
The convert command is a CLI command designed to help users convert their a Polkadot Launch configuration to the Zombienet configuration format. This tool is especially helpful for developers to migrate their projects to to Zombienet, without the need to manually rewrite their configurations.


zombienet convert <INPUT_FILE>

Note: Where <INPUT_FILE> is a Polkadot Launch configuration with a .js or .json extension defined by this type


Suppose you have a Polkadot Launch configuration file named my-project-config.json. To convert it to a Zombienet configuration file named my-project-config-zombienet.json, run:

zombienet convert my-project-config.json


  • The convert command will attempt to preserve as much information as possible from the original Polkadot Launch configuration file. However, due to the differences in the configuration structure and options between the two systems, some manual adjustments may be necessary after the conversion.
  • It is recommended to thoroughly review the generated Zombienet configuration file to ensure that all the settings are correct and to make any necessary adjustments before using it to deploy your project.