Network definition spec

NOTE: Final config spec is TBD, check examples for use cases.

The network config can be provided both in json or toml format and each section can contain provider specific keys that are ignored by others, e.g. when you use the native provider all references to image/s for nodes are ignored.


  • bootnode: (Boolean, default true) add bootnode to network.
  • timeout: (number) global timeout to use for spawning the whole network.
  • provider: (String, default kubernetes) Provider to use (e.g kubernetes, podman).
  • backchannel: (Boolean, default false) Deploy an instance of backchannel server. Only available on kubernetes.
  • polkadot_introspector: (Boolean, default false) Deploy an instance of polkadot-introspector, only available on podman and kubernetes.
  • jaeger_agent: (String) The jaeger agent endpoint passed to the nodes, only available on kubernetes.
  • enable_tracing: (Boolean, default true) Enable the tracing system, only available on kubernetes.
  • tracing_collator_url: (String) The url of the tracing collator used to query by the tracing assertion (Should be tempo query compatible).
  • tracing_collator_service_name: (String, default tempo-tempo-distributed-query-frontend) service name for tempo query frontend, only available on kubernetes.
  • tracing_collator_service_namespace: (String, default tempo) namespace where tempo is running, only available on kubernetes.
  • tracing_collator_service_port: (Number, default 3100) port of the query instance of tempo, only available on kubernetes.
  • node_spawn_timeout: (Number, default per provider) timeout to spawn pod/process.
  • local_ip: (String, default "") ip used for expose local services (rpc/metrics/monitors).
  • node_verifier: (String, "None" or "Metric"), Allow to manage how we verify node readiness or disable (None). The default value is Metric.


  • default_command: (String, default polkadot) The default command to run.
  • default_image : (String, default polkadot-debug:master) The default image to use for the nodes of the relaychain.
  • chain: (String, default rococo-local) The chain name.
  • chain_spec_path: (String) Path to the chain spec file, NOTE should be the plain version to allow customizations.
  • chain_spec_command: (String) Command to generate the chain spec, NOTE can't be used in combination with chain_spec_path.
  • default_args: (Array of strings) An array of arguments to use as default to pass to the command.
  • default_substrate_cli_args_version: (0|1|2) Allow to set the substrate cli args version (see: By default zombienet will evaluate your binary and set the correct version, but that produces a small overhead that could be skipped if you set directly with this key.
  • default_overrides: (Array of objects) An array of overrides to upload to the nodes, objects with:
    • local_path: string.
    • remote_name: string.
  • default_resources: (Object) Only available in kubernetes, represent the resources limits/reservations needed by the nodes by default.
  • default_prometheus_prefix: A parameter for customizing the metric's prefix. If parameter is placed in relaychain level, it will be "passed" to all relaychain nodes. Defaults to 'substrate'.
  • random_nominators_count: (number, optional), if is set and the stacking pallet is enabled zombienet will generate x nominators and will be injected in the genesis.
  • max_nominations: (number, default 24), the max allowed number of nominations by a nominator. This should match the value set in the runtime (e.g Kusama is 24 and Polkadot 16).
  • nodes:
    • *name: (String) Name of the node. Note: Any whitespace in the name will be replaced with a dash (e.g 'new alice' -> 'new-alice').
    • image: (String) Override default docker image to use for this node.
    • command: (String) Override default command.
    • command_with_args: (String) Override default command and args.
    • args: (Array of strings) Arguments to be passed to the command.
    • substrate_cli_args_version: (0|1|2) By default zombienet will evaluate your binary and set the correct version, but that produces a small overhead that could be skipped if you set directly with this key.
    • validator: (Boolean, default true) Pass the --validator flag to the command.
    • invulnerable: (Boolean, default false) If true, the node will be added to invulnerables in the chain spec.
    • balance: (number, default 2000000000000) Balance to set in balances for node's account.
    • env: Array of env vars Object to set in the container.
      • name: (String) name of the env var.
      • value: (String| number) Value of the env var.
    • bootnodes: Array of bootnodes to use.
    • overrides: Array of overrides definitions.
    • add_to_bootnodes: (Boolean, default false) Add this node to the bootnode list.
    • resources: (Object) Only available in kubernetes, represent the resources limits/reservations needed by the node.
    • ws_port: (number), WS port to use.
    • rpc_port: (number) RPC port to use.
    • prometheus_port: (number) Prometheus port to use.
    • prometheus_prefix: A parameter for customizing the metric's prefix for the specific node. Will apply only to this node; Defaults to 'substrate'.
    • keystore_key_types: Defines which keystore keys should be created, for more details checkout details below.
  • node_groups:
    • *name: (String) Group name, used for naming the nodes (e.g name-1) Note: Any whitespace in the name will be replaced with a dash (e.g 'new group' -> 'new-group').
    • *count (Number), Number of nodes to launch for this group.
    • image: (String) Override default docker image to use for this node.
    • command: (String) Override default command.
    • args: (Array of strings) Arguments to be passed to the command.
    • env: Array of env vars Object to set in the container.
      • name: (String) name of the env var.
      • value: (String| number) Value of the env var.
    • overrides: Array of overrides definitions.
    • prometheus_prefix: A parameter for customizing the metric's prefix for the specific node. Will apply to all the nodes of the group; Defaults to 'substrate'.
    • resources: (Object) Only available in kubernetes, represent the resources limits/reservations needed by the node.
    • substrate_cli_args_version: (0|1|2) By default zombienet will evaluate your binary and set the correct version, but that produces a small overhead that could be skipped if you set directly with this key.


