys systems
RoleRoles are units of organization in Ansible. Assigning a role to a group of hosts (or a set of groups, or host patterns, and so on) implies that they should implement a specific behavior

When deploying our blockchain nodes, we will need an inventory which contains a list of our hosts and the groups they are in (e.g. validator, collator, rpc) and maybe some secrets which can be encrypted inline within the inventory using Ansible vault. We will then call a playbook which links hosts/groups in the inventory with roles to execute on each host.

Some examples of using Ansible can be found in the Paritytech's Ansible Galaxy GitHub repo. Specifically the node role.

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As previously mentioned, Kubernetes deployments are only recommended for people with good prior operating experience of Kubernetes.

The management of substrate/polkadot based nodes in Kubernetes is made very easy with:

  • Parity Helm Chart a helm chart to deploy all types of nodes to Kubernetes

  • Testnet Manager a powerful tool for deploying and maintaining test networks in Kubernetes.

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Helm Chart


Parity maintains a helm GitHub repo @ https://github.com/paritytech/helm-charts - Inside this repo is the node chart which should be used for deploying your Substrate/Polkadot binary.

All variables are documented clearly in the README.md and there’s an example local-rococo which you can start working from.

Example Rococo Local Chain

This is a simple example of deploying a rococo-local test chain in Kubernetes. Two validators and two full nodes will be deployed via the helm chart. Once both validators are running you will see block production. A custom node key is used on the Alice validator which all other hosts use as a bootnode.

First install the helm repo

helm repo add parity https://paritytech.github.io/helm-charts/

Deploy Validator Alice

Alice will be deployed in a stateful set and use an example custom node key, along with deploying a service to be used as a bootnode:

helm install rococo-alice parity/node --set node.role="validator" --set node.customNodeKey="91cb59d86820419075b08e3043cd802ba3506388d8b161d2d4acd203af5194c1" --set node.chain=rococo-local --set node.perNodeServices.relayP2pService.enabled=true --set node.perNodeServices.relayP2pService.port=30333 --set node.flags="--alice --rpc-external --ws-external --rpc-cors all --rpc-methods=unsafe"

Deploy Validator Bob

helm install rococo-bob parity/node --set node.role="validator" --set node.chain=rococo-local --set node.flags="--bob --bootnodes '/dns4/rococo-alice-node-0-relay-chain-p2p/tcp/30333/p2p/12D3KooWMeR4iQLRBNq87ViDf9W7f6cc9ydAPJgmq48rAH116WoC'"

Deploy Two Full Nodes

helm install rococo-pool parity/node --set node.chain=rococo-local --set node.replicas=2 --set node.flags="--bootnodes '/dns4/rococo-alice-node-0-relay-chain-p2p/tcp/30333/p2p/12D3KooWMeR4iQLRBNq87ViDf9W7f6cc9ydAPJgmq48rAH116WoC'"

Once these steps are complete you will have a working rococo-local test chain with two validators and two full nodes.

GitOps Tooling

Below are some useful GitOps tool for managing helm releases. Here is a list of tool from simplest to more advanced:

Important Chart Options

node.chainNetwork to connect to
node.commandBinary to use
node.flagsFlags to use with binary in container
node.customChainspecUrlCustom Chainspec URL
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Polkadot Key Injection

Chart Settings:

Ensure allowUnsafeRpcMethods: true is set in the helm chart values.

Example Key Injection Values:

Add example keys, in this case //Testing/babe (sr25519) and //Testing//gran (ed25519) on chain polkadot-dev:

    - type: "gran"
      scheme: "ed25519"
      seed: "//Testing//gran"
    - type: "babe"
      scheme: "sr25519"
      seed: "//Testing"
      extraDerivation: //babe

Get public keys:

 $ polkadot key inspect //Testing//babe --network polkadot
 Secret Key URI `//Testing//babe` is account:
  Network ID:        polkadot 
 Secret seed:       0x35993b5ca38b5909a26dbc15b736dede3bdf233ce63380f6ae62cb0ca096483b
  Public key (hex):  0x28c63dd7bb87238daf363a539da87d3c67d66a199e24f7751432e4f2363e8147
  Account ID:        0x28c63dd7bb87238daf363a539da87d3c67d66a199e24f7751432e4f2363e8147
  Public key (SS58): 1vToiVGY8q2kuG5XaN4JXrydgmkvoNMPpbwb9fPU8uQuRM5
  SS58 Address:      1vToiVGY8q2kuG5XaN4JXrydgmkvoNMPpbwb9fPU8uQuRM5
  $ polkadot key inspect //Testing//gran --network polkadot --scheme ed25519
  Secret Key URI `//Testing//gran` is account:
   Network ID:        polkadot
  Secret seed:       0xbfc22ae1e901dbd25057747b315481cf8a470261ea81892a9aa31be1391a0dcb
   Public key (hex):  0x7819b7ddc959b749a5da604c3a2d7d3e0097760be603d596f19d116d6207ad38
   Account ID:        0x7819b7ddc959b749a5da604c3a2d7d3e0097760be603d596f19d116d6207ad38
   Public key (SS58): 13iUPPkgWezjEpxFyfCKczLkrsBtJfwMWYhjDRwvtCKp1v3s
   SS58 Address:      13iUPPkgWezjEpxFyfCKczLkrsBtJfwMWYhjDRwvtCKp1v3s
  • Babe key: 0x28c63dd7bb87238daf363a539da87d3c67d66a199e24f7751432e4f2363e8147
  • Grandpa Key: 0x7819b7ddc959b749a5da604c3a2d7d3e0097760be603d596f19d116d6207ad38

