
ZombieNet releases are available in github. Each release provides executables for both linux and macos created with pkg and allows running zombienet cli without having Node.js installed. But each provider define its own requirements (e.g. k8s, podman).

Using Binaries on MacOS

After you have downloaded zombienet-macos-arm64 or zombienet-macos-x64, you will need to:

  • Move the binary to your working directory.
  • Rename the binary to just zombienet without any macos-<version> extension for convenience.
  • Enable the binary to be executable:
    chmod +x ./zombienet
  • Remove the binary from quarantine:
    xattr -d ./zombienet

Then you should be able to access the binary:

./zombienet help

Using NPM

If you have Node.js, you can install zombienet locally via NPM:

npm i @zombienet/cli@latest -g

Then you should be able to access the zombienet command:

zombienet help

Using Nix

Nix is a package manager which is available for both linux and macos.

The ZombieNet repository provides a flake.nix file, which can be used if you have nix flakes enabled. (e.g. experimental-features = nix-command flakes is in ~/.config/nix/nix.conf). Use the flake reference github:paritytech/zombienet for the latest on main, or github:paritytech/zombienet/<tag> for a particular revision.

One way of using the nix flake is to use nix run. e.g. this command fetches the latest from main and builds zombienet:

nix run github:paritytech/zombienet -- spawn config.toml

Or a particular release can be specified. e.g. to run v1.3.40, use:

nix run github:paritytech/zombienet/v1.3.40 -- spawn config.toml

Another option is to add the zombienet binary to the PATH for the current shell. This can be done with:

nix shell github:paritytech/zombienet/v1.3.40