HRMP Pallet

A module responsible for Horizontally Relay-routed Message Passing (HRMP). See Messaging Overview for more details.


HRMP related structs:

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { /// A description of a request to open an HRMP channel. struct HrmpOpenChannelRequest { /// Indicates if this request was confirmed by the recipient. confirmed: bool, /// The amount that the sender supplied at the time of creation of this request. sender_deposit: Balance, /// The maximum message size that could be put into the channel. max_message_size: u32, /// The maximum number of messages that can be pending in the channel at once. max_capacity: u32, /// The maximum total size of the messages that can be pending in the channel at once. max_total_size: u32, } /// A metadata of an HRMP channel. struct HrmpChannel { /// The amount that the sender supplied as a deposit when opening this channel. sender_deposit: Balance, /// The amount that the recipient supplied as a deposit when accepting opening this channel. recipient_deposit: Balance, /// The maximum number of messages that can be pending in the channel at once. max_capacity: u32, /// The maximum total size of the messages that can be pending in the channel at once. max_total_size: u32, /// The maximum message size that could be put into the channel. max_message_size: u32, /// The current number of messages pending in the channel. /// Invariant: should be less or equal to `max_capacity`. msg_count: u32, /// The total size in bytes of all message payloads in the channel. /// Invariant: should be less or equal to `max_total_size`. total_size: u32, /// A head of the Message Queue Chain for this channel. Each link in this chain has a form: /// `(prev_head, B, H(M))`, where /// - `prev_head`: is the previous value of `mqc_head` or zero if none. /// - `B`: is the [relay-chain] block number in which a message was appended /// - `H(M)`: is the hash of the message being appended. /// This value is initialized to a special value that consists of all zeroes which indicates /// that no messages were previously added. mqc_head: Option<Hash>, } }

HRMP related storage layout

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { /// The set of pending HRMP open channel requests. /// /// The set is accompanied by a list for iteration. /// /// Invariant: /// - There are no channels that exists in list but not in the set and vice versa. HrmpOpenChannelRequests: map HrmpChannelId => Option<HrmpOpenChannelRequest>; HrmpOpenChannelRequestsList: Vec<HrmpChannelId>; /// This mapping tracks how many open channel requests are initiated by a given sender para. /// Invariant: `HrmpOpenChannelRequests` should contain the same number of items that has `(X, _)` /// as the number of `HrmpOpenChannelRequestCount` for `X`. HrmpOpenChannelRequestCount: map ParaId => u32; /// This mapping tracks how many open channel requests were accepted by a given recipient para. /// Invariant: `HrmpOpenChannelRequests` should contain the same number of items `(_, X)` with /// `confirmed` set to true, as the number of `HrmpAcceptedChannelRequestCount` for `X`. HrmpAcceptedChannelRequestCount: map ParaId => u32; /// A set of pending HRMP close channel requests that are going to be closed during the session change. /// Used for checking if a given channel is registered for closure. /// /// The set is accompanied by a list for iteration. /// /// Invariant: /// - There are no channels that exists in list but not in the set and vice versa. HrmpCloseChannelRequests: map HrmpChannelId => Option<()>; HrmpCloseChannelRequestsList: Vec<HrmpChannelId>; /// The HRMP watermark associated with each para. /// Invariant: /// - each para `P` used here as a key should satisfy `Paras::is_valid_para(P)` within a session. HrmpWatermarks: map ParaId => Option<BlockNumber>; /// HRMP channel data associated with each para. /// Invariant: /// - each participant in the channel should satisfy `Paras::is_valid_para(P)` within a session. HrmpChannels: map HrmpChannelId => Option<HrmpChannel>; /// Ingress/egress indexes allow to find all the senders and receivers given the opposite /// side. I.e. /// /// (a) ingress index allows to find all the senders for a given recipient. /// (b) egress index allows to find all the recipients for a given sender. /// /// Invariants: /// - for each ingress index entry for `P` each item `I` in the index should present in `HrmpChannels` /// as `(I, P)`. /// - for each egress index entry for `P` each item `E` in the index should present in `HrmpChannels` /// as `(P, E)`. /// - there should be no other dangling channels in `HrmpChannels`. /// - the vectors are sorted. HrmpIngressChannelsIndex: map ParaId => Vec<ParaId>; HrmpEgressChannelsIndex: map ParaId => Vec<ParaId>; /// Storage for the messages for each channel. /// Invariant: cannot be non-empty if the corresponding channel in `HrmpChannels` is `None`. HrmpChannelContents: map HrmpChannelId => Vec<InboundHrmpMessage>; /// Maintains a mapping that can be used to answer the question: /// What paras sent a message at the given block number for a given receiver. /// Invariants: /// - The inner `Vec<ParaId>` is never empty. /// - The inner `Vec<ParaId>` cannot store two same `ParaId`. /// - The outer vector is sorted ascending by block number and cannot store two items with the same /// block number. HrmpChannelDigests: map ParaId => Vec<(BlockNumber, Vec<ParaId>)>; }


No initialization routine runs for this module.