Verify keys exist

 $ yarn run:api rpc.author.hasKey 0x28c63dd7bb87238daf363a539da87d3c67d66a199e24f7751432e4f2363e8147 babe
      "hasKey": true
   $ yarn run:api rpc.author.hasKey 0x7819b7ddc959b749a5da604c3a2d7d3e0097760be603d596f19d116d6207ad38 gran
     "hasKey": true
Last change: 2024-03-29, commit: 937fd62

Testnet Manager

The Testnet manager (helm chart) lets you dynamically control test networks via a simple UI or API. It gives you a single pane of glass to list, inspect and interact with the nodes (full nodes, validators and parachain collators) running in a given Kubernetes namespace.

Rococo Example View

List Parachains


List Parachain Collators


Inspect Validator Node




The testnet manager requires the chain Sudo seed phrase to perform management functions. Also, some chain specific variables should be defined in a configmap, this can be added to the values.yaml:

  WS_ENDPOINT: "ws://rococo-alice-node-0.rococo:9944"
  NODE_HTTP_PATTERN: "http://NODE_NAME.rococo:9933"
  NODE_WS_PATTERN: "ws://NODE_NAME.rococo:9944"

  SUDO_SEED: "0xe5be9a5092b81bca64be81d212e7f2f9eba183bb7a90954f7b76361f6edb5c0a" # Alice
  VALIDATORS_ROOT_SEED: "test test test test test test test test test test test test"

Then install the testnet manager and port forward a connection using the output of helm install ...:

helm repo add parity https://paritytech.github.io/helm-charts/
helm repo update
helm install testnet-mgr parity/testnet-manager --values values.yaml

Frontend GUI

In the nodes section you can view all running nodes, their roles, chain, uptime, CLI arguments, and you can also view logs.


Interact with API via Frontend

It's possible to view the API calls and execute them via the GUI. The main functions are:

  • Viewing nodes, validators, collators and parachains
  • Registering / deregistering validators and collators
  • Onboarding / off-boarding parachains
  • Rotating session keys



Register a new validator in the StatefulSet called rococo-val-pool:

curl -X 'POST' \
  'http://localhost:8080/api/register_validators?statefulset=rococo-val-pool' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -d ''

Onboard Parachain id 1000:

curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost:8080/api/onboard_parachain/1000' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-d ''

How does it work ?

The testnet-manager is deployed in the same Kubernetes namespaces as nodes deployed with the node helm-chart. As node pods deployed with the chart are tagged with the appropriate labels (e.g. chain name, para ID), the manager is able to query the Kubernetes API and list the running nodes for each network (relay-chain, parachains).

By combining this list of nodes with the on-chain state retrieved from RPC endpoints (e.g. list of active validators accounts), the manager can automate node key setup (by interacting directly with each node RPC endpoint) and registration (by submitting sudo extrinsics). Behind the scenes, it uses a derivation formula for generating deterministic Validator/Collator accounts addresses: "${VALIDATORS_ROOT_SEED}//${node-name}".

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Monitoring Overview

We can generally split monitoring into two different areas: • On-chain monitoring - monitoring events on-chain, e.g. a transaction by a certain address, a validator set change etc… • On-host monitoring - this is monitoring the individual node, e.g. the current block height, amount of p2p connections, amount of free memory on the host itself.


This type of monitoring will generally check onchain via RPC nodes to check the values / delays / timing of events. You would normally only need two of these instances for all hosts. It is a good idea to run your own RPC servers to service these in case there are issues with the public RPC nodes. Some example applications that queries onchain information are polkabot and polkadot-basic-notification.


You should monitor each node that you run on the network. Polkadot/Substrate exposes a bunch of useful metrics on http://host:9615/metrics, with http://host:9615/ being a healthcheck. This endpoint will only be exposed on the local network interface by default, but you can expose it on all interfaces with the --prometheus-external flag.

