Dispute Distribution
Dispute distribution is responsible for ensuring all concerned validators will be aware of a dispute and have the relevant votes.
Design Goals
This design should result in a protocol that is:
- resilient to nodes being temporarily unavailable
- make sure nodes are aware of a dispute quickly
- relatively efficient, should not cause too much stress on the network
- be resilient when it comes to spam
- be simple and boring: We want disputes to work when they happen
Distributing disputes needs to be a reliable protocol. We would like to make as sure as possible that our vote got properly delivered to all concerned validators. For this to work, this subsystem won't be gossip based, but instead will use a request/response protocol for application level confirmations. The request will be the payload (the actual votes/statements), the response will be the confirmation. See [below][#wire-format].
- [
][DisputeCoordinatorMessage] - [
][DisputeCoordinatorMessage] - [
][DisputeCoordinatorMessage] RuntimeApiMessage
Wire format
Protocol: "/<genesis_hash>/<fork_id>/send_dispute/1"
Vote Recovery
Protocol: "/<genesis_hash>/<fork_id>/req_votes/1"
Starting a Dispute
A dispute is initiated once a node sends the first DisputeRequest
wire message,
which must contain an "invalid" vote and a "valid" vote.
The dispute distribution subsystem can get instructed to send that message out to
all concerned validators by means of a DisputeDistributionMessage::SendDispute
message. That message must contain an invalid vote from the local node and some
valid one, e.g. a backing statement.
We include a valid vote as well, so any node regardless of whether it is synced with the chain or not or has seen backing/approval vote can see that there are conflicting votes available, hence we have a valid dispute. Nodes will still need to check whether the disputing votes are somewhat current and not some stale ones.
Participating in a Dispute
Upon receiving a DisputeRequest
message, a dispute distribution will trigger the
import of the received votes via the dispute coordinator
). The dispute coordinator will
take care of participating in that dispute if necessary. Once it is done, the
coordinator will send a DisputeDistributionMessage::SendDispute
message to dispute
distribution. From here, everything is the same as for starting a dispute,
except that if the local node deemed the candidate valid, the SendDispute
message will contain a valid vote signed by our node and will contain the
initially received Invalid
Note, that we rely on dispute-coordinator
to check validity of a dispute for spam
protection (see below).
Sending of messages
Starting and participating in a dispute are pretty similar from the perspective
of dispute distribution. Once we receive a SendDispute
message, we try to make
sure to get the data out. We keep track of all the parachain validators that
should see the message, which are all the parachain validators of the session
where the dispute happened as they will want to participate in the dispute. In
addition we also need to get the votes out to all authorities of the current
session (which might be the same or not and may change during the dispute).
Those authorities will not participate in the dispute, but need to see the
statements so they can include them in blocks.
We only consider a message transmitted, once we received a confirmation message.
If not, we will keep retrying getting that message out as long as the dispute is
deemed alive. To determine whether a dispute is still alive we will ask the
for a list of all still active disputes via a
message before each retry run. Once
a dispute is no longer live, we will clean up the state accordingly.
We assume SendDispute
messages are coming in an order of importance, hence
will make sure to send out network messages in the same
order, even on retry.
Rate Limit
For spam protection (see below), we employ an artificial rate limiting on sending out messages in order to not hit the rate limit at the receiving side, which would result in our messages getting dropped and our reputation getting reduced.
As we shall see the receiving side is mostly about handling spam and ensuring the dispute-coordinator learns about disputes as fast as possible.
Goals for the receiving side:
- Get new disputes to the dispute-coordinator as fast as possible, so prioritization can happen properly.
- Batch votes per disputes as much as possible for good import performance.
- Prevent malicious nodes exhausting node resources by sending lots of messages.
- Prevent malicious nodes from sending so many messages/(fake) disputes, preventing us from concluding good ones.
- Limit ability of malicious nodes of delaying the vote import due to batching logic.
Goal 1 and 2 seem to be conflicting, but an easy compromise is possible: When learning about a new dispute, we will import the vote immediately, making the dispute coordinator aware and also getting immediate feedback on the validity. Then if valid we can batch further incoming votes, with less time constraints as the dispute-coordinator already knows about the dispute.
