
This command will help you to easily download latest artifacts and make them executable in order to use them with zombienet

Download and install needed artifacts

For easier and faster setup of local environment, you can run:

❯ zombienet setup

Setup is meant for downloading and making everything ready for dev environment of ZombieNet;

You can use the following arguments:
  binaries    the binaries that you want to be downloaded, provided in a row without any separators;
              They are downloaded in current directory and appropriate executable permissions are assigned.
              Possible options: 'polkadot', 'polkadot-parachain'
              > zombienet setup polkadot polkadot-parachain

Script above will retrieve the binaries provided and try to download and prepare those binaries for usage. At the end of the download, script will provide a command to run in your local environment in order to add the directory where the binaries were downloaded in your $PATH var:


Please add the dir to your $PATH by running the command: export PATH=/home/<user>/<current_directory>/dist:$PATH

Command example (Linux):

➜ zombienet setup polkadot polkadot-parachain

Output example (Linux):

Setup will start to download binaries:
- polkadot 	 Approx. size  113  MB
- polkadot-parachain 	 Approx. size  120  MB
Total approx. size:  233 MB
Do you want to continue? (y/n)y

Start download...

-> downloading [========================================] 100% 0.0s
Binary "polkadot-parachain" downloaded
Giving permissions to "polkadot-parachain"
-> downloading [========================================] 100% 0.0s
Binary "polkadot" downloaded
Giving permissions to "polkadot"
Please add the dir to your $PATH by running the command:
 export PATH=/home/<username>/zombienet/dist:$PATH

Note for MacOs users: As of the time of this writing, polkadot binary is not currently supported for MacOs. As a result users of MacOS need to clone the Polkadot repo,create a release and add it in your PATH manually (setup will advice you so as well).