Crate polkadot_service

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Polkadot service. Specialized wrapper over substrate service.







  • The authority discovery api.
  • Provides access to an auxiliary database.
  • API necessary for block authorship with BABE.
  • Client backend.
  • Block import trait.
  • Something which fulfills the abstract idea of a Substrate block. It has types for Extrinsic pieces of information as well as a Header.
  • Method call executor.
  • Common interface of a chain specification.
  • Something that can be constructed to a runtime api.
  • The Core runtime api that every Substrate runtime needs to implement.
  • This runtime API is only implemented for the test runtime!
  • Blockchain database header backend. Does not perform any validation.
  • Handles header metadata: hash, number, parent hash, etc.
  • Provides the header and block number for a hash.
  • Decoupling the provider.
  • Something which fulfills the abstract idea of a Substrate header. It has types for a Number, a Hash and a Hashing. It provides access to an extrinsics_root, state_root and parent_hash, as well as a digest and a block number.
  • Can be called for a Configuration to identify which network the configuration targets.
  • Delegate for dispatching a CodeExecutor call.
  • The API for querying the state of parachains on-chain.
  • Something that provides a runtime api.
  • The SelectChain trait defines the strategy upon which the head is chosen if multiple forks are present for an opaque definition of “best” in the specific chain build.


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