Goal 3 and 4 are obviously very related and both can easily be solved via rate limiting as we shall see below. Rate limits should already be implemented at the Substrate level, but are not at the time of writing. But even if they were, the enforced Substrate limits would likely not be configurable and thus would still be to high for our needs as we can rely on the following observations:
- Each honest validator will only send one message (apart from duplicates on timeout) per candidate/dispute.
- An honest validator needs to fully recover availability and validate the candidate for casting a vote.
With these two observations, we can conclude that honest validators will usually not send messages at a high rate. We can therefore enforce conservative rate limits and thus minimize harm spamming malicious nodes can have.
Before we dive into how rate limiting solves all spam issues elegantly, let's discuss that honest behaviour further:
What about session changes? Here we might have to inform a new validator set of lots of already existing disputes at once.
With observation 1) and a rate limit that is per peer, we are still good:
Let's assume a rate limit of one message per 200ms per sender. This means 5 messages from each validator per second. 5 messages means 5 disputes! Conclusively, we will be able to conclude 5 disputes per second - no matter what malicious actors are doing. This is assuming dispute messages are sent ordered, but even if not perfectly ordered: On average it will be 5 disputes per second.
This is good enough! All those disputes are valid ones and will result in
slashing and disabling of validators. Let's assume all of them conclude valid
and we disable validators only after 100 raised concluding valid disputes, we
would still start disabling misbehaving validators in only 20 seconds.
One could also think that in addition participation is expected to take longer, which means on average we can import/conclude disputes faster than they are generated - regardless of dispute spam. Unfortunately this is not necessarily true: There might be parachains with very light load where recovery and validation can be accomplished very quickly - maybe faster than we can import those disputes.
This is probably an argument for not imposing a too low rate limit, although the issue is more general: Even without any rate limit, if an attacker generates disputes at a very high rate, nodes will be having trouble keeping participation up, hence the problem should be mitigated at a more fundamental layer.
For nodes that have been offline for a while, the same argument as for session changes holds, but matters even less: We assume 2/3 of nodes to be online, so even if the worst case 1/3 offline happens and they could not import votes fast enough (as argued above, they in fact can) it would not matter for consensus.
Rate Limiting
As suggested previously, rate limiting allows to mitigate all threats that come from malicious actors trying to overwhelm the system in order to get away without a slash, when it comes to dispute-distribution. In this section we will explain how in greater detail.
The idea is to open a queue with limited size for each peer. We will process incoming messages as fast as we can by doing the following:
- Check that the sending peer is actually a valid authority - otherwise drop message and decrease reputation/disconnect.
- Put message on the peer's queue, if queue is full - drop it.
seconds (or rather milliseconds), we pause processing
incoming requests to go a full circle and process one message from each queue.
Processing means Batching
as explained in the next section.
To achieve goal 2 we will batch incoming votes/messages together before passing
them on as a single batch to the dispute-coordinator
. To adhere to goal 1 as
well, we will do the following:
- For an incoming message, we check whether we have an existing batch for that candidate, if not we import directly to the dispute-coordinator, as we have to assume this is concerning a new dispute.
- We open a batch and start collecting incoming messages for that candidate, instead of immediately forwarding.
- We keep collecting votes in the batch until we receive less than
unique votes in the lastBATCH_COLLECTING_INTERVAL
. This is important to accommodate for goal 5 and also 3. - We send the whole batch to the dispute-coordinator.
This together with rate limiting explained above ensures we will be able to process valid disputes: We can limit the number of simultaneous existing batches to some high value, but can be rather certain that this limit will never be reached - hence we won't drop valid disputes:
is 500ms
and above RATE_LIMIT
is 100ms
. 1/3 of validators are malicious,
so for 1000 this means around 330 malicious actors worst case.
All those actors can send a message every 100ms
, that is 10 per second. This
means at the beginning of an attack they can open up around 3300 batches. Each
containing two votes. So memory usage is still negligible. In reality it is even
less, as we also demand 10 new votes to trickle in per batch in order to keep it
alive, every 500ms
. Hence for the first second, each batch requires 20 votes
each. Each message is 2 votes, so this means 10 messages per batch. Hence to
keep those batches alive 10 attackers are needed for each batch. This reduces
the number of opened batches by a factor of 10: So we only have 330 batches in 1
second - each containing 20 votes.