This outputs in a simple key - value format. However, you can also include tags within the key.

Simple Value:

polkadot_database_cache_bytes 0

Values with tags:

substrate_block_height{status="best"} 136
substrate_block_height{status="finalized"} 133

As the metrics provided by these endpoints don't include hosts metrics (e.g. CPU, memory, bandwidth usage), it is recommended to complement it with the Prometheus node exporter which needs to be installed on the same host.


The telemetry server is used for real time information from nodes, showing information about their name, location, current best & finalized blocks etc… This gives you a useful dashboard to view the state of nodes.

The project is in the substrate-telemetry GitHub repo, a helm chart is also available to allow easy Kubernetes deployments.

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Example Monitoring Stack

monitoring stack

An example of a very common open source monitoring stack. There are various tools for each layer of the stack:

  • Prometheus - A time series database which can hold large amounts of data that can be accessed very quickly. It scrapes data from your defined exporters and saves this data.
  • Grafana - Grafana allows you to query, visualize, and understand your metrics. Many example dashboards exist, and it is easy to create new ones.
  • Alertmanager - Creates and routes alerts based on alert rules and metrics. Many provider plugins exist to send alerts via email / SMS / Telegram / PagerDuty / VictorOps / slack / matrix etc...
  • Loki - A highly scalable log aggregation system that allows you to view and search logs from all your infrastructure in one place.
  • Exporter - A process that listens on a port and reports application specific metrics to Prometheus when scraped. Lots of exporters exist, and new ones are easy to write. It just requires you return data in the format of: <key>: <value> with labels being optional.
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“Prometheus, a Cloud Native Computing Foundation project, is a systems and service monitoring system. It collects metrics from configured targets at given intervals, evaluates rule expressions, displays the results, and can trigger alerts when specified conditions are observed.” - Prometheus GitHub repository.

Prometheus is the engine which drives our monitoring system. For our example we will mainly focus on two sections:


Targets are a list of endpoints you want to scrape. The two main exporters we care about are for 1) polkadot/substrate and 2) the node-exporter. An example of scraping these on the IP address would be:

  - job_name: check blockchain node
      - targets:
          - # promtail
          - # node exporter
          - # substrate node


Now that you are gathering data from the host you can add rules that will trigger alerts. These are defined in the format:

  - alert: BlockProductionSlow
      message: 'Best block on instance {{ $labels.instance }} increases by
      less than 1 per minute for more than 3 minutes.'
    expr: increase(polkadot_block_height{status="best"}[1m]) < 1
    for: 3m
      severity: warning

Here’s an example with some basic block production rules.

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Grafana is where you can define dashboards to show the time series information that Prometheus is collecting. You just need to ensure you add a datasource:

  - name: "prometheus-prod"
    type: prometheus
    access: proxy
    editable: false
    orgId: 1
    url: "http://prometheus-prod.monitoring.svc.cluster.local"
    version: 1
      timeInterval: 30s

You can find existing polkadot dashboards at grafana.com -

Grafana example

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The final part of the monitoring stack will be how and where to alert if something does go wrong. For example, you may want to send instant messages for warning alerts, but page somebody 24/7 for critical alerts.

Alertmanager has many modules for email / many IM formats with almost any output being supported. You can also use 3rd party providers like PagerDuty or VictorOps and do very detailed management of oncall queues, schedules etc…

A simple alert for block production being slow would look like:

- alert: BlockProductionSlow
    message: 'Best block on instance {{ $labels.instance }} increases by
less than 1 per minute for more than 3 minutes.'
  expr: increase(substrate_block_height{status="best"}[1m]) < 1
  for: 3m
    severity: warning

This will then be sent to the outbound path for the severity warning.

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"Loki is a horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus"

Loki is used to aggregate logs from blockchain nodes, allowing the operator to see errors, patterns and be able to search through the logs from all hosts very easily. An agent called promtail is used to push logs to the central Loki server.

Example promtail.yaml configuration to collect the logs of a node managed by systemd:

# promtail server config
  http_listen_port: 9080
  grpc_listen_port: 0
  log_level: info
  filename: /var/lib/promtail/positions.yaml

# loki servers
  - url: http://loki.example.com/loki/api/v1/push
      min_period: 1m
      max_period: 1h
      max_retries: 10000