  • parachains Array of parachain definition objects

    • *id: (Number) The id to assign to this parachain. Must be unique.

    • add_to_genesis: (Boolean, default true) flag to add parachain to genesis or register in runtime.

    • cumulus_based: (Boolean, default true) flag to use cumulus command generation.

    • genesis_wasm_path: (String) Path to the wasm file to use.

    • genesis_wasm_generator: (String) Command to generate the wasm file.

    • genesis_state_path: (String) Path to the state file to use.

    • genesis_state_generator: (String) Command to generate the state file.

    • prometheus_prefix: A parameter for customizing the metric's prefix for the specific node. Will apply only to all parachain nodes/collators; Defaults to 'substrate'.

    • collator:

      • *name: (String) Name of the collator. Note: Any whitespace in the name will be replaced with a dash (e.g 'new alice' -> 'new-alice').
      • image: (String) Image to use.
      • command: (String, default polkadot-parachain) Command to run.
      • args: (Array of strings) An array of arguments to use as default to pass to the command.
      • packages/orchestrator/src/providers/k8s/index.ts: (0|1) By default zombienet will evaluate your binary and set the correct version, but that produces a small overhead that could be skipped if you set directly with this key.
      • command_with_args: (String) Overrides command and args.
      • env: Array of env vars Object to set in the container.
        • name: (String) name of the env var.
        • value: (String| number) Value of the env var.
      • keystore_key_types: Defines which keystore keys should be created, for more details checkout details below.
    • collator_groups:

      • *name: (String) Name of the collator. Note: Any whitespace in the name will be replaced with a dash (e.g 'new alice' -> 'new-alice').
      • *count: (Number) Number of collators to launch for this group.
      • image: (String) Image to use.
      • command: (String, default polkadot-parachain) Command to run.
      • args: (Array of strings) An array of arguments to use as default to pass to the command.
      • command_with_args: (String) Overrides command and args.
      • env: Array of env vars Object to set in the container.
        • name: (String) name of the env var.
        • value: (String| number) Value of the env var.
        • substrate_cli_args_version: (0|1|2) By default zombienet will evaluate your binary and set the correct version, but that produces a small overhead that could be skipped if you set directly with this key.
    • onboard_as_parachain: (Boolean, default true) flag to specify whether the para should be onboarded as a parachain or stay a parathread

    • register_para: (Boolean, default true) flag to specify whether the para should be registered. The add_to_genesis flag must be set to false for this flag to have any effect.

hrmp_channels: (Array of objects)

  • sender: (Number) parachain Id.
  • recipient: (Number) parachain Id.
  • max_capacity: (Number)
  • max_message_size: (Number)


  • Object to use as user defined types with the js api.


  • There are 2 ways to specify key, values that don't respect below format will be ignored:

    • short: audi - creates audi key type that defaults to predefined schema, it predefined schema for given key type doesn't exist it is ignored
    • long: audi_sr - creates audi key type with sr schema
  • Schemas: ed, ec, sr

  • Predefined key type schemas:

    • aura - sr if statemint or asset hub polkadot parachain, otherwise ed
    • babe - sr
    • imon - sr
    • gran - ed
    • audi - sr
    • asgn - sr
    • para - sr
    • beef - ec
    • nmbs - sr
    • rand - sr
    • rate - ed
    • acco - sr
    • bcsv - sr
    • ftsv - ed