The next second: In order to further grow memory usage, attackers have to
maintain 10 messages per batch and second. Number of batches equals the number
of attackers, each has 10 messages per second, all are needed to maintain the
batches in memory. Therefore we have a hard cap of around 330 (number of
malicious nodes) open batches. Each can be filled with number of malicious
actor's votes. So 330 batches with each 330 votes: Let's assume approximately 100
bytes per signature/vote. This results in a worst case memory usage of
330 * 330 * 100 ~= 10 MiB
For 10_000 validators, we are already in the Gigabyte range, which means that with a validator set that large we might want to be more strict with the rate limit or require a larger rate of incoming votes per batch to keep them alive.
For a thousand validators a limit on batches of around 1000 should never be reached in practice. Hence due to rate limiting we have a very good chance to not ever having to drop a potential valid dispute due to some resource limit.
Further safe guards are possible: The dispute-coordinator actually confirms/denies imports. So once we receive a denial by the dispute-coordinator for the initial imported votes, we can opt into flushing the batch immediately and importing the votes. This swaps memory usage for more CPU usage, but if that import is deemed invalid again we can immediately decrease the reputation of the sending peers, so this should be a net win. For the time being we punt on this for simplicity.
Instead of filling batches to maximize memory usage, attackers could also try to overwhelm the dispute coordinator by only sending votes for new candidates all the time. This attack vector is mitigated also by above rate limit and decreasing the peer's reputation on denial of the invalid imports by the coordinator.
Node Startup
Nothing special happens on node startup. We expect the dispute-coordinator
inform us about any ongoing disputes via SendDispute
Backing and Approval Votes
Backing and approval votes get imported when they arrive/are created via the dispute coordinator by corresponding subsystems.
We assume that under normal operation each node will be aware of backing and approval votes and optimize for that case. Nevertheless we want disputes to conclude fast and reliable, therefore if a node is not aware of backing/approval votes it can request the missing votes from the node that informed it about the dispute (see Resiliency
The above protocol should be sufficient for most cases, but there are certain cases we also want to have covered:
- Non validator nodes might be interested in ongoing voting, even before it is recorded on chain.
- Nodes might have missed votes, especially backing or approval votes. Recovering them from chain is difficult and expensive, due to runtime upgrades and untyped extrinsics.
- More importantly, on era changes the new authority set, from the perspective of approval-voting have no need to see "old" approval votes, hence they might not see them, can therefore not import them into the dispute coordinator and therefore no authority will put them on chain.
To cover those cases, we introduce a second request/response protocol, which can be handled on a lower priority basis as the one above. It consists of the request/response messages as described in the [protocol section][#vote-recovery].
Nodes may send those requests to validators, if they feel they are missing votes. E.g. after some timeout, if no majority was reached yet in their point of view or if they are not aware of any backing/approval votes for a received disputed candidate.
The receiver of a IHaveVotesRequest
message will do the following:
- See if the sender is missing votes we are aware of - if so, respond with those votes.
- Check whether the sender knows about any votes, we don't know about and if so
send a
request back, with our knowledge. - Record the peer's knowledge.
When to send IHaveVotesRequest
- Whenever we are asked to do so via
. - Approximately once per block to some random validator as long as the dispute is active.
Spam considerations: Nodes want to accept those messages once per validator and per slot. They are free to drop more frequent requests or requests for stale data. Requests coming from non validator nodes, can be handled on a best effort basis.
Dispute distribution is critical. We should keep track of available validator connections and issue warnings if we are not connected to a majority of validators. We should also keep track of failed sending attempts and log warnings accordingly. As disputes are rare and TCP is a reliable protocol, probably each failed attempt should trigger a warning in logs and also logged into some Prometheus metric.
Disputes for non available candidates
If deemed necessary we can later on also support disputes for non available candidates, but disputes for those cases have totally different requirements.
First of all such disputes are not time critical. We just want to have some offender slashed at some point, but we have no risk of finalizing any bad data.
Second, as we won't have availability for such data, the node that initiated the dispute will be responsible for providing the disputed data initially. Then nodes which did the check already are also providers of the data, hence distributing load and making prevention of the dispute from concluding harder and harder over time. Assuming an attacker can not DoS a node forever, the dispute will succeed eventually, which is all that matters. And again, even if an attacker managed to prevent such a dispute from happening somehow, there is no real harm done: There was no serious attack to begin with.