Infrastructure Tooling

This section is for listing some useful projects and tools that are relevant for node operators and developers. A community maintained Awesome Substrate is a more detailed general list.


ZombienetA great tool for deploying test setups. Providers include native, Podman and Kubernetes. Also supports running automated tests against these networks
smart benchSmart contracts benchmarking on Substrate


polkadot-js frontendGitHub repo for [] - commonly used application for interacting with substrate and polkadot based chains
Staking DashboardA sleek staking dashboard using react and the polkadot-js library
contracts-uiWeb application for deploying Wasm smart contracts on Substrate chains that include the FRAME contracts pallet
Example polkadot-js-bundleUse polkadot JavaScript bundles to write custom frontends

Indexing Chain Data

Substrate archiveBlockchain indexing engine using PostgreSQL
SubsquidBlockchain indexing engine using GraphQL
SubQueryOpen source GraphQL indexing of any Substrate network (including EVM and WASM smart contract data) directly from the RPC node. SubQuery does not require any preprocessed data making it suitable for fast changing testnets

CLI Utilities

SubkeyUsed for generating and restoring keys. Works with multiple networks and key schemes
polkadot-js-toolsA very flexible utility for executing API calls or running queries.
SubxtSubmits extrinsics via RPC
Last change: 2024-03-29, commit: 937fd62