Candidate Acceptance Function:

  • check_hrmp_watermark(P: ParaId, new_hrmp_watermark):
    1. new_hrmp_watermark should be strictly greater than the value of HrmpWatermarks for P (if any).
    2. new_hrmp_watermark must not be greater than the context's block number.
    3. new_hrmp_watermark should be either
      1. equal to the context's block number
      2. or in HrmpChannelDigests for P an entry with the block number should exist
  • check_outbound_hrmp(sender: ParaId, Vec<OutboundHrmpMessage>):
    1. Checks that there are at most config.hrmp_max_message_num_per_candidate messages.
    2. Checks that horizontal messages are sorted by ascending recipient ParaId and there is no two horizontal messages have the same recipient.
    3. For each horizontal message M with the channel C identified by (sender, M.recipient) check:
      1. exists
      2. M's payload size doesn't exceed a preconfigured limit C.max_message_size
      3. M's payload size summed with the C.total_size doesn't exceed a preconfigured limit C.max_total_size.
      4. C.msg_count + 1 doesn't exceed a preconfigured limit C.max_capacity.

Candidate Enactment:

  • queue_outbound_hrmp(sender: ParaId, Vec<OutboundHrmpMessage>):
    1. For each horizontal message HM with the channel C identified by (sender, HM.recipient):
      1. Append HM into HrmpChannelContents that corresponds to C with sent_at equals to the current block number.
      2. Locate or create an entry in HrmpChannelDigests for HM.recipient and append sender into the entry's list.
      3. Increment C.msg_count
      4. Increment C.total_size by HM's payload size
      5. Append a new link to the MQC and save the new head in C.mqc_head. Note that the current block number as of enactment is used for the link.
  • prune_hrmp(recipient, new_hrmp_watermark):
    1. From HrmpChannelDigests for recipient remove all entries up to an entry with block number equal to new_hrmp_watermark.
    2. From the removed digests construct a set of paras that sent new messages within the interval between the old and new watermarks.
    3. For each channel C identified by (sender, recipient) for each sender coming from the set, prune messages up to the new_hrmp_watermark.
    4. For each pruned message M from channel C:
      1. Decrement C.msg_count
      2. Decrement C.total_size by M's payload size.
    5. Set HrmpWatermarks for P to be equal to new_hrmp_watermark

    NOTE: That collecting digests can be inefficient and the time it takes grows very fast. Thanks to the aggressive parameterization this shouldn't be a big of a deal. If that becomes a problem consider introducing an extra dictionary which says at what block the given sender sent a message to the recipient.


The following entry-points are meant to be used for HRMP channel management.

Those entry-points are meant to be called from a parachain. origin is defined as the ParaId of the parachain executed the message.