  - job_name: journald
      max_age: 1m
      path: /var/log/journal
        job: journald
      - match:
          selector: '{job="journald"}'
            - multiline:
                firstline: '^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3}'
                max_lines: 2500
            - regex:
                expression: '(?P<date>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3})\s+(?P<level>(TRACE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR))\s+(?P<worker>([^\s]+))\s+(?P<target>[\w-]+):?:?(?P<subtarget>[\w-]+)?:[\s]?(?P<chaintype>\[[\w-]+\]+)?[\s]?(?P<message>.+)'
            - labels:
            - metrics:
                  type: Counter
                  Description: "Total Number of Chain Logs"
                  prefix: "promtail_chain_"
                  max_idle_duration: 24h
                    match_all: true
                    action: inc
      - match:
          selector: '{job="journald", level="ERROR"}'
            - multiline:
                firstline: '^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3}'
                max_lines: 2500
            - metrics:
                  type: Counter
                  Description: "Total Number of Chain Error Logs"
                  prefix: "promtail_chain_error_"
                  max_idle_duration: 24h
                    match_all: true
                    action: inc
      - match:
          selector: '{job="journald", level=~".+"} |~ "(?i)(panic)"'
            - multiline:
                firstline: '^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3}'
                max_lines: 2500
            - metrics:
                  type: Counter
                  Description: "Total Number of Chain Panic Logs"
                  prefix: "promtail_chain_panic_"
                  max_idle_duration: 24h
                    match_all: true
                    action: inc
      - source_labels: ["__journal__systemd_unit"]
        target_label: "unit"
      - source_labels: ["unit"]
        regex: "(.*.scope|user.*.service)"
        action: drop
      - source_labels: ["__journal__hostname"]
        target_label: "host"
      - action: replace
          - __journal__cmdline
          - __journal__hostname
        separator: ";"
        regex: ".*--chain.*;(.*)"
        target_label: "node"
        replacement: $1

The above example also configures the following custom metrics derived from logs promtail_chain_log_lines_total, promtail_chain_error_log_lines_total and promtail_chain_panic_log_lines_total to be exposed on the promtail metrics endpoint http://host:9080.

Last change: 2024-03-29, commit: 937fd62

Keys And Accounts

This page will describe some basic information on keys and accounts. For a more general and detailed explanation see learn accounts on the polkadot wiki page.

Encryption Schemes

ed25519The vanilla ed25519 implementation using Schnorr signatures.
sr25519The Schnorrkel/Ristretto sr25519 variant using Schnorr signatures. (default)
ecdsaECDSA signatures on secp256k1

Session Key Types


Key Generation and Inspection

You can use polkadot keys or the subkey command to generate and inspect keys.

Two important subcommands are:

  • generate Create a new random account and print the private key data or save to a file.
  • inspect View the account data for an account by passing a secret phrase or seed.

Some important options are:

  • --network specify the network the keys will be used on, default is substrate.
  • --scheme the scheme for the keys, default is sr25519.


Create Polkadot Random Key

$ polkadot key generate -n polkadot
Secret phrase:       settle whisper usual blast device source region pumpkin ugly beyond promote cluster
  Network ID:        polkadot
  Secret seed:       0x2e6371e04b45f16cd5c2d66fc47c8ad7f2881215287c374abfa0e07fd003cb01
  Public key (hex):  0x9e65e97bd8ba80095440a68d1be71adff107c73627c8b85d29669721e02e2b24
  Account ID:        0x9e65e97bd8ba80095440a68d1be71adff107c73627c8b85d29669721e02e2b24
  Public key (SS58): 14agqii5GAiM5z4yzGhJdyWQ3a6HeY2oXvLdCrdhFXRnQ77D
  SS58 Address:      14agqii5GAiM5z4yzGhJdyWQ3a6HeY2oXvLdCrdhFXRnQ77D


Inspect Created Key

$ ./polkadot key inspect -n polkadot "settle whisper usual blast device source region pumpkin ugly beyond promote cluster"
Secret phrase:       settle whisper usual blast device source region pumpkin ugly beyond promote cluster
  Network ID:        polkadot
  Secret seed:       0x2e6371e04b45f16cd5c2d66fc47c8ad7f2881215287c374abfa0e07fd003cb01
  Public key (hex):  0x9e65e97bd8ba80095440a68d1be71adff107c73627c8b85d29669721e02e2b24
  Account ID:        0x9e65e97bd8ba80095440a68d1be71adff107c73627c8b85d29669721e02e2b24
  Public key (SS58): 14agqii5GAiM5z4yzGhJdyWQ3a6HeY2oXvLdCrdhFXRnQ77D
  SS58 Address:      14agqii5GAiM5z4yzGhJdyWQ3a6HeY2oXvLdCrdhFXRnQ77D

Inspect Created Key With Hard Derivation //Stash//0

$ polkadot key inspect -n polkadot "settle whisper usual blast device source region pumpkin ugly beyond promote cluster//Stash//0"
Secret Key URI `settle whisper usual blast device source region pumpkin ugly beyond promote cluster//Stash//0` is account:
  Network ID:        polkadot
 Secret seed:       0xe9437b365161e8228e8abd53d64e6b31058dcddcd0b96f895045ecc41579ee3e
  Public key (hex):  0xd8ed7b942f6e590b06e99951ac10e3312f65f01df5b3f250b70374fc2da1046d
  Account ID:        0xd8ed7b942f6e590b06e99951ac10e3312f65f01df5b3f250b70374fc2da1046d
  Public key (SS58): 15uRtdeE4MyMHV9LP1UHKqTx4f8Qa8uVZUpxWWw8VKSroucK
  SS58 Address:      15uRtdeE4MyMHV9LP1UHKqTx4f8Qa8uVZUpxWWw8VKSroucK
Last change: 2024-03-29, commit: 937fd62

Custom Chain

This section will explain what is required to build a custom chain spec for your own dev network.

