Polkadot Js Tools

Polkadot Js Tools is an amazing tool for interacting with substrate based chains.

A full list of possible rpc calls and extrinsics are available from the polkadot js docs page.


  • api-cli A cli tool to allow you to make API calls to any running node

  • json-serve A server that serves JSON outputs for specific queries

  • monitor-rpc A simple monitoring interface that checks the health of a remote node via RPC

  • signer-cli A cli tool that allows you to generate transactions in one terminal and sign them in another terminal (or computer)

  • vanitygen Generate vanity addresses, matching some pattern



  • Clone repo: git clone https://github.com/polkadot-js/tools.git

  • Install dependencies and build: yarn install && yarn build

Example Chain Queries

Display block information (parent hash, block number, state root etc..) for last block:

yarn run:api query.chain.getHeader

Get the balance for the account //Alice:

yarn run:api query.system.account 15oF4uVJwmo4TdGW7VfQxNLavjCXviqxT9S1MgbjMNHr6Sp5

Display all RPC methods available:

yarn run:api rpc.rpc.methods

Example Chain Transactions/Extrinsics

Simple transfer of 1 unit //Alice to //Bob on the same chain. Using --seed as the sender for signing the transactions:

yarn run:api tx.balances.transfer 5FHneW46xGXgs5mUiveU4sbTyGBzmstUspZC92UhjJM694ty 10000000000 --seed "//Alice"

Transfer 1.23 units from //Alice on the relay chain to //Charlie on the parachain 1000:

yarn run:api tx.xcmPallet.limitedTeleportAssets '{"v1":{"parents":0,"interior":{"x1":{"parachain":1000}}}}' '{"v1":{"parents":0,"interior":{"x1":{"AccountId32": {"id": "0x90b5ab205c6974c9ea841be688864633dc9ca8a357843eeacf2314649965fe22", "network": "Any"}}}}}' '{"v1": [ {"id": { "Concrete": {"parents":0, "interior":"Here" }}, "Fun": { "Fungible": "12300000000"}}]}'  0 Unlimited  --seed "//Alice"
Last change: 2024-03-29, commit: 937fd62