Custom Chain

This section will explain what is required to build a custom chain spec for your own dev network.

Create Chain Spec

Create a non-raw chainspec for your network with:

./binary build-spec –chain chain-name --disable-default-bootnode > custom-chainspec.json

Important Fields:

NameName of the network
idId of network, also used for the filesystem path
bootNodesList of multiaddr’s of bootnodes for the network
telemetryEndpointsList of telemetry endpoints to contact by default
staking.stakersList of initial validators
session.keysList of initial session keys for validators

Once the values have been updated this chainspec should be converted in raw format using the command:

polkadot  build-spec –chain custom-chainspec.json –raw > custom-chainspec-raw.json

Inject initial validator keys

There are two main ways to inject the initial validator keys:


Example to insert one ed25519 and one sr25519 key.

polkadot key insert -d <my_chain_folder> --key-type gran --scheme ed25519 --suri <my_key_suri>
polkadot key insert -d <my_chain_folder> --key-type babe --scheme sr25519 --suri <my_key_suri>


Example to inject key via RPC, edit the KEY_TYPE sand KEY_SEED:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"author_insertKey", "params":["'"${KEY_TYPE}"'", "'"${KEY_SEED}"'"],"id":1 }' http://localhost:9933

Last change: 2024-03-29, commit: 937fd62