Create Chain Spec

Create a non-raw chainspec for your network with:

./binary build-spec –chain chain-name --disable-default-bootnode > custom-chainspec.json

Important Fields:

NameName of the network
idId of network, also used for the filesystem path
bootNodesList of multiaddr’s of bootnodes for the network
telemetryEndpointsList of telemetry endpoints to contact by default
staking.stakersList of initial validators
session.keysList of initial session keys for validators

Once the values have been updated this chainspec should be converted in raw format using the command:

polkadot  build-spec –chain custom-chainspec.json –raw > custom-chainspec-raw.json

Inject initial validator keys

There are two main ways to inject the initial validator keys:


Example to insert one ed25519 and one sr25519 key.

polkadot key insert -d <my_chain_folder> --key-type gran --scheme ed25519 --suri <my_key_suri>
polkadot key insert -d <my_chain_folder> --key-type babe --scheme sr25519 --suri <my_key_suri>


Example to inject key via RPC, edit the KEY_TYPE sand KEY_SEED:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"author_insertKey", "params":["'"${KEY_TYPE}"'", "'"${KEY_SEED}"'"],"id":1 }' http://localhost:9933

Last change: 2024-03-29, commit: 937fd62

Infrastructure Tooling

This section is for listing some useful projects and tools that are relevant for node operators and developers. A community maintained Awesome Substrate is a more detailed general list.


ZombienetA great tool for deploying test setups. Providers include native, Podman and Kubernetes. Also supports running automated tests against these networks
smart benchSmart contracts benchmarking on Substrate


polkadot-js frontendGitHub repo for [https://polkadot.js.org/apps/] - commonly used application for interacting with substrate and polkadot based chains
Staking DashboardA sleek staking dashboard using react and the polkadot-js library
contracts-uiWeb application for deploying Wasm smart contracts on Substrate chains that include the FRAME contracts pallet
Example polkadot-js-bundleUse polkadot JavaScript bundles to write custom frontends

Indexing Chain Data

Substrate archiveBlockchain indexing engine using PostgreSQL
SubsquidBlockchain indexing engine using GraphQL
SubQueryOpen source GraphQL indexing of any Substrate network (including EVM and WASM smart contract data) directly from the RPC node. SubQuery does not require any preprocessed data making it suitable for fast changing testnets

CLI Utilities

SubkeyUsed for generating and restoring keys. Works with multiple networks and key schemes
polkadot-js-toolsA very flexible utility for executing API calls or running queries.
SubxtSubmits extrinsics via RPC
Last change: 2024-03-29, commit: 937fd62


Ansible is a popular tool to detect if a host matches the current expected state and also apply any changes or updates if required. Lots of create pre-packaged modules exist in Ansible Galaxy.

The paritytech.chain_operations module is maintained on GitHub and available via ansible-galaxy.


Create a requirements.yml file and use ansible-galaxy to download the latest version. See the chain_operations README.md for setup instructions.

Deploy Development Network

Goal: Deploy two relaychain validators and one parachain collator.

It expects a relaychain and parachain chain specification. A guide on how to create these chain specifications is available. This network will use default Alice and Bob keys.

Development Network Inventory

    node_binary_version: v0.9.27
    node_app_name: testnet-local
    node_chainspec: https://mylocation.com/rococo-local-raw-default.json
    node_parachain_chainspec: https://mylocation.com/statemint-dev.json
    node_user: polkadot
    node_binary: "https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot/releases/download/{{ node_binary_version }}/polkadot"
    onboard_para_sudo_key: "0xe5be9a5092b81bca64be81d212e7f2f9eba183bb7a90954f7b76361f6edb5c0a"
    onboard_para_url: "ws://"
    onboard_para_wait: true
    onboard_para_parachain_state: "present"

          node_custom_options: ["--alice"]
          ansible_host: validator-1.mycompany.com
          node_p2p_private_key: "0x0"
          node_custom_options: ["--bob"]
          ansible_host: validator-2.mycompany.com
          node_parachain_role: collator
          node_custom_options: ["--execution wasm"]
          node_parachain_custom_options: ["--alice --force-authoring"]
          ansible_host: collator-1.mycompany.com
          node_binary: "https://github.com/paritytech/cumulus/releases/download/{{ node_binary_version }}0/polkadot-parachain"
          onboard_para_parachain_id: 1000

Development Network Deployment Playbook

- name: deploy all nodes
  hosts: all
  become: yes
    - parity.chain.node
- name: onboard parachain
  hosts: collator
  become: yes
    - parity.chain.onboard_para

Deploy Custom Network

Goal: Deploy two relaychain validators and one parachain collator, this time with custom validator keys instead of using Alice and Bob. Custom keys will be given in the inventory file and injected during deployment.

