Inclusion Pallet

NOTE: This module has suffered changes for the elastic scaling implementation. As a result, parts of this document may be out of date and will be updated at a later time. Issue tracking the update:

The inclusion module is responsible for inclusion and availability of scheduled parachains. It also manages the UMP dispatch queue of each parachain.


Helper structs:

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { struct AvailabilityBitfield { bitfield: BitVec, // one bit per core. submitted_at: BlockNumber, // for accounting, as meaning of bits may change over time. } struct CandidatePendingAvailability { core: CoreIndex, // availability core hash: CandidateHash, descriptor: CandidateDescriptor, availability_votes: Bitfield, // one bit per validator. relay_parent_number: BlockNumber, // number of the relay-parent. backers: Bitfield, // one bit per validator, set for those who backed the candidate. backed_in_number: BlockNumber, backing_group: GroupIndex, } }

Storage Layout:

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { /// The latest bitfield for each validator, referred to by index. bitfields: map ValidatorIndex => AvailabilityBitfield; /// Candidates pending availability. PendingAvailability: map ParaId => CandidatePendingAvailability; /// The commitments of candidates pending availability, by ParaId. PendingAvailabilityCommitments: map ParaId => CandidateCommitments; }

Config Dependencies

  • MessageQueue: The message queue provides general queueing and processing functionality. Currently it replaces the old UMP dispatch queue. Other use-cases can be implemented as well by adding new variants to AggregateMessageOrigin. Normally it should be set to an instance of the MessageQueue pallet.

Session Change

  1. Clear out all candidates pending availability.
  2. Clear out all validator bitfields.


  1. The UMP queue of all outgoing paras can be "swept". This would prevent the dispatch queue from automatically being serviced. It is a consideration for the chain and specific behaviour is not defined.


No initialization routine runs for this module. However, the initialization of the MessageQueue pallet will attempt to process any pending UMP messages.


All failed checks should lead to an unrecoverable error making the block invalid.

  • process_bitfields(expected_bits, Bitfields, core_lookup: Fn(CoreIndex) -> Option<ParaId>):

    1. Call sanitize_bitfields<true> and use the sanitized signed_bitfields from now on.
    2. Call sanitize_backed_candidates<true> and use the sanitized backed_candidates from now on.
    3. Apply each bit of bitfield to the corresponding pending candidate, looking up on-demand parachain cores using the core_lookup. Disregard bitfields that have a 1 bit for any free cores.
    4. For each applied bit of each availability-bitfield, set the bit for the validator in the CandidatePendingAvailability's availability_votes bitfield. Track all candidates that now have >2/3 of bits set in their availability_votes. These candidates are now available and can be enacted.
    5. For all now-available candidates, invoke the enact_candidate routine with the candidate and relay-parent number.
    6. Return a list of (CoreIndex, CandidateHash) from freed cores consisting of the cores where candidates have become available.
  • sanitize_bitfields<T: crate::inclusion::Config>( unchecked_bitfields: UncheckedSignedAvailabilityBitfields, disputed_bitfield: DisputedBitfield, expected_bits: usize, parent_hash: T::Hash, session_index: SessionIndex, validators: &[ValidatorId], full_check: FullCheck, ):

    1. check that disputed_bitfield has the same number of bits as the expected_bits, iff not return early with an empty vec.
    2. each of the below checks is for each bitfield. If a check does not pass the bitfield will be skipped.
    3. check that there are no bits set that reference a disputed candidate.
    4. check that the number of bits is equal to expected_bits.
    5. check that the validator index is strictly increasing (and thus also unique).
    6. check that the validator bit index is not out of bounds.
    7. check the validators signature, iff full_check=FullCheck::Yes.
  • sanitize_backed_candidates<T: crate::inclusion::Config, F: FnMut(usize, &BackedCandidate<T::Hash>) -> bool>( mut backed_candidates: Vec<BackedCandidate<T::Hash>>, candidate_has_concluded_invalid_dispute: F, scheduled: &[CoreAssignment], )

    1. filter out any backed candidates that have concluded invalid.
    2. filters backed candidates whom's paraid was scheduled by means of the provided scheduled parameter.
    3. sorts remaining candidates with respect to the core index assigned to them.
  • process_candidates(allowed_relay_parents, BackedCandidates, scheduled: Vec<CoreAssignment>, group_validators: Fn(GroupIndex) -> Option<Vec<ValidatorIndex>>):

    For details on AllowedRelayParentsTracker see documentation for Shared module.

