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// This file is part of Substrate.
// Copyright (C) Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
//! Substrate genesis config builder
//! For FRAME based runtimes, this runtime interface provides means to interact with
//! `RuntimeGenesisConfig`. Runtime provides a default `RuntimeGenesisConfig` structure in a form of
//! the JSON blob.
//! For non-FRAME runtimes this interface is intended to build genesis state of the runtime basing
//! on some input arbitrary bytes array. This documentation uses term `RuntimeGenesisConfig`, which
//! for non-FRAME runtimes may be understood as the runtime-side entity representing initial runtime
//! configuration. The representation of the preset is an arbitrary `Vec<u8>` and does not
//! necessarily have to represent a JSON blob.
//! The runtime may provide a number of partial predefined `RuntimeGenesisConfig` configurations in
//! the form of patches which shall be applied on top of the default `RuntimeGenesisConfig`. The
//! patch is a JSON blob, which essentially comprises the list of key-value pairs that are to be
//! customized in the default runtime genesis config. These predefined configurations are referred
//! to as presets.
//! This allows the runtime to provide a number of predefined configs (e.g. for different
//! testnets or development) without neccessity to leak the runtime types outside the itself (e.g.
//! node or chain-spec related tools).
//! This Runtime API allows to interact with `RuntimeGenesisConfig`, in particular:
//! - provide the list of available preset names,
//! - provide a number of named presets of `RuntimeGenesisConfig`,
//! - provide a JSON represention of the default `RuntimeGenesisConfig` (by simply serializing the
//! default `RuntimeGenesisConfig` struct into JSON format),
//! - deserialize the full `RuntimeGenesisConfig` from given JSON blob and put the resulting
//! `RuntimeGenesisConfig` structure into the state storage creating the initial runtime's state.
//! Allows to build customized genesis. This operation internally calls `GenesisBuild::build`
//! function for all runtime pallets.
//! Providing externalities with an empty storage and putting `RuntimeGenesisConfig` into storage
//! (by calling `build_state`) allows to construct the raw storage of `RuntimeGenesisConfig`
//! which is the foundation for genesis block.
extern crate alloc;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
/// The result type alias, used in build methods. `Err` contains formatted error message.
pub type Result = core::result::Result<(), sp_runtime::RuntimeString>;
/// The type representing preset ID.
pub type PresetId = sp_runtime::RuntimeString;
/// The default `development` preset used to communicate with the runtime via
/// [`GenesisBuilder`] interface.
/// (Recommended for testing with a single node, e.g., for benchmarking)
pub const DEV_RUNTIME_PRESET: &'static str = "development";
/// The default `local_testnet` preset used to communicate with the runtime via
/// [`GenesisBuilder`] interface.
/// (Recommended for local testing with multiple nodes)
pub const LOCAL_TESTNET_RUNTIME_PRESET: &'static str = "local_testnet";
sp_api::decl_runtime_apis! {
/// API to interact with RuntimeGenesisConfig for the runtime
pub trait GenesisBuilder {
/// Build `RuntimeGenesisConfig` from a JSON blob not using any defaults and store it in the
/// storage.
/// In the case of a FRAME-based runtime, this function deserializes the full `RuntimeGenesisConfig` from the given JSON blob and
/// puts it into the storage. If the provided JSON blob is incorrect or incomplete or the
/// deserialization fails, an error is returned.
/// Please note that provided JSON blob must contain all `RuntimeGenesisConfig` fields, no
/// defaults will be used.
fn build_state(json: Vec<u8>) -> Result;
/// Returns a JSON blob representation of the built-in `RuntimeGenesisConfig` identified by
/// `id`.
/// If `id` is `None` the function returns JSON blob representation of the default
/// `RuntimeGenesisConfig` struct of the runtime. Implementation must provide default
/// `RuntimeGenesisConfig`.
/// Otherwise function returns a JSON representation of the built-in, named
/// `RuntimeGenesisConfig` preset identified by `id`, or `None` if such preset does not
/// exist. Returned `Vec<u8>` contains bytes of JSON blob (patch) which comprises a list of
/// (potentially nested) key-value pairs that are intended for customizing the default
/// runtime genesis config. The patch shall be merged (rfc7386) with the JSON representation
/// of the default `RuntimeGenesisConfig` to create a comprehensive genesis config that can
/// be used in `build_state` method.
fn get_preset(id: &Option<PresetId>) -> Option<Vec<u8>>;
/// Returns a list of identifiers for available builtin `RuntimeGenesisConfig` presets.
/// The presets from the list can be queried with [`GenesisBuilder::get_preset`] method. If
/// no named presets are provided by the runtime the list is empty.
fn preset_names() -> Vec<PresetId>;