A guide is available on creating a chain spec with custom keys.

Custom Network Inventory

    node_binary_version: v0.9.27
    node_app_name: custom-local
    node_chainspec: https://mylocation.com/rococo-local-raw-default.json
    node_parachain_chainspec: https://mylocation.com/statemint-dev.json
    node_user: polkadot
    node_binary: "https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot/releases/download/{{ node_binary_version }}/polkadot"
    onboard_para_sudo_key: "0x0"
    onboard_para_url: "ws://"
    onboard_para_wait: true
    onboard_para_parachain_state: "present"

          node_custom_options: ["--validator"]
          key_inject_validator_seed: "0x0"
          ansible_host: validator-1.mycompany.com
          node_custom_options: ["--validator"]
          ansible_host: validator-2.mycompany.com
          key_inject_validator_seed: "0x0"
          node_parachain_role: collator
          node_custom_options: ["--execution wasm"]
          node_parachain_custom_options: ["--force-authoring"]
          ansible_host: collator-1.mycompany.com
          node_binary: "https://github.com/paritytech/cumulus/releases/download/{{ node_binary_version }}0/polkadot-parachain"
          onboard_para_parachain_id: 1000
          key_inject_parachain_aura_private_key: "0x0"

Custom Network Deployment Playbook

- name: deploy all nodes
  hosts: all
  become: yes
    - parity.chain.node
- name: inject keys on relaychain validators
  hosts: validators
  become: yes
    - parity.chain.inject_keys
- name: onboard parachain
  hosts: collator
  become: yes
    - parity.chain.onboard_para
Last change: 2024-03-29, commit: 937fd62

Polkadot Js Tools

Polkadot Js Tools is an amazing tool for interacting with substrate based chains.

A full list of possible rpc calls and extrinsics are available from the polkadot js docs page.


  • api-cli A cli tool to allow you to make API calls to any running node

  • json-serve A server that serves JSON outputs for specific queries

  • monitor-rpc A simple monitoring interface that checks the health of a remote node via RPC

  • signer-cli A cli tool that allows you to generate transactions in one terminal and sign them in another terminal (or computer)

  • vanitygen Generate vanity addresses, matching some pattern



  • Clone repo: git clone https://github.com/polkadot-js/tools.git

  • Install dependencies and build: yarn install && yarn build

Example Chain Queries

Display block information (parent hash, block number, state root etc..) for last block:

yarn run:api query.chain.getHeader

Get the balance for the account //Alice:

yarn run:api query.system.account 15oF4uVJwmo4TdGW7VfQxNLavjCXviqxT9S1MgbjMNHr6Sp5

Display all RPC methods available:

yarn run:api rpc.rpc.methods

Example Chain Transactions/Extrinsics

Simple transfer of 1 unit //Alice to //Bob on the same chain. Using --seed as the sender for signing the transactions:

yarn run:api tx.balances.transfer 5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty 10000000000 --seed "//Alice"

Transfer 1.23 units from //Alice on the relay chain to //Charlie on the parachain 1000:

yarn run:api tx.xcmPallet.limitedTeleportAssets '{"v1":{"parents":0,"interior":{"x1":{"parachain":1000}}}}' '{"v1":{"parents":0,"interior":{"x1":{"AccountId32": {"id": "0x90b5ab205c6974c9ea841be688864633dc9ca8a357843eeacf2314649965fe22", "network": "Any"}}}}}' '{"v1": [ {"id": { "Concrete": {"parents":0, "interior":"Here" }}, "Fun": { "Fungible": "12300000000"}}]}'  0 Unlimited  --seed "//Alice"
Last change: 2024-03-29, commit: 937fd62


Below are two examples of helmfile in action. One a simple single helmfile for testing and the second a more realistic example to be used in production.

Basic helmfile example

This is a very simple one file example of a helmfile to deploy two rococo-local relaychain validators along with two parachains statemint-dev and contracts-rococo-dev. It is intended for basic testing and familiarization of helmfile.

A more real world example is listed below which comes from the testnet-manager repo. A nginx container will also be deployed to host chain spec files.


