
Below is an example that is similar to the helmfile example. It will deploy two rococo-local relaychain validators and two parachains statemint-dev and contracts-rococo-dev and also HRMP channels between parachains 1000 and 1002.

More Information

For more information see the Zombienet manual. For more examples see the Zombienet examples in the Zombienet repo.


  • Clone the zombienet repo: git@github.com:paritytech/zombienet.git

  • Build zombienet using: npm install && npm run build

  • Create a new config file based on the zombienet_example config

  • Deploy this to k8s using the command: node cli/dist.js spawn path/configfile.yaml


default_image = "docker.io/paritypr/polkadot-debug:master"
default_command = "polkadot"
default_args = [ "-lparachain=debug" ]

chain = "rococo-local"

  name = "alice"
  validator = true

  name = "bob"
  validator = true

id = 1000
cumulus_based = true
chain = "statemint-dev"

  name = "statemint-collator"
  image = "docker.io/parity/polkadot-parachain:latest"
  command = "polkadot-parachain"
  args = ["-lparachain=debug"]

id = 1002
cumulus_based = true
chain = "contracts-rococo-dev"

  name = "contracts-collator"
  image = "docker.io/parity/polkadot-parachain:latest"
  command = "polkadot-parachain"
  args = ["-lparachain=debug"]

sender = 1000
recipient = 1002
maxCapacity = 4
maxMessageSize = 512

sender = 1002
recipient = 1000
maxCapacity = 4
maxMessageSize = 512
Last change: 2024-03-29, commit: 937fd62