  • hrmp_init_open_channel(recipient, proposed_max_capacity, proposed_max_message_size):
    1. Check that the origin is not recipient.
    2. Check that proposed_max_capacity is less or equal to config.hrmp_channel_max_capacity and greater than zero.
    3. Check that proposed_max_message_size is less or equal to config.hrmp_channel_max_message_size and greater than zero.
    4. Check that recipient is a valid para.
    5. Check that there is no existing channel for (origin, recipient) in HrmpChannels.
    6. Check that there is no existing open channel request (origin, recipient) in HrmpOpenChannelRequests.
    7. Check that the sum of the number of already opened HRMP channels by the origin (the size of the set found HrmpEgressChannelsIndex for origin) and the number of open requests by the origin (the value from HrmpOpenChannelRequestCount for origin) doesn't exceed the limit of channels (config.hrmp_max_parachain_outbound_channels or config.hrmp_max_parathread_outbound_channels) minus 1.
    8. Check that origin's balance is more or equal to config.hrmp_sender_deposit
    9. Reserve the deposit for the origin according to config.hrmp_sender_deposit
    10. Increase HrmpOpenChannelRequestCount by 1 for origin.
    11. Append (origin, recipient) to HrmpOpenChannelRequestsList.
    12. Add a new entry to HrmpOpenChannelRequests for (origin, recipient)
      1. Set sender_deposit to config.hrmp_sender_deposit
      2. Set max_capacity to proposed_max_capacity
      3. Set max_message_size to proposed_max_message_size
      4. Set max_total_size to config.hrmp_channel_max_total_size
    13. Send a downward message to recipient notifying about an inbound HRMP channel request.
      • The DM is sent using queue_downward_message.
      • The DM is represented by the HrmpNewChannelOpenRequest XCM message.
        • sender is set to origin,
        • max_message_size is set to proposed_max_message_size,
        • max_capacity is set to proposed_max_capacity.
  • hrmp_accept_open_channel(sender):
    1. Check that there is an existing request between (sender, origin) in HrmpOpenChannelRequests
      1. Check that it is not confirmed.
    2. Check that the sum of the number of inbound HRMP channels opened to origin (the size of the set found in HrmpIngressChannelsIndex for origin) and the number of accepted open requests by the origin (the value from HrmpAcceptedChannelRequestCount for origin) doesn't exceed the limit of channels (config.hrmp_max_parachain_inbound_channels or config.hrmp_max_parathread_inbound_channels) minus 1.
    3. Check that origin's balance is more or equal to config.hrmp_recipient_deposit.
    4. Reserve the deposit for the origin according to config.hrmp_recipient_deposit
    5. For the request in HrmpOpenChannelRequests identified by (sender, P), set confirmed flag to true.
    6. Increase HrmpAcceptedChannelRequestCount by 1 for origin.
    7. Send a downward message to sender notifying that the channel request was accepted.
      • The DM is sent using queue_downward_message.
      • The DM is represented by the HrmpChannelAccepted XCM message.
        • recipient is set to origin.
  • hrmp_cancel_open_request(ch):
    1. Check that origin is either ch.sender or ch.recipient
    2. Check that the open channel request ch exists.
    3. Check that the open channel request for ch is not confirmed.
    4. Remove ch from HrmpOpenChannelRequests and HrmpOpenChannelRequestsList
    5. Decrement HrmpAcceptedChannelRequestCount for ch.recipient by 1.
    6. Unreserve the deposit of ch.sender.
  • hrmp_close_channel(ch):
    1. Check that origin is either ch.sender or ch.recipient
    2. Check that HrmpChannels for ch exists.
    3. Check that ch is not in the HrmpCloseChannelRequests set.
    4. If not already there, insert a new entry Some(()) to HrmpCloseChannelRequests for ch and append ch to HrmpCloseChannelRequestsList.
    5. Send a downward message to the opposite party notifying about the channel closing.
      • The DM is sent using queue_downward_message.
      • The DM is represented by the HrmpChannelClosing XCM message with:
        • initiator is set to origin,
        • sender is set to ch.sender,
        • recipient is set to ch.recipient.
      • The opposite party is ch.sender if origin is ch.recipient and ch.recipient if origin is ch.sender.

Session Change

  1. For each P in outgoing_paras (generated by Paras::on_new_session):
    1. Remove all inbound channels of P, i.e. (_, P),
    2. Remove all outbound channels of P, i.e. (P, _),
    3. Remove HrmpOpenChannelRequestCount for P
    4. Remove HrmpAcceptedChannelRequestCount for P.
    5. Remove HrmpOpenChannelRequests and HrmpOpenChannelRequestsList for (P, _) and (_, P).
      1. For each removed channel request C:
        1. Unreserve the sender's deposit if the sender is not present in outgoing_paras
        2. Unreserve the recipient's deposit if C is confirmed and the recipient is not present in outgoing_paras
  2. For each channel designator D in HrmpOpenChannelRequestsList we query the request R from HrmpOpenChannelRequests:
    1. if R.confirmed = true,
      1. if both D.sender and D.recipient are not offboarded.
      2. create a new channel C between (D.sender, D.recipient).
        1. Initialize the C.sender_deposit with R.sender_deposit and C.recipient_deposit with the value found in the configuration config.hrmp_recipient_deposit.
        2. Insert sender into the set HrmpIngressChannelsIndex for the recipient.
        3. Insert recipient into the set HrmpEgressChannelsIndex for the sender.
      3. decrement HrmpOpenChannelRequestCount for D.sender by 1.
      4. decrement HrmpAcceptedChannelRequestCount for D.recipient by 1.
      5. remove R
      6. remove D
  3. For each HRMP channel designator D in HrmpCloseChannelRequestsList
    1. remove the channel identified by D, if exists.
    2. remove D from HrmpCloseChannelRequests.
    3. remove D from HrmpCloseChannelRequestsList

To remove a HRMP channel C identified with a tuple (sender, recipient):

  1. Return C.sender_deposit to the sender.
  2. Return C.recipient_deposit to the recipient.
  3. Remove C from HrmpChannels.
  4. Remove C from HrmpChannelContents.
  5. Remove recipient from the set HrmpEgressChannelsIndex for sender.
  6. Remove sender from the set HrmpIngressChannelsIndex for recipient.
Last change: 2025-03-07, commit: 6b98064