
Crate substrate_relay_helper

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The library of substrate relay. contains some public codes to provide to substrate relay.


  • Deal with CLI args of substrate-to-substrate relay.
  • Types and functions intended to ease adding of new Substrate -> Substrate equivocation detection pipelines.
  • Relay errors.
  • Types and functions intended to ease adding of new Substrate -> Substrate finality proofs synchronization pipelines.
  • Types and functions intended to ease adding of new Substrate -> Substrate finality pipelines.
  • Tools for supporting message lanes between two Substrate-based chains.
  • Types and functions intended to ease adding of new Substrate -> Substrate on-demand pipelines.
  • Types and functions intended to ease adding of new Substrate -> Substrate parachain finality proofs synchronization pipelines.
  • Module for handling storage proofs compatibility.


  • Create chain-specific set of configuration objects: connection parameters, signing parameters and bridge initialization parameters.
  • Create chain-specific set of runtime version parameters.
  • Create chain-specific set of runtime version parameters.
  • Create chain-specific set of signing parameters.
  • Create set of configuration objects specific to parachain-to-parachain relayer.
  • Create set of configuration objects specific to relay-to-parachain relayer.
  • Macro that generates ReceiveMessagesDeliveryProofCallBuilder implementation for the case when you only have an access to the mocked version of source chain runtime. In this case you should provide “name” of the call variant for the bridge messages calls and the “name” of the variant for the receive_messages_delivery_proof call within that first option.
  • Macro that generates ReceiveMessagesProofCallBuilder implementation for the case when you only have an access to the mocked version of target chain runtime. In this case you should provide “name” of the call variant for the bridge messages calls and the “name” of the variant for the receive_messages_proof call within that first option.
  • Macro that generates ReportEquivocationCallBuilder implementation for the case where we only have access to the mocked version of the source chain runtime.
  • Macro that generates SubmitFinalityProofCallBuilder implementation for the case when you only have an access to the mocked version of target chain runtime. In this case you should provide “name” of the call variant for the bridge GRANDPA calls and the “name” of the variant for the submit_finality_proof call within that first option.
  • Macro that generates SubmitFinalityProofCallBuilder implementation for the case when you only have an access to the mocked version of target chain runtime. In this case you should provide “name” of the call variant for the bridge GRANDPA calls and the “name” of the variant for the submit_finality_proof_ex call within that first option.