  • Create a helmfile based on the simple example below and name it helmfile.yaml

  • Install a web server to host helmfiles using kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/paritytech/testnet-manager/main/local-kubernetes/kube-setup/validators-chainspec.yml

  • Add relaychain and parachains using: helmfile sync

Real world helmfile example

You can find a good reference helmfile example at the testnet-manager examples folder.


  - name: parity
    url: https://paritytech.github.io/helm-charts/

  createNamespace: false
  waitForJobs: true

  ## Relaychain Rococo ##
  - name: validator-alice
    namespace: rococo
    chart: parity/node
    version: 2.11.4
      - node:
          chain: rococo-local
          replicas: 1
          customChainspecUrl: "http://chainspec.rococo/rococo-local.json"
          role: authority
            - "--alice"
            - "--unsafe-rpc-external"
            - "--unsafe-ws-external"
            - "--rpc-methods=unsafe"
            - "--rpc-cors=all"
            - "--node-key 0x91cb59d86820419075b08e3043cd802ba3506388d8b161d2d4acd203af5194c1"
        storageClass: standard
          validatorAccount: "5GNJqTPyNqANBkUVMN1LPPrxXnFouWXoe2wNSmmEoLctxiZY" # Alice address
          ss58Format: "0"
  - name: validator-bob
    namespace: rococo
    chart: parity/node
    version: 2.11.4
      - node:
          chain: rococo-local
          customChainspecUrl: "http://chainspec.rococo/rococo-local.json"
          role: authority
          replicas: 1
            - "--bob"
            - "--unsafe-rpc-external"
            - "--unsafe-ws-external"
            - "--rpc-methods=unsafe"
            - "--rpc-cors=all"
        storageClass: standard
          validatorAccount: "5HpG9w8EBLe5XCrbczpwq5TSXvedjrBGCwqxK1iQ7qUsSWFc" # Bob address
          ss58Format: "0"

  ## Parachain Statemint ##
  - name: statemint-alice
    namespace: rococo
    chart: parity/node
    version: 2.11.4
      - image:
          repository: "parity/polkadot-parachain"
          tag: "latest"
      - node:
          chain: statemint-dev
          role: collator
          command: "/usr/local/bin/polkadot-parachain"
            isParachain: true
            relayChainFlags: "--execution wasm --bootnodes /dns4/validator-alice-node-0/tcp/30333/p2p/12D3KooWMeR4iQLRBNq87ViDf9W7f6cc9ydAPJgmq48rAH116WoC"
            relayChainCustomChainspecUrl: "http://chainspec.rococo/rococo-local.json"
            - "--alice"
            - "--unsafe-rpc-external"
            - "--unsafe-ws-external"
            - "--rpc-methods=unsafe"
            - "--rpc-cors=all"
            - "--force-authoring"
            - "--pruning=archive"
        storageClass: standard
          paraId: "1000"
          ss58Format: "0"

  ## Parachain contracts rococo
  - name: contracts-alice
    namespace: rococo
    chart: parity/node
    version: 2.11.4
      - image:
          repository: "parity/polkadot-parachain"
          tag: "latest"
      - node:
          chain: contracts-rococo-dev
          role: collator
          command: "/usr/local/bin/polkadot-parachain"
            isParachain: true
            relayChainFlags: "--execution wasm --bootnodes /dns4/validator-alice-node-0/tcp/30333/p2p/12D3KooWMeR4iQLRBNq87ViDf9W7f6cc9ydAPJgmq48rAH116WoC"
            relayChainCustomChainspecUrl: "http://chainspec.rococo/rococo-local.json"
            - "--alice"
            - "--unsafe-rpc-external"
            - "--unsafe-ws-external"
            - "--rpc-methods=unsafe"
            - "--rpc-cors=all"
            - "--force-authoring"
            - "--pruning=archive"
        storageClass: standard
          paraId: "1002"
          ss58Format: "0"
Last change: 2024-03-29, commit: 937fd62


Below is an example that is similar to the helmfile example. It will deploy two rococo-local relaychain validators and two parachains statemint-dev and contracts-rococo-dev and also HRMP channels between parachains 1000 and 1002.

More Information

For more information see the Zombienet manual. For more examples see the Zombienet examples in the Zombienet repo.