    1. check that each candidate corresponds to a scheduled core and that they are ordered in the same order the cores appear in assignments in scheduled.
    2. check that scheduled is sorted ascending by CoreIndex, without duplicates.
    3. check that the relay-parent from each candidate receipt is one of the allowed relay-parents.
    4. check that there is no candidate pending availability for any scheduled ParaId.
    5. check that each candidate's validation_data_hash corresponds to a PersistedValidationData computed from the state of the context block.
    6. If the core assignment includes a specific collator, ensure the backed candidate is issued by that collator.
    7. Ensure that any code upgrade scheduled by the candidate does not happen within config.validation_upgrade_cooldown of Paras::last_code_upgrade(para_id, true), if any, comparing against the value of Paras::FutureCodeUpgrades for the given para ID.
    8. Check the collator's signature on the candidate data (only if CandidateDescriptor is version 1)
    9. check the backing of the candidate using the signatures and the bitfields, comparing against the validators assigned to the groups, fetched with the group_validators lookup, while group indices are computed by Scheduler according to group rotation info.
    10. call check_upward_messages(config, para, commitments.upward_messages) to check that the upward messages are valid.
    11. call Dmp::check_processed_downward_messages(para, commitments.processed_downward_messages) to check that the DMQ is properly drained.
    12. call Hrmp::check_hrmp_watermark(para, commitments.hrmp_watermark) for each candidate to check rules of processing the HRMP watermark.
    13. using Hrmp::check_outbound_hrmp(sender, commitments.horizontal_messages) ensure that the each candidate sent a valid set of horizontal messages
    14. create an entry in the PendingAvailability map for each backed candidate with a blank availability_votes bitfield.
    15. create a corresponding entry in the PendingAvailabilityCommitments with the commitments.
    16. Return a Vec<CoreIndex> of all scheduled cores of the list of passed assignments that a candidate was successfully backed for, sorted ascending by CoreIndex.
  • enact_candidate(relay_parent_number: BlockNumber, CommittedCandidateReceipt):

    1. If the receipt contains a code upgrade, Call Paras::schedule_code_upgrade(para_id, code, relay_parent_number, config).

    TODO: Note that this is safe as long as we never enact candidates where the relay parent is across a session boundary. In that case, which we should be careful to avoid with contextual execution, the configuration might have changed and the para may de-sync from the host's understanding of it.

    1. Reward all backing validators of each candidate, contained within the backers field.
    2. call receive_upward_messages for each backed candidate, using the UpwardMessages from the CandidateCommitments.
    3. call Dmp::prune_dmq with the para id of the candidate and the candidate's processed_downward_messages.
    4. call Hrmp::prune_hrmp with the para id of the candidate and the candidate's hrmp_watermark.
    5. call Hrmp::queue_outbound_hrmp with the para id of the candidate and the list of horizontal messages taken from the commitment,
    6. Call Paras::note_new_head using the HeadData from the receipt and relay_parent_number.
  • collect_pending:

    #![allow(unused)] fn main() { fn collect_pending(f: impl Fn(CoreIndex, BlockNumber) -> bool) -> Vec<CoreIndex> { // sweep through all paras pending availability. if the predicate returns true, when given the core index and // the block number the candidate has been pending availability since, then clean up the corresponding storage for that candidate and the commitments. // return a vector of cleaned-up core IDs. } }
  • force_enact(ParaId): Forcibly enact the pending candidates of the given paraid as though they had been deemed available by bitfields. Is a no-op if there is no candidate pending availability for this para-id. If there are multiple candidates pending availability for this para-id, it will enact all of them. This should generally not be used but it is useful during execution of Runtime APIs, where the changes to the state are expected to be discarded directly after.

  • candidate_pending_availability(ParaId) -> Option<CommittedCandidateReceipt>: returns the CommittedCandidateReceipt pending availability for the para provided, if any.

  • candidates_pending_availability(ParaId) -> Vec<CommittedCandidateReceipt>: returns the CommittedCandidateReceipts pending availability for the para provided, if any.

  • pending_availability(ParaId) -> Option<CandidatePendingAvailability>: returns the metadata around the candidate pending availability for the para, if any.

  • free_disputed(disputed: Vec<CandidateHash>) -> Vec<CoreIndex>: Sweeps through all paras pending availability. If the candidate hash is one of the disputed candidates, then clean up the corresponding storage for that candidate and the commitments. Return a vector of cleaned-up core IDs.

These functions were formerly part of the UMP pallet:

  • check_upward_messages(P: ParaId, Vec<UpwardMessage>):
    1. Checks that the parachain is not currently offboarding and error otherwise.
    2. Checks that there are at most config.max_upward_message_num_per_candidate messages to be enqueued.
    3. Checks that no message exceeds config.max_upward_message_size.
    4. Checks that the total resulting queue size would not exceed co.
    5. Verify that queuing up the messages could not result in exceeding the queue's footprint according to the config items config.max_upward_queue_count and config.max_upward_queue_size. The queue's current footprint is provided in well_known_keys in order to facilitate oraclisation on to the para.

Candidate Enactment:

  • receive_upward_messages(P: ParaId, Vec<UpwardMessage>):
    1. Process each upward message M in order:
      1. Place in the dispatch queue according to its para ID (or handle it immediately).
Last change: 2025-03-07, commit: 6b98064