Subsystems and Jobs
In this section we define the notions of Subsystems and Jobs. These are guidelines for how we will employ an architecture of hierarchical state machines. We'll have a top-level state machine which oversees the next level of state machines which oversee another layer of state machines and so on. The next sections will lay out these guidelines for what we've called subsystems and jobs, since this model applies to many of the tasks that the Node-side behavior needs to encompass, but these are only guidelines and some Subsystems may have deeper hierarchies internally.
Subsystems are long-lived worker tasks that are in charge of performing some particular kind of work. All subsystems can communicate with each other via a well-defined protocol. Subsystems can't generally communicate directly, but must coordinate communication through an Overseer, which is responsible for relaying messages, handling subsystem failures, and dispatching work signals.
Most work that happens on the Node-side is related to building on top of a specific relay-chain block, which is contextually known as the "relay parent". We call it the relay parent to explicitly denote that it is a block in the relay chain and not on a parachain. We refer to the parent because when we are in the process of building a new block, we don't know what that new block is going to be. The parent block is our only stable point of reference, even though it is usually only useful when it is not yet a parent but in fact a leaf of the block-DAG expected to soon become a parent (because validators are authoring on top of it). Furthermore, we are assuming a forkful blockchain-extension protocol, which means that there may be multiple possible children of the relay-parent. Even if the relay parent has multiple children blocks, the parent of those children is the same, and the context in which those children is authored should be the same. The parent block is the best and most stable reference to use for defining the scope of work items and messages, and is typically referred to by its cryptographic hash.
Since this goal of determining when to start and conclude work relative to a specific relay-parent is common to most, if not all subsystems, it is logically the job of the Overseer to distribute those signals as opposed to each subsystem duplicating that effort, potentially being out of synchronization with each other. Subsystem A should be able to expect that subsystem B is working on the same relay-parents as it is. One of the Overseer's tasks is to provide this heartbeat, or synchronized rhythm, to the system.
The work that subsystems spawn to be done on a specific relay-parent is known as a job. Subsystems should set up and tear down jobs according to the signals received from the overseer. Subsystems may share or cache state between jobs.
Subsystems must be robust to spurious exits. The outputs of the set of
subsystems as a whole comprises of signed messages and data committed to disk.
Care must be taken to avoid issuing messages that are not substantiated. Since
subsystems need to be safe under spurious exits, it is the expected behavior
that an OverseerSignal::Conclude
can just lead to breaking the loop and
exiting directly as opposed to waiting for everything to shut down gracefully.
Subsystem Message Traffic
Which subsystems send messages to which other subsystems.
Note: This diagram omits the overseer for simplicity. In fact, all messages are relayed via the overseer.
Note: Messages with a filled diamond arrowhead ("♦") include a
which communicates a response from the recipient. Messages
with an open triangle arrowhead ("Δ") do not include a return sender.
The Path to Inclusion (Node Side)
Let's contextualize that diagram a bit by following a parachain block from its creation through finalization. Parachains can use completely arbitrary processes to generate blocks. The relay chain doesn't know or care about the details; each parachain just needs to provide a collator.
Note: Inter-subsystem communications are relayed via the overseer, but that step is omitted here for brevity.
Note: Dashed lines indicate a request/response cycle, where the response is communicated asynchronously via a oneshot channel. Adjacent dashed lines may be processed in parallel.
The DistributeCollation
messages that CollationGeneration
sends to the
contains two items: a CandidateReceipt
and PoV
. The
is then responsible for distributing that collation to
interested validators. However, not all potential collations are of interest.
The CandidateSelection
subsystem is responsible for determining which
collations are interesting, before CollatorProtocol
actually fetches the
Assuming we hit the happy path, flow continues with CandidateSelection
receiving a (candidate_receipt, pov)
as the return value from its
request. The only time CandidateSelection
actively requests a
collation is when it hasn't yet seconded one for some relay_parent
, and is
ready to second.
At this point, you'll see that control flows in two directions: to
to distribute the SignedStatement
, and to
to distribute the PoV
. However, that's largely a mirage:
while the initial implementation distributes PoV
s by gossip, that's
inefficient, and will be replaced with a system which fetches PoV
s only when
actually necessary.
TODO: figure out more precisely the current status and plans; write them up
Therefore, we'll follow the SignedStatement
. The StatementDistribution
subsystem is largely concerned with implementing a gossip protocol:
But who are these Listener
s who've asked to be notified about incoming
s? Nobody, as yet.
Let's pick back up with the PoV Distribution subsystem.
Unlike in the case of StatementDistribution
, there is another subsystem which
in various circumstances already registers a listener to be notified when a new
arrives: CandidateBacking
. Note that this is the second time that
has gotten involved. The first instance was from the
perspective of the validator choosing to second a candidate via its
subsystem. This time, it's from the perspective of some
other validator, being informed that this foreign PoV
has been received.
At this point, things have gone a bit nonlinear. Let's pick up the thread again
with BitfieldSigning
. As the Overseer
activates each relay parent, it starts
a BitfieldSigningJob
which operates on an extremely simple metric: after
creation, it immediately goes to sleep for 1.5 seconds. On waking, it records
the state of the world pertaining to availability at that moment.
is, like the other *Distribution
subsystems, primarily
interested in implementing a peer-to-peer gossip network propagating its
particular messages. However, it also serves as an essential relay passing the
message along.
We've now seen the message flow to the Provisioner
: both CandidateBacking
and BitfieldDistribution
contribute provisionable data. Now, let's look at
that subsystem.
Much like the BitfieldSigning
subsystem, the Provisioner
creates a new job
for each newly-activated leaf, and starts a timer. Unlike BitfieldSigning
, we
won't depict that part of the process, because the Provisioner
also has other
things going on.
In principle, any arbitrary subsystem could send a RequestInherentData
to the
. In practice, only the ParachainsInherentDataProvider
does so.
The tuple (SignedAvailabilityBitfields, BackedCandidates, ParentHeader)
injected by the ParachainsInherentDataProvider
into the inherent data. From
that point on, control passes from the node to the runtime.