  • Clone the zombienet repo: git@github.com:paritytech/zombienet.git

  • Build zombienet using: npm install && npm run build

  • Create a new config file based on the zombienet_example config

  • Deploy this to k8s using the command: node cli/dist.js spawn path/configfile.yaml


default_image = "docker.io/paritypr/polkadot-debug:master"
default_command = "polkadot"
default_args = [ "-lparachain=debug" ]

chain = "rococo-local"

  name = "alice"
  validator = true

  name = "bob"
  validator = true

id = 1000
cumulus_based = true
chain = "statemint-dev"

  name = "statemint-collator"
  image = "docker.io/parity/polkadot-parachain:latest"
  command = "polkadot-parachain"
  args = ["-lparachain=debug"]

id = 1002
cumulus_based = true
chain = "contracts-rococo-dev"

  name = "contracts-collator"
  image = "docker.io/parity/polkadot-parachain:latest"
  command = "polkadot-parachain"
  args = ["-lparachain=debug"]

sender = 1000
recipient = 1002
maxCapacity = 4
maxMessageSize = 512

sender = 1002
recipient = 1000
maxCapacity = 4
maxMessageSize = 512
Last change: 2024-03-29, commit: 937fd62

Building and Publishing Docker Images

Docker images make the life of node operators (and your DevOps team) easier. They allow you to get a node up and running without configuring the vm each time, and are helpful when you need to run n vms in a network. External node operators (validators and RPC providers) will also thank you for providing them.

Example Dockerfile

The following examples can be found in the Substrate Node Template repo: https://github.com/substrate-developer-hub/substrate-node-template/blob/main/Dockerfile

This follows the best practices to build the image in a secure way that minimises the attack surface, it is a similar version to that used to create the official Polkadot images. You can also consult Docker's own best practices.

# This is an example build stage for the node template. Here we create the binary in a temporary image.

# This is a base image to build substrate nodes
FROM docker.io/paritytech/ci-linux:production as builder

WORKDIR /node-template
COPY . .
RUN cargo build --locked --release

# This is the 2nd stage: a very small image where we copy the binary."
FROM docker.io/library/ubuntu:20.04
LABEL description="Multistage Docker image for Substrate Node Template" \
  image.type="builder" \
  image.authors="you@email.com" \
  image.vendor="Substrate Developer Hub" \
  image.description="Multistage Docker image for Substrate Node Template" \
  image.source="https://github.com/substrate-developer-hub/substrate-node-template" \

# Copy the node binary.
COPY --from=builder /node-template/target/release/node-template /usr/local/bin

RUN useradd -m -u 1000 -U -s /bin/sh -d /node-dev node-dev && \
  mkdir -p /chain-data /node-dev/.local/share && \
  chown -R node-dev:node-dev /chain-data && \
  ln -s /chain-data /node-dev/.local/share/node-template && \
  # unclutter and minimize the attack surface
  rm -rf /usr/bin /usr/sbin && \
  # check if executable works in this container
  /usr/local/bin/node-template --version

USER node-dev

EXPOSE 30333 9933 9944 9615
VOLUME ["/chain-data"]

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/node-template"]

Automated Build Pipeline

The following examples can be found in the Substrate Node Template repo: https://github.com/substrate-developer-hub/substrate-node-template/blob/main/.github/workflows/build-publish-image.yml

This is an example GitHub action that will build and publish a Docker image to DockerHub. You will need to add secrets to your GitHub Repository or Organization to make this work and to publish images securely.

Most teams will trigger this either on a manual workflow, or when a new release is published. You will need to save the credentials for your DockerHub account in your GitHub secrets.

If you instead want to use another image repository (e.g. GitHub image registry), you can amend the Build and push Docker images step.

# You need to add the following secrets to your GitHub Repository or Organization to make this work
# - DOCKER_USERNAME: The username of the DockerHub account. E.g. parity
# - DOCKER_TOKEN: Access token for DockerHub, see https://docs.docker.com/docker-hub/access-tokens/. E.g. VVVVVVVV-WWWW-XXXXXX-YYYY-ZZZZZZZZZ
# The following are setup as an environment variable below
# - DOCKER_REPO: The unique name of the DockerHub repository. E.g. parity/polkadot

name: Build & Publish Docker Image

# Controls when the action will run.
  # Triggers the workflow on push events but only for the main branch
  # push:
  # branches: [ main ]

  # Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab

# Set an environment variable (that can be overriden) for the Docker Repo
  DOCKER_REPO: parity/polkadot

# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
    # The type of runner that the job will run on
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04

    # Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
      # Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
      - name: Check out the repo
        uses: actions/checkout@v2.5.0

      # Login to Docker hub using the credentials stored in the repository secrets
      - name: Log in to Docker Hub
        uses: docker/login-action@v2.1.0
          username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }}
          password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_TOKEN }}

      # Get the commit short hash, to use as the rev
      - name: Calculate rev hash
        id: rev
        run: echo "value=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT

      # Build and push 2 images, One with the version tag and the other with latest tag
      - name: Build and push Docker images
        uses: docker/build-push-action@v3.2.0
          context: .
          push: true
          tags: ${{ env.DOCKER_REPO }}:v${{ steps.rev.outputs.value }}, ${{ secrets.DOCKER_REPO }}:latest
Last change: 2024-03-29, commit: 937fd62